#1416 Four Filters – only filter #1 works on H9000

Home Forums Products Rackmount #1416 Four Filters – only filter #1 works on H9000

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    • #161300

        I am trying to use both a low pass and high pass filter without using two algos. I tried the 1416, but it seems that only filter #1 does anything. The other 3 do absolutely nothing. Help.

      • #161304
        Eventide Staff


          I just tested this algorithm and all 4 filters are working for me. How are you routing audio to the algorithm? Note that filter #1 is for I/O 1, filter #2 is for I/O 2, etc., so if you are just routing audio to I/O 1, this may explain your issue. Also note that the “master filter parameters” will override the individual parameters, so this may be causing your issue as well. I found that if I load the algorithm and leave the master filter parameters at the default state, I was able to use a high pass filer for 1 and a low pass filter for 2. Let me know if this helps.

        • #161306

            Got it. I thought they were in series from the same I/O. Ok, I can easily send the mono input “in parallel” to each of the 4 inputs, and sum the output. I think that would work for filters as I think parallel summed would be equivalent to serial in this case, since I only plan to do low pass + high pass filters, do you agree?Thanks

          • #161313
            Eventide Staff

              Ok, glad that helped.

              Hard to say if the series vs parallel routing for the filters will give you the same result. You can try 2 instances of the alg routed in series with low pass on one of them and high pass on the other, and compare that to 1 instance of the alg summed together with combined low/high pass filters and see if it works for you.

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