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September 25, 2019 at 4:11 pm #116285
MemberThe emote software is horribly laggy, unresponsive, and slow – even on a modern decked out mac. The layout isn’t exactly user intuitive and I feel like I’m getting 0.5 frames per second just trying to click through or scroll through the FX chains, algo, or parameter views. I get that this is a beta, but it’s damn near unusable for me. I’ve had it about a month or so and I feel like it was just a big waste of money. It takes too much time to mess with the interface to get things done quickly. I want to like this thing but I feel like it would be way easier for me to use a plugin at this point.
The biggest problem I have is that I want to be able to easily setup a session with a predefined set of inputs / outputs and swap chains in and out of those I/O pairs. Trying to edit the FX chain on the computer and and then saving to H9000, then reloading on the unit loads everything except the I/O. It keeps reverting back to AES or ADAT, which I’m not even using. Trying to edit the inputs and outputs everytime I want to test a new chain to Analog 1 and 2 is painfully slow and difficult on the front panel. What if I wanted to try a bunch of different chains on Analog 1/2 in and Analog 1/2 out? I have to sit here and reassign each input/output to every chain, every single time I make any change??
Has anyone else run into the same problems? What is your workflow like? Do you manually sit there trying build chains and setting up the inputs everytime you want to try a new algo? Has anyone else run into the bug where you can’t actually have the interfaces set from emote software on the computer?
September 25, 2019 at 6:26 pm #152774
ParticipantFWIW, I mainly use the front panel. I have a default session saved with a few algorithms pre-positioned and when I want to try new things, I call that session up, arrow over to one of the FX chains, and replace the algorithm.
I’m usually in 2 different mindsets – I either want something specific (I need a panner or simple delay) or I’m doing sound design and auditioning algorithms semi-randomly. What helps a lot is that I have a printout of the algorithms from the H8000 preset manual and simply call them up by number directly. I’m rarely scrolling through more than 1 or 2 spots and that’s mainly because what I want to audition is adjacent to the current one. Even though it doesn’t cover the newer ones added from other units, it has the bulk of what I care about (until Eventide gets around to publishing an H9000 preset guide whenever they finish getting the algorithms all ported).
September 26, 2019 at 1:37 pm #152778
Participantmaybe something else going on, I don’t have this experience and find the H9000very usable.
I only use Emote and don’t touch my front panel 99.999% of the time. Switching between pages, making connections and switching algos is all quick.
However once I’ve got my connections made, I haven’t needed to change that just to try a different algo. Basically I select the Algo in the chain, then double click a different one from the list or sometimes I drag a different one on – this is very quick
How do you change algos?
The In/Out stuff according to the manual is configured at the Session Level, then FX Chains won’t save the In/Out configuration but rather the config within the chain. So save that to the current session; does that work?
On a side Nogte: Just noticed in Account on Eventide under Manuals there’s an H9000 algorithm manual – awesome!
FX Chain
The H9000 allows you to chain up to 4 separate algorithms together into a custom FX Chain. The FX Chain is fed by an audio input, then the audio is routed through up to 4 algorithms, and then finally to an audio output. You are free to decide which algorithms are included in the FX Chain, the order they process the audio in, and even determine aspects such as separate parallel and series audio paths.
A Session is the highest level on the H9000 hierarchy. It saves the entire state of the product at any given moment, including:
• The currently loaded FX Chains (up to all 4)
• The current settings for the parameters within the FX Chains
• The current input/output assignments to and from the FX Chains
• The current state of the assorted global settings
compuman81 wrote:The emote software is horribly laggy, unresponsive, and slow – even on a modern decked out mac. The layout isn’t exactly user intuitive and I feel like I’m getting 0.5 frames per second just trying to click through or scroll through the FX chains, algo, or parameter views. I get that this is a beta, but it’s damn near unusable for me. I’ve had it about a month or so and I feel like it was just a big waste of money. It takes too much time to mess with the interface to get things done quickly. I want to like this thing but I feel like it would be way easier for me to use a plugin at this point.
The biggest problem I have is that I want to be able to easily setup a session with a predefined set of inputs / outputs and swap chains in and out of those I/O pairs. Trying to edit the FX chain on the computer and and then saving to H9000, then reloading on the unit loads everything except the I/O. It keeps reverting back to AES or ADAT, which I’m not even using. Trying to edit the inputs and outputs everytime I want to test a new chain to Analog 1 and 2 is painfully slow and difficult on the front panel. What if I wanted to try a bunch of different chains on Analog 1/2 in and Analog 1/2 out? I have to sit here and reassign each input/output to every chain, every single time I make any change??
Has anyone else run into the same problems? What is your workflow like? Do you manually sit there trying build chains and setting up the inputs everytime you want to try a new algo? Has anyone else run into the bug where you can’t actually have the interfaces set from emote software on the computer?
