Accidentally spent my coupon

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Accidentally spent my coupon

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    • #111146

      So i just got my h9 and while trying the app i accidentaly spent my coupon on phaser effect. I didn't mean to purchase it. Is there a way to return the phaser effect and spend my coupon on something else?

    • #124906

        I just sent you an email to the email address you have registered to your account about this.  Let me know if you didn't get it.

      • #124922


        I have another question:

        If i decide to sell my pedal, will the next buyer get a chance to use the coupon  if i unregister my stompbox?

      • #135746

          If you haven't used the coupon, yes, the coupon will travel with the stompbox to the next owner.  If you have used the coupon, no, the algorithm is already tied to your account.  

        • #135747

          As the name of this thread suggests – I have spent my coupon 🙂

          I wish you could restore the coupon, that would be fair to the next buyer, because he will not be able to use what i bought with the coupon.

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