All lights on H90 flashing and no sound

Home Forums Products Stompboxes All lights on H90 flashing and no sound

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by joecozzi
    Eventide Staff
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    • #169226

        So I recently setup my pedalboard with my GigRig G3 controlling it all. I am using a Friedman BE100 in 4 cable method (using one of the G3 loops) and have the H90 in dual mode using 2 mono loops.

        I am powering everything with the Gigrig modular system which has more than enough power. The H90 is powered by a GigRig Supernova – 12v @ 1000mA.

        The issue now is that after a while the H90 shuts off and then back on with all the lights flashing and it stops producing sound.  Could it be a power issue, as I never had an issue at all, running it in the BE loop by itself, powered by the factory wall wart?

        Or could it be a levels issue – I am not sure whether to set it on line or instrument levels.

        I am stumped now as I just bought some of this stuff and have a gig shortly.



      • #169227
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry for the issues you are having.

          Are you saying that the H90 powers up and works correctly with the included power supply, but now it is having issues with a different power supply?

          If the H90 isn’t working properly with the included power supply, please contact and we’ll help you get sorted there.

          If it is only having issues with the GigRig power supply, that would indicate an issue with that power source.

          The levels settings on the H90 will not cause an issue like this.

        • #169228

            Thanks for the reply. Yes, it worked great with the supplied power supply and excellently when first starting up and running but turns off like this after 15 minutes or so.

            • #169235
              Eventide Staff

                Sorry, it’s not quite clear from your last answer if the H90 is working correctly with the included power supply.

                Are you able to run the H90 with the included power supply without the issue of the pedal rebooting itself after a period of time?

                It would be best to only use the included power supply for now and let us know if you run into any issues.

            • #169229

                I just wondered if all lights on and flashing is an indication of power issues or whether anybody else had had the same symptoms.

              • #169325
                Eventide Staff

                  According to a member of Eventide’s H90 Facebook users group, Dan at GigRig said there’s an older version of the SuperNova that only put out 500mA. The news ones put out 1000mA. You may have an older unit. Only way to find out is to open it up and see. Here’s a link to the post where they confirmed buying a new one solved the problem.


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