2016 Stereo Room PLugIN – Invalid Serial Number

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins 2016 Stereo Room PLugIN – Invalid Serial Number

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    • #111098

        Been waiting for the 2016 to go 64…. and on the day that it does – I purchased.

        I recd my serial number and license code from the on line retailer – but when i go to my eventide account and attempt to register – i keep getting invalid serial number….

        For product I am choosing 2016 Stereo Room Plug-in … but again ….invalid.

      • #124807
        Eventide Staff

          Hi Orcasound,

          We're using a new distributer for dealer sales and it's just been brought to my attention that there was a communication problem and a handful of people are going to have this problem.  Unfortunately, it's the sort of thing I can't fix till tomorrow morning, but if you leave you ilok.com account name I will send you licenses to tide you over.  You can either leave it here, or you can email me at DGillespie (at) eventide.com.

          I can send licenses until about midnight EST.  After that, or as a third option, you can get a temporary license here: http://eventide.com/AudioDivision/Products/PlugIns/NativePluginDemoReq.aspx

          Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll have this fixed tomorrow.


        • #124813
          Eventide Staff


            This issue is fixed now.  If you have a serial number higher than SR-200000, you should be able to register your product without a problem.

            If you do have any trouble, please let us know.



          • #145245
            DGillespie wrote:


            This issue is fixed now.  If you have a serial number higher than SR-200000, you should be able to register your product without a problem.

            If you do have any trouble, please let us know.




            Hey dan im having issues with my serial number as well, and the numbers are higher than 200000? 

          • #145329
            Eventide Staff
              KEMR wrote:

              DGillespie wrote:


              This issue is fixed now.  If you have a serial number higher than SR-200000, you should be able to register your product without a problem.

              If you do have any trouble, please let us know.




              Hey dan im having issues with my serial number as well, and the numbers are higher than 200000? 

              Hi, please email support@eventide.com referencing this post (include your Serial Number and License Key), and we'll get it sorted.


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