88.2khz / 96 khz probs with H8000FW

Home Forums Products Rackmount 88.2khz / 96 khz probs with H8000FW

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    • #105867

       been having a LOT of probs tring to run my H8000FW via firewire at either 88.2khz or 96khz, either shows dsp a overload or wont get any signal at all.

      i am runing mac G5 with OS X 10.4.11

      when i use it at 44.1k or 48k is fine , but whatever settings i try , when i attempt 88.2 k 0r 96k no joy 🙁

      would be grateful for any advice here

      many thanks


    • #117919

       Hi Charlie

      what OS version is your H8000FW running on?


    • #117921

       Is running OS 5.21 at the moment



    • #129084


      we have OS V3.5 and new  FW drivers for Mac/XP/Vista available on the website. These should support higher sample rates thry FW. Please update your unit/computer.



    • #129085
      Eventide Staff

         You should upgrade to V5.3 and install the new drivers – this has a lot of FireWire improvements. On the Web Site support section.

        Note that the performance also depends a lot upon your computer settings, which are beyond our control – be sure to read the relevant sections of the updated User Manual.

      • #129086

         Sorry! Version 5.3 is the correct numbering.



      • #129087

         cheers for the info ,

        i have installed the  new comp drivers on my Mac but havnt upgraded to 5.3 yet, going to do it today.

        will also check updated manual



      • #129093


        just wanted to say big thanks for your help ,

        i have updated drivers and op sys to 5.3, and now unit is working fine at 88.2k and 96 k  🙂

        cheers guys


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