Adding a core H9 to my H9 max

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    • #112471

        Can I get the H9 core to to emulate/match to a my H9 Max since I did buy the max that has all algorithms,on the same account.

      • #127684

          In H9 Control under Settings, there's a Restore Purchases function that you can use to sync the algorithms from your account onto your H9 Core.

        • #138721

            I just got the H9 max a couple of days ago, I was wondering the possibility of getting a H9 core and  sync the H9 Max to H9 Core is this possible?, so basically I can have 2 h9 max pedals on my account. I don't have purchases because I bought the max pedal.

          • #138722


              I just got the H9 max a couple of days ago, I was wondering the possibility of getting a H9 core and  sync the H9 Max to H9 Core is this possible?, so basically I can have 2 h9 max pedals on my account. I don't have purchases because I bought the max pedal.

              Yes, this is how the system was designed to work. If you have a Max, all the algorithms from the Max go into your account, and if you buy a Core, they'll get installed on your Core as well. You just need to use the Restore Purchases function as described above.

              • #146374



                Sorry for my maaybe stupid question, but one can buy H9 Core and H9 Max, fill in H9 Core with all algorithms (thanks to H9 Max), and then sell H9 core (now it is H9 Max, because you cloned all algorithms).



              • #146375
                  nsvilici wrote:

                  Sorry for my maaybe stupid question, but one can buy H9 Core and H9 Max, fill in H9 Core with all algorithms (thanks to H9 Max), and then sell H9 core (now it is H9 Max, because you cloned all algorithms).

                  No, that's not how it works. When you sell your Core, it reverts to being a Core for the next owner.

                • #146377

                  Нет, это не то, как это работает. Когда вы продаете сердечник, он возвращается к тому, сердцевине для следующего владельца.

                  [/ Цитата]

                  Hell, you just ruined my plans for a comfortable old age …

                  Hell, you just ruined my plans for a comfortable old age …

              • #146376

                Okay, great. So If I have H9 Max, I can free of charge fill all of its alghorithms from H9 Max into H9 core.

                In the matter of fact I will have than 2 H9 Max, right?

                But, if I for instance then sell my ex-Core, it will revert to original “Core”

                I have another silly question, so excuse me pls:

                How H9 ex-Core (now H9 Max after free upgrade via his H9 Max brother) knows that he’s sold and that it has to be reverted to Core?



                • #155359
                    nsvilici wrote:

                    Okay, great. So If I have H9 Max, I can free of charge fill all of its alghorithms from H9 Max into H9 core.

                    In the matter of fact I will have than 2 H9 Max, right?

                    But, if I for instance then sell my ex-Core, it will revert to original “Core”

                    I have another silly question, so excuse me pls:

                    How H9 ex-Core (now H9 Max after free upgrade via his H9 Max brother) knows that he’s sold and that it has to be reverted to Core?



                    if the previous user shares your eventide account with you, you continue with an H9 Core extended to Max….

                • #155373
                  Eventide Staff
                    nsvilici wrote:

                    How H9 ex-Core (now H9 Max after free upgrade via his H9 Max brother) knows that he's sold and that it has to be reverted to Core?

                    The H9 is in constant telepathic communication with Eventide's underground World Headquarters, so it will know ..


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