September 27, 2019 at 5:51 am #152791
not going to say I hate it – not at all. In fact I think it is really a beautiful machine. My only complaint is that for now it is only a H8000 on steroids and better interfacing options. I owned every Eventide Harmonizer except for the 4k at some point in time in the last 15 years. My last unit was a H8000 with an EVE/Net controller which I sold off when I heard rumours about the H9k
After being on the fence for 2 years I decided to pull the trigger on the H9000 two weeks ago and after a brief testing I decided to return it.
If you complain about the Emote plugin I cannot add something to it because honestly I felt comfortable with the front panel UI very quickly. To me it felt quite intuitive and it took me 4 days to finally consider to at least test the plugin once. Software is going to change and will be improved over time, so whatever lag etc you are experiencing is either a problem with your setup or is going to be fixed with upcoming releases.
If you ask me why I did return the H9k it were simple but fundamental things. First of all I thought I could deal with the fact that there is no analog stage to deal with your input signal levels. In reality, although my sources were line level, I did not manage to get the input gain up to the right level and I am not going to spend money on a MixingLink as I consider this to be sort of mandatory for a 7k USD unit.
Next, I think Eventide needs to think about the mix levels concept. I think there are too many different points in the signal chain where you would need to adjust that level (Fx chain, preset).To be honest, I would have appreciated to have a signal flow diagram in the manual. At least for my guitar rig setup I need to adjust the fx chain mix level, the preset mix level plus gain on the preset level, too. While it is in a sense great to have all these options I do not have the time to work over every preset just in order to make it right for that specific instrument or use case, i.e. as I use synths, too. The concept should be streamlined especially when I think about 16 algos running in parallel and the need to administrate them.
Same for the concept of the preset. To me it is outdated and doesn’t fit the complexity of the setups possible. IMHO as a building block is too much of a black box to the global control level of the machine. What I mean is that there are too many things I need to set right on the preset level (mix, gain, output level) which should be handled by the fx chain control, such that whatever preset you chose it should adjust itself to the parameters passed by the control level of the chain. The lack of a modern concept to me manifests itself by the fact that you cannot lock the mix level of a preset via the chain such that you have to readjust it each time you change the preset in the chain. Secondly, that many algos have such a different gain structure that sitting in front of my ripping tube amp I found myself more than once desperately looking out for a panic button on the machine…
Maybe the biggest disappointment for now is that algorithm and preset wise this unit is stuck on the level of a H8000. I was really hoping that we would already have a glimpse by now of what the new architecture is able to deliver and I really hope Eventide has something in the making. Apart from a better interfacing and shear power there is little added value compared to the H8k on the FX side.
I feel that with the advance of the hardware and the available power the limitations of the software concepts now start to show, while before you would feel that the hardware stood in the way of what the software could pull off. In essence this is why I returned the unit. Nevertheless, I hope that Eventide will come up with something in the mid term which will unlock the true potential of the unit. Once this is happening I am back in.
October 19, 2019 at 3:18 am #152970
ParticipantIn my experience, setting up the H9000 with inputs + outputs into FX Chains, Algoryhtms etc is exactly simple enough for me to think that it is great.
Im using it with an ADAT connection into my DAW and can instantly and easily route 8x in or out and chop and change that as and when needed. then save all of that to eoither the Macintosh running emote or the H9000 itself.. i do all that work via emote though and cannot speak to how easy/hard it is to use via the front panel
November 10, 2019 at 12:59 pm #153160
ParticipantI upgraded to a H9000R from H7600 this week and it is a stunning piece of gear.
I was a bit worried about not having a front panel, but Emote (via WiFi) works flawlessly and quickly, even the I/O meters are responsive enough with no observable latency. Frankly, I never really liked having to scroll forever with the “big wheel” so instead, i use the amazing search function, and I have the preset manual handy. The ability to save both FX Chains and Sessions is very useful.
From what I see in the manual, the Emote GUI is a full replica of the H9000 LCD display, so I am happy with the H9000R having no front panel, haas not been an inconvenience AT ALL so far.
It takes a few hours to become fluent in Emote as far as wiring and I/O but it is cleverly designed. My ONLY “complaint” for the moment is the inability to connect FX Chains as certain guitar presets could use more than 4 algos. I know there is always Vsig as a backstop, and V3 is much better, but the main reason I got the 9K instead of an AxeFX3 is the FX Chain graphical functionality.So after 48 hours as a new owner, I would say that the H9000R and all the related software are absolutely amazing and a pleasure to work with. I believe the combination of this unit with tube guitar amp and preamp (Mesa MkV and TriAxis) Is a better option for me than an AxeFX3, since I don’t need 100’s of amps and cabs modeling and I care more about the pure amp tube + cab feel.
November 11, 2019 at 4:20 pm #153168
MemberI’ll chime in here.
Firstly with the guy above… I’d wait a little longer than 48hrs of ownership before praising. I agree that it is indeed a stunning peice of gear, and when it works, I couldnt be happier. But if you want to use it for anything more than straight in-out processing, it is fast becoming a nightmare.
