5.61B Test is a disaster on H8000FW

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    • #108193

        Hello Eventide,

        i updated the OS to 5.61b and after restarting i DONT go to the factory defaults, because i had a lot of midi remoting of many functions. After booting up, the H8000FW it dont find the wordclock sync. The H8000FW is connected to ADAT. At first i changed the input preset to analog and then back to ADAT. No wordclock. In the setup i changed the sync to int and back to wordclock. So i get wordclock. After a new booting again no wordclock sync.

        After booting the second time, i get an error and a suggestion to rebooting. Error again.

        Then i decided to go back to 5.5. The H8000 starts self diagnosting after copying the old OS.

        Resart and the message, that the preset is of a newer OS. Ignore.

        But after all still in 5.5 no wordclock sync at start.

        Excellent………..a real beta ***

      • #122826
        Eventide Staff

          Glad you like it – but, you should probably stick with the released version.

          If you still have your wordclock problem on going back to V5.5, it is probably a hardware or connection issue at your end – I can not see a problem on my V5.6 unit, so don't think it is software.

          It sounds like your wordclock signal is marginal – make sure that it is properly terminated as described in the UM and that the source, cable and terminator are all the same impedance. Try a different and shorter cable to see if it makes a difference.

        • #122828

            before i changed to 5.6b1 i had no problems with wordclock sync at starting. The cables and terminator are 1 year old and 10" long. The clock is generated by a RME Fireface 800.

            When i go to the setup the source is wordclock and the "ADAT" status says "slipping".

            And if i pull the clock cable out and then back in, the clock is there.

            It must be a problem of the software, because i changed the cable and the terminator and it is still the same. And the cable are original wordclock cable.

          • #122829
            Eventide Staff

              As my previously reply suggests, I believe the problem to be at your end. But, it is entirely possible that I am wrong (it  has been known), or that I misunderstand the problem.

              With this in mind, if you are interested, please be so kind as to document in detail the sequence of events that show a problem, starting from power up, in the following way:

              1) What do you do

              2) What do you see

              3) If what you see is no what you expected, what did you expect.?

              Note also that you may need to re-initialize the unit – not doing so may be the cause of the problem.

            • #122830

                Hi Nick,

                1.) The H8000Fw is direct connected with a RME Fireface via wordclock. Terminator is on the H8000 WC out. The Fireface is running and I switch the H8000 on.

                2.) The H8000 booted up on 5.6.b1. After booting up i see the preset in the display and the 44.1 kHz light is on, the "ext" light is flashing. I press the "setup" button and see the clock menu screen. In the clock menu is the "source" set to wordclock, the samplerate is 44102 , ADAT status is "slipping" and Firewire1 is unlocked.

                3.) I expect that the wordclock is synced (no flashing "Ext" light) after booting up, like before. As i wrote before, if i pull now the WC cable out and back in, the ADAT is not slipping and the "Ext" light is on (not flashing)

                I tried to boot without ADAT I/O connection but is the same.

                So, waht can i do?

              • #133972
                Eventide Staff


                  Terminator is on the H8000 WC out.

                  Assuming that the RME is the WC source, you need to have the terminator on the H8000 WC in. If you indeed meant "out", this may be the cause of your problem.


                  ADAT status is "slipping"

                  You don't say where the ADAT comes from and from where it gets its clock. This again may be the source of the problem.


                  I expect that the wordclock is synced

                  If the Wordclock is unlocked, the "Source:" line will flash.


                  if i pull now the WC cable out and back in, the ADAT is not slipping

                  This suggests that the ADAT is the problem, not the wordclock. Check that the ADAT is properly clocked (as above). Also, try a different ADAT cable – the ADAT sockets on the back are a bit tight, and if the wrong cable is used, or it is not pushed in hard enough, you can get an unreliable connection.

                • #133974

                    The FF 800 is the WC source and the cable goes from the WC out BNC socket of the FF800 to the WC IN of the H8000 ("IN" is what you can read above the H8000 BNC socket). The termination is right on the OUT of the H8000. Why shall i terminate the WC IN on the H8000?

                    The ADAT I/O goes from the FF 800 to the H8000. Again, i changed NOTHING without the software of the H8000.The cable are not moved or someting. I can pull out the ADAT cable and it must sync the WC. But it don't sync after booting. The Input source has nothing to do with the WC sync. I can sync with wordclock and use the analog I/O.

                    When i set in the H8000 the clock source to ADAT, switch it off and boot again, the clock "ext" is locked. But the problem is not the WC cable. If i swap over to my Orville with the same WC cable it work instantly after booting the Orville.

                  • #133975

                      sorry you are right, it can have something to to with the ADAT cable, but it is not the ADAT cable. If you pull the ADAT In cable out of the H8000 and back in the H8000 the "ext" is on and its locked. (while the H8000 is on)

                    • #133977
                      Eventide Staff

                        My guess is that the ADAT cable is not always going fully home, and from time to time you are getting a marginal ADAT signal. This was probably always the case, just it did not cause problems.

