Advice for vsig on Mac PB G4?

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    • #106607

      Hi there,

      I'm aware of vsigx. But what if I want to use vsig on a Powerbook G4? VMware fusion seems to require an Intel Mac. Thanks for any suggestion: I've never used a windows app on my mac!

    • #119407

        sorry, not much advice I can give other than try it and see. Sometimes that is the only way other than waiting for someone else to. It would be a good idea to back up your system first, as with any app that you are not 100% sure about, but I guess it wont do any harm.

        Hope this reply doesn't sound patronising as it certainly isn't mean to be, but that really is all I can suggest 🙂 Perhaps Eventide gurus will have a better idea though 🙂


      • #119409

          Hi, forget the vmware, get the keyspan-thingy and run vsigX. Vsigx is universal binary , so it works on both intel and powerpc cpus.


        • #119414

          OK, thanks for the answer. So, I assume that (for the moment), there is no great advantage to use the "original" Windows version.


        • #130540

          Actually the Windows version is upgraded and contains all modules and features that reflect H-series system updates. Unfortunately the Mac version is not as "up to date" as it should be, and some incorrect behaviour or message may show up.

          If you can, the Win version would give you more.



        • #130544

          That's definitely useful information, thanks.

          One more related question: an amazing feature of the box is the possibility to patch completely in the unit, with no computer. Although it may be more tricky/difficult/long, are all the functions available?


        • #130547

          Forget about using the front panel Patch Editor to build algorithms. It'll takes ages. It's advisable only for small changes. I have programmed the DSP4000 for years, back in early '90s, from the patch editor but this thing is about12 to 16 times more powerful…so algorithms are huge.

          Treat yourself to an Intel Mac and use dual displays



        • #130552

          is there any technical problem that make's it impossible for eventide to make a mac osx version of the original vsig?

          i think that vsig is more important than even e-control (although i can't wait for the e-control audio unit release)

        • #130554

          Yes, surely, I'll get an Intel Mac at some point, but it's not on my 2009 list. In the meantime, I'll try to find an old version of a Windows emulator that would work on a G4. Thanks for all the tips.


        • #130557

          The old Virtual PC + a Keyspan adapter should make it.


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