1 question before an order (7600 or 8000FW ?)

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    • #105639

      hi, i will buy an h7600 or an h8000fw next week, and id like to know if theres something impossible to do with the 7600, i mean something that i could do with the h8000, like a special kind of preset, a big reverb etc…
      Im only interested in stereo processing, for real time gigs (kind of Robert Fripp loops etc). So, is there an advantage in buying a 8000fw instead of a 7600, for a "simple" player like me ?
      Thank you .

    • #117496


      you should go for an H8000Fw, not only because Fripp uses 2 of them….but also because you gat over 4 minutes looping with an H8K….. and using one dsp for looping and the other to process loops AND your own direct sound….well….. that makes A LOT of difference! Besides that…the H7600 is more expensive than the 8000 if you consider the second is more than twiv?ce the power and all its extra features.

      I went for Orville over the DSP7500 back then….being a looper.




    • #117497

      Thank you IDeangelis. Your answer is very clear. Just one last thing. You are talking about the Orville. Was it a double DSP processor too ? Maybe it could be an interesting choice too ? Are there many differences between the Orville and the 8000FW ?
      I will probably buy the 8000FW, but just to be sure, id like to know what you think about the Orville.

      Thanks again

      Chris Oger

    • #128641


      Orville was a dual DSP unit, the first!

      Nevertheless, at this point in time, going for an Orville dosn't make sense, particularly for heavy taskings like looping & processing.

      Consider that:

      -H8000 can also run in Monolithic mode. Orville can't.

      -Orville is no longer updated. H8000FW will get new modules and presets.

      -H8000 contains all Orville presets plus many, many more.

      -routings and I/Os variety in H8000Fw are something Orville can't simply handle.

      -H8000 is more powerful and there are improved areas both in hardware and software, over the Orville.


    • #128642

        Hi Chris,

        The Orville was a dual DSP unit as well, but it had significantly less processing power than the current H8000FW.  Orville was developed in the mid-1990s and has been discontinued for some time. However, we do offer an upgrade path from Orville to the H8000FW  http://www.eventide.com/News/Product%20News/Upgrade%20to%20H8000FW.aspx.  

        H8000FW has nearly 1,000 more programs than Orville.  the H8000FW has FireWire, a faster more responsive OS, sorting functionality, the ability to run both DSPs together for big programs (such as 5.1 or 7.1 etc.), ADAT I/O, more precise word clock, Flash memory support, plug-and-play with our EveNet remote among other things.

        If you have further questions, drop me a note at rmaxwell@eventide.com or give me a call at 201-641-1200.

      • #128643

        Thank you IDeangelis and R Maxwell. Wow, quick and precise answer !

        Well… now everything is clear ! H8000FW will be my new friend next week !

        Thanks again.

        Take care.

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