                        It does not look to me as though your Wordclock has a problem, but note that the terminator needs to be on the last INPUT in the chain (if chained, otherwise on the INPUT). See the section "Wordclock Termination" in the UM for discussion on this point.

                      • #133978

                          Hi Nick,

                          the terminator is at the end of the WC chain. Thats right. But i replaced the adat cable and its not better.And the ADAT jack is right pluged in the H8000. Deeper is not possible.

                          For me, it looks like a problem of initialisation of clocking in the H8000 after booting. Because, after booting and the "ext" is flashing, the only what i have to do is to plug the WC cable or the ADAT cable out and in on the H8000 and the clock is locked and "ext" is permanent on.

                          The cables are all in perfect condition.

                          What option i have now? Is there someting to reset in the H8000? Or its a bug in the OS?

                        • #133981

                            Hi Nick, so i tried a bit, but what i found out is, that it is not a cable issue. It is a software issue of the H8000.

                            When i go to my RME control panel and switch from WC "Master" to "Autosync" and then back to WC "Master" the H8000 becomes the right clock and the "ext" light is no more flashing.

                            Here is a link to a picture of my RME controlpanel.


                            If you still dont believe me i can make a little movie and show it you and the world on youtube.

                          • #133982

                              Hi violetpow,

                              Just wanted to chip in here and say I have also installed the new 5.61b and it is working fine here now. I have also got it connected via wordclock and adat, but I also connected it via firewire. When I first installed it I had the same issue as you and the ADAT kept slipping so I opened up the new version of Dice after installing it and set that to wordclock and then on the H8000FW I held the program  button for a couple of seconds until the routing selection shows up and set that to the ADAT In and Out preset and then saved that as the default routing preset when starting up the H8000FW. I also ran the routing utility program and did the same thing there and set that back to my previously saved routing preset which does basically the same thing as those routing presets on the H8000, but I just wanted to double check it worked ok too.

                              Finally I did a reboot and the ext clocking works fine and so far v5.61b is working very well here.

                              So first of all have you installed the Dice program and set that to wordclock or adat sync and secondly did you reset the routing preset back on the H8000.

                              I'll have a look again at my setup to see if there is anything else that might help you, but hope you manage to get it working anyway.



                            • #133983

                                Hi t_t,

                                thanks for your help. I glad that i'm not the only person with this issue. So hopefully Eventide take it serious.

                                I know this issue. As i bought the H8000Fw (OS 5.5) i had the same problem and solved it with your method. But in this case i installed the new Dice and tried 20 different ways to get it in sync, but no chance. With or without Firewire, In/Out default presets in the H8000 makes no difference.

                                If i use ADAT as a clock it works, when i switch to WC and reboot is ADAT slipping.

                                I hope Eventide will solve this initialtisation routine in the software.

                                btw. TC had the same boot/sync issue on the M3000 when you sync it with WC and they know it and don't solved it. I hope Eventide is better.

                              • #133989

                                I have h8000fw and this issue just started with me too.

                                I am using an RME ADI-8 Pro and Cubase.

                                I now have ADAT slipping and Ext flashing.

                                She's acting a little clicky on recordings.

                              • #133990
                                Eventide Staff

                                  I'll have a  look at it and see if I can make it happen. I assume you are all using 44.1/48k rather than s-mux.

                                • #133991

                                  Sorry, I jumped in here before fully comprehending the thread. I am still on 5.5
                                  Please delete or disreguard my posts. I started a new thread for my problem.


                                • #133993

                                    I'll have a look at the wordclock on my setup. I think mine is now set to sync via ADAT but can't remember for sure now. But certainly no ADAT slipping or Ext Clock flashing led. Will have another look and get back if I can remember.

                                  • #133994
                                    Eventide Staff

                                      OK – I can now see something.

                                      1) If I sync to wordclock and feed it ADAT, the ADAT shows slipping on power up, but can be fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting the ADAT. Reconnecting the WC makes no difference.

                                      2) If I sync to ADAT, it is OK at powerup.

                                      3) If I sync to anything other than WC and then select WC, the ADAT shows slipping as in (1).

                                      So, sorry guys – it is a real issue and we'll look into it. For now, a reasonable workaround would be to sync to ADAT.

                                      Note that V5.5 shows the same behaviour, so this is not a "new feature" and has clearly been like this for some time.

                                    • #134001
                                      Matthias Adloff

                                        Yeah, WCLK at startup won't work indeed, BUT !!!

                                        Big Smile

                                        This is the very first time that my H8000 actually works on both DSPs without crackling. Since years plus one "repair" at Eventide I had crackling (sometimes even at -0dB, very painful) noises in the end of reverb tails, always from DSPA, appearing when having loaded reverb algos on both machines.

                                        A quick test with 5.61b (one hour now) and still "waiting" for the crackling. If it's really gone, then please don't change it for the worse fixing the WCLK issue… please please…

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