3.5 beta3

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    • #105307

      Just FYI- I loaded 3.5b3 ,then saved a new setup and deleted and old one. After this I tried to do a bulk transfer of preset to a memory card using "COPY" The display froze with all characters on and I had to do a power on reset. On reset I got a message say the internal memory was new and asking if I wanted to clear it. I Said yes and rebooted. I lost my interal presets and setups. — I had backups Best, Dave

    • #116875

       Hi David

      when a new system is loaded, on the first reboot you get a Clear SETUP prompt.

      Did you get it and executed the command?

      You say you had to do a "power on reset"; what exactly did you do?

      I suspect there's some problem in the unit. How old is your Eclipse?


    • #116879

      I did reply yes to clear setup and it executed OK. By power on reset I mean turning the unit off waiting a few seconds and then turning back on.
      I neglected to mention that after I powerd off/on I was able to create a new setup and then do the bulk transfer ok.
      The unit seems fine otherwise. I have had some cHecksum errors in the past after leaving the unit off for several months. I did the fix for checksum problems in the manual and have not had problems for quite a while.
      I was updating from the last offical release

      I bought the eclipse in 2002, s/n Q-001500, a real dinosaur !
      – Best, Dave

    • #127886


      frequent checksum errors may point to an almost exhausted internal battery.

      Try replacing it. It's possible that all you've gone thru depends on the battery.

      Let us know if more errors occur after replacing the battery.

      all the best

    • #127910

      I replaced the battery month or so ago. I had not had any bad checksums for quite a while before updating from 3.1 to 3.5B3. I got a bad checksum error on startup today with 3.5B3 and punted back to 3.1, no bad checksums under 3.1 so far.

    • #127912

       We posted a new beta last night, V3.5B4. You may try this last one.

    • #118300

      Been awhile since I looked at this, but I have confirmed that the problem only happens with 3.5 and above. Never a bad checksum with 3.1 and have replaced the battery. I have a fairly early unit, is it possible the new releases are not compatatible with early units? Is there a way to update the rom in my unit or something. Thanks, Dave

    • #129408

       Hi David

      my Eclipse is even older than yours, practically a prototype, and all builds work fine with it. It's not a compatibility issue.

      If you have a new battery and tried all reinitialization routines and still get checksum errors, we will need to look at your unit.

      Which ROM version do you have?


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