AES/EBU converter

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    • #105634

        Hi Italo,

        I have RME FF800 and I ?m looking for a good AES/EBU converter .
        In the manual I saw that you can have 12 in /out AES/EBU.

        Which one you recommended?

      • #117481


        the H8000FW has 4 channels AES on the rear panel XLRs and 8 channels on the DB25 connector (sold separately). You can *only* use 8 channels though, not 12.

        I don't have specific recommendations but my favourite audio converter remains the Prism Sound.

        all the best

      • #117484

          Thanks for the tip !!!

        • #117493

          Greetings, Mr. D

          Just a quick question about your choice of converter. 

           If you are talking about a means of bringing 6 or 8 channels out of the H8000FW via digital converter…are you speaking of their Orpheus ?

          I see it's about the same price as the H8000FW Surprise…  wouldn't a MOTU or TC Electronic work well to do this…. specifically for 5.1 surround from the Eventide into powered speakers ?


          -Richard M

        • #128633

           Hi Richard

          well…you asked for "good converters" !


          Anything will work!

        • #128634

            i found a good converters with a nice price  the:

            RME ADI-8 QS

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