Whilst I agree that emote runs super-fast with no glitches when it works, it currently does not allow itself to be automated from my DAW, and regularly crashes the H9000. Strangley, since the last major harware update, the H9000 never seems to crash unless it is Emote related.
I consider myself a pretty heavy user these days. I have all my analog and all my digital ins and outs connected, I run it as hardware within my ‘out of the box’ environment, which these days seems fairly stable – although it took almost a year of ownership to get there. I also use it heavily as digital inserts to my DAW where it is my dream to be able to automate the paremters from the DAW. In fact, its one of the main reason I bought the thing. It sounds so so good compared to plugins, but it does crash once every few days and takes an AGE to reboot.
I’ve not experienced the issues that Compuman81 seems to be encountering thankfully. My routing remains the same for a chain, even after swapping that chain out either for another preset, or one of my own presets (providing I saved it with the same in and outs).
So, to answer the OPs original questions… I loved mine the day I got it (I was blown away by the interface and have only had to look at the manual a couple of times, it really is almost as easy as EMOTE to use). Then I spent months HATING it as it was practically unusable (I was an early purchaser). Then 1.1 came out and I was happy again, but since I have integrated it fully into my setup, and am now trying to use EMOTE primarily, I am annoyed with it.
Eventide have been consistent with updates, and seem to be listening to us when it comes to bugs, but it’s taking a while, and having no remote control of the unit is a BIG issue for me when it comes to automation.
I still hold hope that my £5k lump will one day be the dream I had hoped for when I pulled the trigger on it, but software does not seem to be Eventides strong point at present.
August 16, 2020 at 3:24 am #155559
ParticipantWhy can not Recall the FXChains name???? that is not cool
August 17, 2020 at 12:34 pm #155563
ParticipantI tend to work with the H9000 on a session by session basis and have figured my favorite go to effects in each category. As nice as the far out stuff is, I tend to use it as a meat and potatoes favorite verb, delay etc that sort of thing so there isn’t a lot of “this vs that” algo testing going on. I’ve saved sessions with my favorite configurations and some session information will never change, such as clocking info and ADC levels, etc. I did wish list in a prior post at least the ability to drag in stereo pairs, as making I/O connections can be a bit lengthy, even in a 16 channel I/O setup like mine. As far as Emote, how I work is I made a macro in Studio One which launches 8 stereo channels, 8 instances of pipeline properly configured and an instance of emote. 1 mouse click and this appears in my session. I find the stand alone version of Emote to be a touch smoother than the VST version, but as a VST I dont have to keep launching it so what I do is pin it open and drag it to another screen I have set up on the side typically used for controllers or plugins I want open but not in my face. Once the GUI is up and open, I dont find it laggy at all. Yes workflows can always be improved, and I have faith in time the H9000 will be vastly improved from its current state, not to say its currently bad at all. I just see the potential.
November 19, 2020 at 5:42 pm #156309
Hi Tony,
Sorry to hear that you’ve been having issues with your H9000.
If you go to page 65 of the H9k manual, you will see a section titled “Using the H9000 with your existing audio interface.” This should clear up the issue you're having with the "USB audio is muted” error. The most important part of setting this up is the last step, you must make sure that the new aggregate device you’ve created is set to the correct sample rate or you will get the "USB audio mute error.” Sometimes you will need to nudge sample rate back and forth for it to be properly synced. You shouldn’t have to turn on the H9k before your computer or audio interface for this to work correctly.
Have you tried connecting your H9k via Wifi and if so is Emote still disconnecting then?
Do you have any other external hardware that you can try using with the Logic I/O you’ve described? If you try sending audio to a different external effect and you're still having issues then that will help determine if the issue is with the H9k or your DAW settings. It doesn’t look like your using the I/O plugin in Logic which could be the issue, here’s a tutorial I found that could help – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL1joHN-7z4&ab_channel=MusicTechHelpGuy
I looked at the audio interface you're using and I would also recommend connecting the World Clock terminals of your audio interface and H9k so they will automatically be synced, this will make things easier when you are changing sample rates. You could also try connecting your audio interface to the H9k via ADAT for a simple means of having 8 channels of I/O. This has been my preferred way of using the H9k recently.
From your screenshots it looks like your using BigSur. We don’t officially support BigSur for Eventide software yet but we are currently testing for bugs.
The H9k can be a bit tricky at first but combined with your audio interface you will have a very powerful and versatile studio setup once you’ve figured everything out. Hang in there and you will have a wonderful machine to work with!
I hope this response is helpful. You can always email support@eventide.com for direct support as well.
November 19, 2020 at 10:00 pm #156315
Participantit does take a while to figure out a workflow but go one step at a time
The simplest setup is Analog In/Out and doesn’t require the sample rates to match etc – just make sure you disconnect the USB
Use the Analog 2in 2out and use the Logic I/O plugin
Save yourself pain and match the Input numbers to output numbers and also go into Logic I/O Labels and label everything – this makes finding things in the I/O Plugin easier
The machine is powerful but with that comes complexity so you can configure it in many different ways – some FX are mono in or summed mono in and stereo out, etc..
