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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Blackhole Immersive – Reaper Routing Reply To: Blackhole Immersive – Reaper Routing

Eventide Staff

    Hi Smuff, unfortunately Reaper just specifies the channel count, not the layout, so we don’t have a way of knowing whether we’re getting 5.1.2 vs 7.1 (or 7.1.2 vs 5.1.4).  Reaper also only provides even-numbered groupings, so formats like 5.0 and 7.0 are not available.  Hopefully this will change soon as it’s my preferred DAW, too.

    Though the meters and gain sliders are laid out visually L/C/R, the plugin’s output will be L/R/C.  You can confirm this via the following:

    1. Set the plugin to 8 in/8 out
    2. Set Crossfeed to 0%.
    3. Add an instance of JS Pink Noise in front of Blackhole Immersive, and set it to have 8 outputs.
    4. Route the “left output” column of the Plugin Pin Connector for the pink noise to “track channel 2”.  You should see the metering for “R” illuminate.
    5. Disconnect the connection from the previous step, then route the “left output” column of the Plugin Pin Connector for the pink noise to “track channel 3”.  You should see the metering for “C” illuminate.

    Please let us know if that is not the case.