A Dummy’s Guide To Setting Up His Aux Switch

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    • #141446
      Eventide Staff

        Sorry – I am also a dummy and have no idea what Barn3 is. Instead of reading forums, please look deeply at the TF User manual.

        This shows the available options, which may not necessarily be what you seek.

        If there is something missing,, please post it as a Feature Request in a new thread.



      • #141448

        The users manual has awarded me no answers. Thus why I am asking for the greater support of the community. 

        Regardless of the switches manufacturer, my TF is not banking down and only activating presents 1:1 and 1:2.

      • #141450

          Surprised Eventide doesn’t know about this.


        • #141451
            mwe wrote:


            Surprised Eventide doesn't know about this.




            Our colleague, Joe, has been talking to those guys.  I think he meet with them lst Saturday at AES.


            mitchroutman, you're using a TimeFactor running the latest software, v5.2 beta?  When I get into the office I could double check the aux switch functionality on the latest release to make sure there's not anything wrong with the beta release.

            • #141456
              gkellum wrote:

              Our colleague, Joe, has been talking to those guys.  I think he meet with them lst Saturday at AES.


              mitchroutman, you’re using a TimeFactor running the latest software, v5.2 beta?  When I get into the office I could double check the aux switch functionality on the latest release to make sure there’s not anything wrong with the beta release.

              I believe that is the version I’m running on, I’ll confirm that as soon as I can. I’ve checked around for maybe bugs with switches on that version/that version’s beta. 

            • #141458
                mitchroutman wrote:

                I believe that is the version I'm running on, I'll confirm that as soon as I can. I've checked around for maybe bugs with switches on that version/that version's beta. 

                I was just playing with the latest TimeFactor beta and an Aux Switch.  Could you take a screenshot of your aux switch configuration screen in H9 Control and post it to this thread?  I realized when I was playing around with H9 Control that I didn't understand what pedal functions you had mapped to which aux switches.

                You wrote:

                mitchroutman wrote:

                I would love for two switches to be Bank +/- (preferably on the aux switch) and my TF to activate presents 1 and 2 and the left switch tap tempo though, hold would be fine to.

                In H9 Control if you assign Increment preset to Footswitch 1 and Decrement preset to Footswitch 2 and put your TimeFactor in bank mode, then the two aux switches will increment the Bank +/- and your TF will activate presets 1 and 2.  You won't be able to tap tempo at the same time on the TimeFactor though, because that function is in performance mode.  If you were using a 3 button aux switch instead, you would be able to assign Tap Tempo to the 3rd aux switch.


            • #113012

              I’ve pour over pages of this and other forums on how to map the footswitches on my pedal AND my aux switch. 


              I’m using the Barn3 system and I’ve tried using it with both the H9 Control and the system menu on my TF. I am beginning to think it might be the software version that my TF is set up right now. Right now, my pedal is functioning:

              LEFT (Active) : Present 1

              MIDDLE : Preset 2

              LEFT : Somehow not active at all anymore?


              I would love for two switches to be Bank +/- (preferably on the aux switch) and my TF to activate presents 1 and 2 and the left switch tap tempo though, hold would be fine to. Any suggestions? I’ve really read through pages of this thread and I am so baffled by what I’m doing wrong or what I can’t seem to understand what I should be doing instead. Help a dummy out?

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