Setup Emote – make sure that your ethernet is reliable and don’t skimp on adaptors; the frustration isn’t worth it
Then in your system prefs, network, make sure that ethernet is first in the list so that takes priority
I go as far as turning WIFI off.
If you get unreliability, then do the inverse, turn Ethernet off and run wifi, etc..
In Logic, the Emote plugin is purely a UI to control the H9000 and to automate parameters and it works reliably (in my experience)
It doesn’t pass audio.
For this reason, I run a single instance of Emote on the Stereo Bus(doesn’t affect sound) and do all my H9000 automation on that track…
Reason is cos if Emote does disconnect, you only need to open a single instance to reconnect and find all instances to do the same – depends on your workflow
Once you get that done, then add the next piece, either ADAT or USB (I use both and clock devices using ADAT as per Tyler) I run my system at 48kIf you go DAW, you have to create aggregate device in Audio Midi UtilityCombine your (1)Atlas and (2)H9000 – I didn’t have to have clock drift activated but not needed cos I have ADAT connected (seems ok)
Then in Logic, this is the audio device you select in prefsReliable method to clock USB H9000 & System (to get around sample rate mismatch) you must choose the H9000 USB Audio device in the Audio Midi window and change the sample rate of that Device (not the aggregate) device away from your DAWs sample rate, wait a moment and switch back – this doesn’t cause any change to logic (doesn’t initialise audio) or anything, just part of the process…There’s many nuances in the system but just take it slow as you need to figure out a workflow for all aspects that suit your workflowI turn my system on, do the sample rate toggle for the H9000 USB Audio device before I open logic and it’s all working well, emote tooIt may take a while to realise what you can achieve but it’s worth it -
November 26, 2020 at 8:30 am #156454
ParticipantGood call placing emote on the master, I will be doing the same moving forward. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that.
November 26, 2020 at 8:35 am #156455
ParticipantI‘m starting to figure out a workflow that works for me, basically using AES in/outs for sends and mixing and using analog in/outs when I am recording and want to print effects. Been getting some nice sounds out of it.
That said, my old trusty DSP-7000 sounds pretty different and I kind of prefer it for tracking, must be due to the analog stage. So i am keeping both units around for now. I hope I get to a point where i feel comfortable selling the older one to free up the rack space.
Next up for me is to figure out a good automation workflow. If anyone has tips, please share.
November 26, 2020 at 3:37 pm #156460
MemberVery informative and interesting discussion…….
Right after release, I had an H9000 delivered to me. I tested it for about a week or two before having to send it back. My personal experience was that I absolutely loved the unit, loved the interface, loved the sounds and audio quality but was continually plagued by crashed, freezing and very long and unworkable re-boot times. All frustrated the piss out of me.
So now, its 18 months later and I am once again considering the H9000. Yet, it is hard to truly gauge the true issues as most people who are satisfied with their units will never or rarely show up on public forums.
If only life could be simpler and if only Eventide was a more expeditious and forthcoming with their H9000 native algos.
January 7, 2021 at 1:32 am #156803
ParticipantHi I am stuck with this: Computer Audio Interfacing
“USB 2.0 allows you to interface your H9000 with your audio software as a standard audio interface with 16 channels of I/O. Send, process, and return 16 separate channels of individual DAW tracks.”
I am using Ableton live, so I should be able to send a stereo signal to the H9000 and receive it back processed, all via USB, if I understand correctly. The H9000 as audio interface is recognised in the preferences, but I don’t get any further what to do to achieve this.
January 7, 2021 at 4:12 am #156804
ParticipantYou need to route the inputs and outputs in the h9000, basically routing them to the fxchains. Otherwise the device doesn’t know whether you are trying to use the analog inputs, the digital aes inputs or the usb inputs.
