Additional Looper requests

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    • #111939

        I've just gotten around to reading the updated TimeFactor manual, and I really like what you've done with the expanded Looper!  You've managed to incorporate nearly everything I would want in a single-loop device.  A couple of small additional requests for your consideration:

        -Please add AP:DUB (and AP:RVDUB, maybe?) to Playback, so that a loop can automatically end in Dub mode; this would facilitate use of the algorithm as a delay looper rather than a phrase looper, while still allowing access to the power of the speed, reverse, and editing functions (a super-PCM42, if you will).  This should override the Dub Mode's Punch/Latch setting, such that you can press Record to stop dubbing and then use Record in whatever fashion the Dub Mode setting indicates.

        -Please allow dubbing to quantize to the next beat in Tempo mode; this is very useful for dropping beat-long bursts of noise or silence into the loop.

        I'd also love to hear an updated estimate on the availability of the Looper algorithm for the H9, and if you wanted to tease us with screenshots of whatever interface you're developing for it in the H9 Control app, I wouldn't turn it down. =)  Thanks again for all of your hard work!

      • #126732

          Ditto, love to see the looper algorithms on H9!

        • #126830
          Eventide Staff

            Hi coirbidh_99, 

            I'm sending you a Forum Friend Request and private message, write me back if you get it.  Thanks!

          • #126832

              Got your friend request; I'll keep an eye out for your message!

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