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July 9, 2020 at 1:55 pm #115998
MemberI’ve owned a GTR4000 and currently own an Orville. Was hoping to upgrade to a 9000 but was told by an H9000R seller that:
“I simply can no longer wait for Eventide to release a key feature for me which is the ability to switch presets via a MIDI pedal board. This is why the unit never left my studio as I simply couldn’t use it for live gigs.”
Is this true? Seems like a pretty basic feature that has been in every MIDI capable rack unit since the 80s. He said it was the same on the H9000 and H9000R.
Thanks in advance.
July 9, 2020 at 3:05 pm #155323
This is not entirely true – the H9000 can load algorithms and FX chains via MIDI using the Scenes functionality. This is fully supported on the H9000 front panel, the issue currently is that Scenes support is still under development for Emote, so it's not accessible yet on the H9000R. We don't have an exact ETA for this in terms of a public release but we hope to have something that users can try soon.
July 9, 2020 at 3:09 pm #155324
MemberThanks for the quick reply. I’m not sure I completely follow your response though. In the Orville I have a patch called Resonechoes and another one called Crystal Caves. If I make those two patches in the H9000 or H9000R and connect it to a MIDI controller, can I then switch between the patches via the MIDI controller? Thanks
July 9, 2020 at 10:45 pm #155327
MemberThank you for the clarifications. That is very helpful.
When you say “near future”, is there a scheduled release date?
Is the source code available for the emote software should someone elect to implement this feature themselves instead of waiting?
Thanks again
July 13, 2020 at 1:54 am #155340
ParticipantPlease, pretty please, soon…
September 4, 2020 at 2:12 am #155700
ParticipantAny update on midi PC availability for H9000R?
September 29, 2020 at 10:38 am #155928
ParticipantThanks. When is the 1.4 public beta available? Can I be an early tester? I have a live gig in 8 weeks and desperately need MIDI control.
January 23, 2021 at 12:22 pm #156928
ParticipantSo is this currently only possible from the font panel?
So you can’t change scenes with a H9000R correct?
Seems like an absolutely essential feature .
January 23, 2021 at 1:57 pm #156930
ParticipantYou are correct, but if you want to buy a H9000R your timing would be right because the Emote 1.4 beta allowing to change Scenes via MIDI is about to be released. The long wait is over and my H9000R is about to hit the road. I am obviously excited about the release, but to be fair, I think it should have been part of the very early release and should have been deemed a non negotiable item. But it is wrong the corner and from my end, it was worth the wait. I am not a big fan of modeling amps, so the combination of my H9000R and the SwitchBlade GL is to me superior to the AxeFX3, and I can use the H9000R via ADAT and USB in my studio. So no brainer superior system.
January 23, 2021 at 2:35 pm #156932
ParticipantAs far as the Switchblade noise and impedance issues, I will say this:
1. The unit is dead silent and has buffered IO
2. However, and importantly, it is an instrument level device, and not 100% line level. So users have complained that it cannot handle a high signal pre-amp and that it overloads. My answer is as follows: yes, I can overload an input with say a high signal output of a clean channel of a TriAxis, sure. But frankly, I can just as easily lower the output of the TriAxis and put more gain on the power amp. For lead and crunch tones from say a Mark V pre-amp via FX loop. the signal is actually quite compressed, and it is very hard to overload a Switchblade with such signal.
So practically, what it means is that for each preset that you build, you do have to pay a little bit of attention to your gain, but in my case, it’s only for high level clean presets. It is totally manageable and quite worth it, because you can then use their GUI to build amazing patches. I have my H9000R connected via DB25 analog 8 in/out, and in the Winblade GUI, I have 4 stereo little H9000 icons which I can combine the in and outs any way I want. This eliminates the need to ask Eventide to provide such functionality in Emote. And very powerful as you can program patch cross fades via MIDI.
Anyways, there are many pros and famous guitar players who use the SB. My advice is to get the 16 IO if the goal is to use with the H9000 as the latter already uses 8 of them.
January 23, 2021 at 2:42 pm #156933
ParticipantI forgot to mention one thing. If you plan to buy a used Switchblade, inquire how old the unit is. I bough mine new 15 years ago, and recently, there was some crackling noise on some channels. I sent it for repair, and the issue was simply that some TRS connectors in the back had aged. The manufacturer offered to change the entire IO bank for $207 so I did it as for me this is a lifetime product just like my Eventide.
July 9, 2020 at 8:03 pm #155325mechanyx wrote:
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not sure I completely follow your response though. In the Orville I have a patch called Resonechoes and another one called Crystal Caves. If I make those two patches in the H9000 or H9000R and connect it to a MIDI controller, can I then switch between the patches via the MIDI controller? Thanks
Essentially yes, however the mapping of MIDI message –> program load needs to be configured using the Scenes functionality before being able to do this. So, the H9000 can do this through the front panel, and the H9000R will be able to do this in the near future with an Emote update.
September 7, 2020 at 3:23 pm #155734
John Baylies
ParticipantJ20056 wrote:Any update on midi PC availability for H9000R?There's a chance it will make it into the Emote 1.4 public beta, but it won't be in the Emote 1.3 public beta. Sorry it's taking so long, but we want to be certain it's done correctly.
January 23, 2021 at 2:07 pm #156931J20056 wrote:I am not a big fan of modeling amps, so the combination of my H9000R and the SwitchBlade GL is to me superior to the AxeFX3
Hello, I was considering making the investment into a SwitchBlade myself for live use. Are you able to change the impedances of the I/O? I’d like to be able to have it adjust depending on the amp I choose; various have effects loops with differing signal types.
Any issues with noise?
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