September 27, 2019 at 3:06 pm #152795homer wrote:Hi, not going to say I hate it – not at all. In fact I think it is really a beautiful machine. My only complaint is that for now it is only a H8000 on steroids and better interfacing options. I owned every Eventide Harmonizer except for the 4k at some point in time in the last 15 years. My last unit was a H8000 with an EVE/Net controller which I sold off when I heard rumours about the H9k After being on the fence for 2 years I decided to pull the trigger on the H9000 two weeks ago and after a brief testing I decided to return it. If you complain about the Emote plugin I cannot add something to it because honestly I felt comfortable with the front panel UI very quickly. To me it felt quite intuitive and it took me 4 days to finally consider to at least test the plugin once. Software is going to change and will be improved over time, so whatever lag etc you are experiencing is either a problem with your setup or is going to be fixed with upcoming releases. If you ask me why I did return the H9k it were simple but fundamental things. First of all I thought I could deal with the fact that there is no analog stage to deal with your input signal levels. In reality, although my sources were line level, I did not manage to get the input gain up to the right level and I am not going to spend money on a MixingLink as I consider this to be sort of mandatory for a 7k USD unit. Next, I think Eventide needs to think about the mix levels concept. I think there are too many different points in the signal chain where you would need to adjust that level (Fx chain, preset).To be honest, I would have appreciated to have a signal flow diagram in the manual. At least for my guitar rig setup I need to adjust the fx chain mix level, the preset mix level plus gain on the preset level, too. While it is in a sense great to have all these options I do not have the time to work over every preset just in order to make it right for that specific instrument or use case, i.e. as I use synths, too. The concept should be streamlined especially when I think about 16 algos running in parallel and the need to administrate them. Same for the concept of the preset. To me it is outdated and doesn't fit the complexity of the setups possible. IMHO as a building block is too much of a black box to the global control level of the machine. What I mean is that there are too many things I need to set right on the preset level (mix, gain, output level) which should be handled by the fx chain control, such that whatever preset you chose it should adjust itself to the parameters passed by the control level of the chain. The lack of a modern concept to me manifests itself by the fact that you cannot lock the mix level of a preset via the chain such that you have to readjust it each time you change the preset in the chain. Secondly, that many algos have such a different gain structure that sitting in front of my ripping tube amp I found myself more than once desperately looking out for a panic button on the machine… Maybe the biggest disappointment for now is that algorithm and preset wise this unit is stuck on the level of a H8000. I was really hoping that we would already have a glimpse by now of what the new architecture is able to deliver and I really hope Eventide has something in the making. Apart from a better interfacing and shear power there is little added value compared to the H8k on the FX side. I feel that with the advance of the hardware and the available power the limitations of the software concepts now start to show, while before you would feel that the hardware stood in the way of what the software could pull off. In essence this is why I returned the unit. Nevertheless, I hope that Eventide will come up with something in the mid term which will unlock the true potential of the unit. Once this is happening I am back in.
Thanks for taking the time to work with the H9000 and thank you even more for documenting your experience. Your suggestions are appreciated and we agree with the points you've made. We plan to make changes that will address many of these issues. We completely agree that new effects that take advantage of the power of this box are absolutely critical; it's the box's raison d'etre. We made the decision to first ship the H9000 when development reached the point of doing everything that the H8000 did. The H8000 is nearly 20 years old. It was getting harder to find parts and build the thing and we felt uncomfortable selling it once the H9000 did everything that the H8000 did and more. The decision to port all of the existing effects which were optimized for fixed point DSP to floating point ARM required our developers to dedicate their time and energy into making the transition flawlessly from a 'sound' point of view. That's done. Now our developers can work on new effects that take advantage of the additional processing power and the sophisticated development tools available for an ARM-based platform. The H9000 and emote will remain a work-in-progress for years to come.
November 19, 2020 at 5:57 am #156300
Tony Wong
MemberI am very new to recording and also just bought this. I was very excited at the day it popped up in my studio last week, which I heard that it is a great machine with reputable brand and tons of professional studios are using… But, with this week experience, I don’t like it… may be I am not familiar on the digital connections/terminology… or understanding of how to use and connect an outboard effect with Logic Pro on my iMac Pro and primary AD/DA Prism audio Altas… What has been happening?
- I must switch on the H9k first before I switched on my Mac > logic pro > Prism Audio Atlas, as if I don’t do by this sequence, the h9k will be prompted me “Sound is muted because the sample rate is unmatched… in fact, I have been set all of them at 41.4k, so “WHY UNMATCHED?!?!?!”
- I use wireline to connect all of the iMac Pro and h9k on my LAN, the emote software crashed and disconnected with the H9k at every 5 mins….
- I am using the Atlas for main AD/DA to record my analogue signals, and I intended to use the H9k only as effect generator via USB connection with iMac Pro…. Therefore, after I recorded say a guitar on a track in the Logic pro , I use the “add FX” feature in Logic pro to add “emote” effect, I picked it and emote asked me to choose Mono to Mono or mono to stereo, I picked mono. Emote popped up on the screen and try to connect to h9k, some times straight in and some times failed after waiting for 5 minutes and I needed to switch the “emote fx/plug in” off in the logic pro and retry it…ok… finally done and I only added a reverb effect and routed via usb in and usb out…. Sorry it didn’t work…. And emote crashed again, and I repeated to do the above again and again for days… OK, finally I forfit to use the add fx way in the Logic pro… I created TWO new tracks next to the guitar recorded track … set the recorded guitar track’s output as Stereo 13-14, which is the H9k input track… set the input of the new tracks as input 11 and 12, which are the H9k output tracks and set the output tracks of these two new tracks in logic pro as stereo out, so it routed to the default output of logic pro > Prism Audio Atlas and my headphone… YES, it works! Cool!!! Sorry, it only worked for few mins, and all a sudden it crashed again… and I cannot hear the sound from the Altas and also found NO signals at the signal bar on Stereo Output at Logic Pro BUT I found there are guitar signals at the emote’s input and output signal bars and also at the new two tracks’ signal bars in logic pro, BUT why there is no signal at the stereo output’s signal bar at logic pro, which I can hear other tracks that I chose stereo outputs and can see the signals at the stereo output’s signal bar at Logic pro… ok, I retry and retry and retry, I found sometimes I can hear only one track from the two new tracks, sometime I got nothing after restarted/rebooted the software/hardware and i also found missed route back from h9k back to logic pro…… I AM EXTREMELLY FRUTSTRATED… may be I am too new that I don’t know how to configure it…. HOWEVER, IT SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO WORK FOR FEW MINS and NOT WORKING by the SAME SETTING for DAYS!!!
