algorithm purchases for H9 w/o iOS device

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    • #110993

        Hey all,

        Just waiting for H9 to arrive and was curious if new algorithms can be purchased via the OSX H9 control app as I currently don't own an iOS device but have a mac laptop. (please say yes).



      • #124603

          Hey Max,

          Unfortunately not for the time being. We've been tied up just getting the app working on all the various platforms people would like to use it on, and iOS is the only platform where we're offering the store functionality at the moment.


        • #124604

            One more question. I have an ancient iPhone 3G laying in a drawer somewhere. Can I use this just to run the app and install sounds or can it not run a recent enough OS (the highest it can run is iOS 4.2.1)?

          • #135456

              Unfortunately, the earliest iPhone we support is the iPhone 3GS, and that's because those can run iOS 5.  

            • #124607


                Hey Max,

                Unfortunately not for the time being. We've been tied up just getting the app working on all the various platforms people would like to use it on, and iOS is the only platform where we're offering the store functionality at the moment.


                 when do you expect H9 control + store to be avaiable on  MAC/PC platforms? I'm more interested in PC, but there are also lot of MAC  guys who are waiting for it

              • #135458

                  Well, we're still working on getting the PC version of H9 Control without the store ready. That's been a fair amount of work in and of itself, but it should be ready next week.  Let me get back to you about the store functionality.  We should let everyone know when they can expect that functionality, but we're not ready to give a date for that yet.

                • #135477

                    I am on the same boat here. I prefer not having to buy an IOS device. I have seen that there is an iOS simulator on MAC. Is it possible to use it for transfering algorithms to the device?.

                    Also, is there an android app on the map already or is it something you will consider in the future?.

                    BTW, very happy with my H9.

                  • #135478

                      The iOS simulator is really just a tool for developers to develop apps with.  You wouldn't be able to download H9 Control into it, connect to an H9 over Bluetooth, and start making in app purchases with it. 

                      We are considering doing an Android version of the app in the future, but right now, we're concentrating on adding the store functionality to the MacOSX and Windows version of the app and adding support for the existing Factor stompboxes.  

                    • #135479

                        not to be a nag, but any updates on the release date for in-app purchases in the OSx app? if you need beta testers… wink, wink 🙂

                        i've only had the H9 for two days but I'm absolutely loving it and itching to get my hands on some more algorithms!

                      • #135480

                          Well, no one here wants to make any promises about when the in-app purchasing will be ready, because people are still mad at us for breaking our promises about when the H9 would be ready *twice*.  But we are working on it.  I don't know if we're going to do beta for that feature, but if we do, we'll definitely enlist your help in it.

                        • #135481

                            I will like to be on the BETA list.

                          • #135482


                              and adding support for the existing Factor stompboxes.

                              what does this mean? storing/editing presets? or are you planning to allow other factor pedals to store any of the factor algorithms?

                            • #135483

                                This means storing/editing presets.  (The other factor pedals don't have enough space available in their flash to store more algorithms.)

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