A preset bug

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    • #110938

      On my H8000FW ( OS 5.5) , I have a strange issue with the presets number 717 and 718 called

      " Manifold Alfa and Beta",

      When I load one of them on the DSP B, there is no way to show and to find the mod2 External . Also, the Loop page, has two pages, but I'm not able to access to the second one where is shown the Assign 2 patched to loop input level ( volume pedal).

      Everything works right if I load one of those ones on the DSP A

      How can I fix it? Can you help me?


    • #124493
      Eventide Staff

        I think this is a problem solved in V5.6. You could try the latest beta on the Web Site, or wait for the full release which should be out in a few weeks.

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