- I have set the output of 13/14 from logic pro to emote USB 1 and 2 IN and OUT through the REVERB and return to input 11/12 and output of 15/16 from logic pro to emote USB 3 and 4 IN and OUT through another REVERB and return to input 13/14
Really wish someone can help me to resolve it… the salesman has been trying hard to help me and texted to his countered part working in Eventide with over 12-hour time differences… BUT the reply from his countered part was not really helpful… e.g. I expressed that why the USB and clocking is not working well with my Atlas and iMac Pro…, the reply was “”yes he need to know it’s on the mile stone, Otherwise he will think he should choose some other brands” and “Well, if all through analogue then no clock issue cause H9k uses it’s own clock!”
I have the cap screen of these replies, I can share if you want to…
I am using the most updated firmware for H9k and Emote
Hello? Am I paying almost 6k pounds to get such a nightmare and customer service from this “REPUTABLE” Company?
Pls find the pics of my issues as described above…
KYXTA wrote:I’ll chime in here.
Firstly with the guy above… I’d wait a little longer than 48hrs of ownership before praising. I agree that it is indeed a stunning peice of gear, and when it works, I couldnt be happier. But if you want to use it for anything more than straight in-out processing, it is fast becoming a nightmare.
Whilst I agree that emote runs super-fast with no glitches when it works, it currently does not allow itself to be automated from my DAW, and regularly crashes the H9000. Strangley, since the last major harware update, the H9000 never seems to crash unless it is Emote related.
I consider myself a pretty heavy user these days. I have all my analog and all my digital ins and outs connected, I run it as hardware within my ‘out of the box’ environment, which these days seems fairly stable – although it took almost a year of ownership to get there. I also use it heavily as digital inserts to my DAW where it is my dream to be able to automate the paremters from the DAW. In fact, its one of the main reason I bought the thing. It sounds so so good compared to plugins, but it does crash once every few days and takes an AGE to reboot.
I’ve not experienced the issues that Compuman81 seems to be encountering thankfully. My routing remains the same for a chain, even after swapping that chain out either for another preset, or one of my own presets (providing I saved it with the same in and outs).
So, to answer the OPs original questions… I loved mine the day I got it (I was blown away by the interface and have only had to look at the manual a couple of times, it really is almost as easy as EMOTE to use). Then I spent months HATING it as it was practically unusable (I was an early purchaser). Then 1.1 came out and I was happy again, but since I have integrated it fully into my setup, and am now trying to use EMOTE primarily, I am annoyed with it.
Eventide have been consistent with updates, and seem to be listening to us when it comes to bugs, but it’s taking a while, and having no remote control of the unit is a BIG issue for me when it comes to automation.
I still hold hope that my £5k lump will one day be the dream I had hoped for when I pulled the trigger on it, but software does not seem to be Eventides strong point at present.
November 20, 2020 at 1:13 am #156317
Tony Wong
MemberThanks Tyler!
tbskoglund wrote:Hi Tony,
Sorry to hear that you’ve been having issues with your H9000.
If you go to page 65 of the H9k manual, you will see a section titled “Using the H9000 with your existing audio interface.” This should clear up the issue you're having with the "USB audio is muted” error. The most important part of setting this up is the last step, you must make sure that the new aggregate device you’ve created is set to the correct sample rate or you will get the "USB audio mute error.” Sometimes you will need to nudge sample rate back and forth for it to be properly synced. You shouldn’t have to turn on the H9k before your computer or audio interface for this to work correctly.
Have you tried connecting your H9k via Wifi and if so is Emote still disconnecting then?
Do you have any other external hardware that you can try using with the Logic I/O you’ve described? If you try sending audio to a different external effect and you're still having issues then that will help determine if the issue is with the H9k or your DAW settings. It doesn’t look like your using the I/O plugin in Logic which could be the issue, here’s a tutorial I found that could help – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL1joHN-7z4&ab_channel=MusicTechHelpGuy
I looked at the audio interface you're using and I would also recommend connecting the World Clock terminals of your audio interface and H9k so they will automatically be synced, this will make things easier when you are changing sample rates. You could also try connecting your audio interface to the H9k via ADAT for a simple means of having 8 channels of I/O. This has been my preferred way of using the H9k recently.
From your screenshots it looks like your using BigSur. We don’t officially support BigSur for Eventide software yet but we are currently testing for bugs.
