Adjusting two delays

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    • #107059

        Ηι! I have a question. I wonder how can I create a double delay. I want the Delay A to be 1/8* 450ms & the Delay B 1/16 150ms. I ask that because when i adjust the first delay I don't know what to do to adjust the second without loosing the settings of the first.


      • #120362

          why don't you set the subdivision up i.e. 1/8 A & 1/16 B and then just tap in the tempo of the song?

        • #120364

            yeah u right. I do that. But my question was if it is possible to adjust separate time and type for each delay.

          • #131608

            If you mean by type subdivision like 1/8, 3/16 etc, then no, because you can either set your TF to work in Tempo mode (working with subdivisions and a "master" bpm) or in a "normal" mode with delay times shown in milliseconds.

            It wouldn't make any sense to tweak your delays otherwise unless the tempo of a song is changing.

            Having the ability to set delay A in 1/8 triplets at 120 bpm and delay B in 1/4 at 156 bpm (for example) is kinda strange.  The actual repeat times would be overlapping at some point, because 1/4 at 220 bpm is the same as 1/8 at 110 bpm. Know what I mean? You would be changing your frame of reference.

            If you need two separate tempi, you could just use two presets within one song.

            Hope I got that right.

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