The H9k can be a bit tricky at first but combined with your audio interface you will have a very powerful and versatile studio setup once you’ve figured everything out. Hang in there and you will have a wonderful machine to work with!
I hope this response is helpful. You can always email support@eventide.com for direct support as well.
November 20, 2020 at 1:15 am #156318
Tony Wong
MemberThanks macgee
macgee wrote:it does take a while to figure out a workflow but go one step at a time
The simplest setup is Analog In/Out and doesn’t require the sample rates to match etc – just make sure you disconnect the USB
Use the Analog 2in 2out and use the Logic I/O plugin
Save yourself pain and match the Input numbers to output numbers and also go into Logic I/O Labels and label everything – this makes finding things in the I/O Plugin easier
The machine is powerful but with that comes complexity so you can configure it in many different ways – some FX are mono in or summed mono in and stereo out, etc..
Setup Emote – make sure that your ethernet is reliable and don’t skimp on adaptors; the frustration isn’t worth it
Then in your system prefs, network, make sure that ethernet is first in the list so that takes priority
I go as far as turning WIFI off.
If you get unreliability, then do the inverse, turn Ethernet off and run wifi, etc..
In Logic, the Emote plugin is purely a UI to control the H9000 and to automate parameters and it works reliably (in my experience)
It doesn’t pass audio.
For this reason, I run a single instance of Emote on the Stereo Bus(doesn’t affect sound) and do all my H9000 automation on that track…
Reason is cos if Emote does disconnect, you only need to open a single instance to reconnect and find all instances to do the same – depends on your workflow
Once you get that done, then add the next piece, either ADAT or USB (I use both and clock devices using ADAT as per Tyler) I run my system at 48kIf you go DAW, you have to create aggregate device in Audio Midi UtilityCombine your (1)Atlas and (2)H9000 – I didn’t have to have clock drift activated but not needed cos I have ADAT connected (seems ok)
Then in Logic, this is the audio device you select in prefsReliable method to clock USB H9000 & System (to get around sample rate mismatch) you must choose the H9000 USB Audio device in the Audio Midi window and change the sample rate of that Device (not the aggregate) device away from your DAWs sample rate, wait a moment and switch back – this doesn’t cause any change to logic (doesn’t initialise audio) or anything, just part of the process…There’s many nuances in the system but just take it slow as you need to figure out a workflow for all aspects that suit your workflowI turn my system on, do the sample rate toggle for the H9000 USB Audio device before I open logic and it’s all working well, emote tooIt may take a while to realise what you can achieve but it’s worth it -
November 26, 2020 at 2:25 pm #156459
ParticipantKazRemark wrote:When you say automation, parameter automation?
I so far think it’s mostly ok but I wish the automation control was renamed to the name of the algo/parameter to make it easier to track
workflows I’ve identified as working through my project that might be useful
* use 1 interface per FX Chain, e.g. FXC1 = Analog, FXC2 = ADAT, FXC3 = DAW1-8, FXC4 = DAW9-16 (or whatever for your interfaces)
** Reason is that the different interfaces will have their own latency figures so you’re matching the latency for entire FX Chain
* load algos from the bottom of the FX Chain – row 4 is the highest latency so start there and working up to row one ensures that changing things around doesn’t change the latency (Eventide might change this at some point, it’s on their radar)
* Name FX Chains incl Interface, Primary Use, e.g. Vocal, Guitars, etc..
* Keep a notepad of which FX Chain and Column each instrument is sending to
* Name your Bus Returns.. e.g.
* * FXC1a = FX Chain 1 Column 1
* * FXC4d = FX Chain 4 Column 4
November 26, 2020 at 9:45 pm #156463
Participantmkravit wrote:Very informative and interesting discussion…….
Right after release, I had an H9000 delivered to me. I tested it for about a week or two before having to send it back. My personal experience was that I absolutely loved the unit, loved the interface, loved the sounds and audio quality but was continually plagued by crashed, freezing and very long and unworkable re-boot times. All frustrated the piss out of me.
So now, its 18 months later and I am once again considering the H9000. Yet, it is hard to truly gauge the true issues as most people who are satisfied with their units will never or rarely show up on public forums.
If only life could be simpler and if only Eventide was a more expeditious and forthcoming with their H9000 native algos.
My H9000 never crashed. Not once. I did have a few emote connectivity issues but they’re resolved.
November 26, 2020 at 10:04 pm #156465
Participantmkravit wrote:Very informative and interesting discussion…….
Right after release, I had an H9000 delivered to me. I tested it for about a week or two before having to send it back. My personal experience was that I absolutely loved the unit, loved the interface, loved the sounds and audio quality but was continually plagued by crashed, freezing and very long and unworkable re-boot times. All frustrated the piss out of me.
So now, its 18 months later and I am once again considering the H9000. Yet, it is hard to truly gauge the true issues as most people who are satisfied with their units will never or rarely show up on public forums.
If only life could be simpler and if only Eventide was a more expeditious and forthcoming with their H9000 native algos.
I have been using the 9000 for about two months, and have had no crashing or reliability issues. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend jumping in with the newest release firmware if you are generally happy with the workflow.
November 26, 2020 at 10:42 pm #156466
Participantmkravit wrote:Very informative and interesting discussion…….
Right after release, I had an H9000 delivered to me. I tested it for about a week or two before having to send it back. My personal experience was that I absolutely loved the unit, loved the interface, loved the sounds and audio quality but was continually plagued by crashed, freezing and very long and unworkable re-boot times. All frustrated the piss out of me.
So now, its 18 months later and I am once again considering the H9000. Yet, it is hard to truly gauge the true issues as most people who are satisfied with their units will never or rarely show up on public forums.
If only life could be simpler and if only Eventide was a more expeditious and forthcoming with their H9000 native algos.
I think some of it depends on how people have their H9000 set up and used. For me, I am using it purely 8 analog I/O and only have dabbled with using Emote. Other than long boot up times, it’s been very stable.
November 26, 2020 at 10:02 pm #156464
Participantmacgee wrote:KazRemark wrote:When you say automation, parameter automation?
I so far think it’s mostly ok but I wish the automation control was renamed to the name of the algo/parameter to make it easier to track
workflows I’ve identified as working through my project that might be useful
* use 1 interface per FX Chain, e.g. FXC1 = Analog, FXC2 = ADAT, FXC3 = DAW1-8, FXC4 = DAW9-16 (or whatever for your interfaces)
** Reason is that the different interfaces will have their own latency figures so you’re matching the latency for entire FX Chain
* load algos from the bottom of the FX Chain – row 4 is the highest latency so start there and working up to row one ensures that changing things around doesn’t change the latency (Eventide might change this at some point, it’s on their radar)
* Name FX Chains incl Interface, Primary Use, e.g. Vocal, Guitars, etc..
* Keep a notepad of which FX Chain and Column each instrument is sending to
* Name your Bus Returns.. e.g.
* * FXC1a = FX Chain 1 Column 1
* * FXC4d = FX Chain 4 Column 4
Yes, parameter automation. The part I’m struggling with is having the automation tied to whatever track t
Emote is on. I would have an easier time with the mental model if I could have the automation tied to the tracks and clips that the eventide chain is routed to. -
November 26, 2020 at 10:44 pm #156467
ParticipantKazRemark wrote:Re automation on track the eventide chain is routed to; isn’t that already possible?
By having an emote instance for each chain, or algo…you can do it that way
I found that a bit confusing though because i’m mostly doing this on busses – only had a single eventide sub chain used as an insert for a track
For this reason I just put a single instance on the master – in logic can keep master track at the bottom and all automation lane’s expanded and easier to navigate
But yea, if you’re doing INSERTs, then I can see the value of the automation on that particular track…though for my sanity, in case of Emote disconnects, I only want to have to open a single instance to confirm that Emote is connected and automation is being sent to the hardware
having to open instances all over the place…that did my head in
h9000 very strength is also it’s weakness….so flexible
re crashing, they’re very rare these days…mostly I was getting that when pushing Vsigs with but those bugs have been mostly ironed out now
January 7, 2021 at 5:28 am #156805
For the future, I recommend starting a new forum topic. Also, it helps to know whether you’re on a Mac or PC, OS, Ableton version.
Quote:The H9000 as audio interface is recognised in the preferences, but I don’t get any further what to do to achieve this.If the H9000 is recognized by Ableton, as previously stated, you need to make sure that the channels associated with the I/O of your H9000 are activated in Live’s preferences. If they are not, nothing I’m about to tell you will work, so make sure you have this sorted out.
Then, you have two choices to route audio to your H9000.
1-Directly from the output of the audio track: Where it’s says “Audio To” you must choose “Ext Out” and choose the channels that correspond to the USB I/O of the H9000. Then, you need to create an audio track and set its input to “Ext In” and choose the channels that correspond to the H9000’s USB input. To monitor the audio, you’ll need to record-enable the track or simply choose “In” on the track’s monitor selector.
2-Create an Insert Return tack and assign it the “External Audio Effect” plug-in. Route the I/O of the plug-in to correspond to the I/O of the H9000’s USB channels. From the audio track you want to process, send it signal from the corresponding Send knob.
In my sessions, I like to route H9000’s USB IN 1-2 to the inputs of FX Chain 1. Then, I take FX Chain 1 output and connect it to USB 1-2 Out. I do the same for FX Chain 2 (USB 3-4), FX Chain 3 (USB 5-6), FX Chain 4 (7-8). In each Fx Chain I have four of my favorite effects in parallel that I can mute or unmute at will.
Other ideas: You could put 4 algorithms in parallel in two FX Chains, for a total of 8 algorithms, and route stereo pairs to each algorithm. In Live you can have 8 Eventide returns in stereo. Or route 16 mono channels to 16 mono algorithms and 16 returns. Your choice.
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