Another question about updating the Eclipse

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    • #116647


      I purchased a 2nd hand Eclipse, and would like to upgrade to V4. 

      The unit is currently running V2.00, the bootloader is V1.21 (checked using the “3” pad at boot up)

      As I’ve seen I have to install V3.51 first, I have put the V3.51 files on a brand new unformatted 256MB CF (not in a folder) – as advised in multiple other threads

      But when I try the upgrade procedure as explained, starting the unit while holding the “1” pad on the keyboard, the Eclipse says “OPERATING SYSTEM NOT FOUND”, like nothing was present on the card – when I mount it back on the computer, all 11 files are present

      I tried to put the files to the card from a Mac first, then tried again from a PC (after erasing the first ones of course), but with the same (lack of) results.

      Any idea about what could be wrong ?

      Should I format the card on the Eclipse and try again ?

      Thanks in advance for any help.










    • #158574
      Eventide Staff

        The message means that at least one file did not load properly or was not found on the card.

        You could try formatting the card, but I don't expect it to help.

        Try a different card. If that fails, try the serial download process (slow, but no card issues).

        Updating these very old units can be problematical. If all else fails,

        Or consider leaving it as it is.


      • #158576

        Hi thanks for the reply

        it seems pretty difficult indeed. At first I tried with a brand new bigger capacity card (32Gb), because I didn’t read all the threads regarding this capacity issue, of course it didn’t work – then I found a brand new 256Mb but it also doesn’t seem to work. These older small card are difficult to find (and expensive !) so I don’t think I’ll spend more money on this to try another one and try to reformat it instead.

        What’s strange is when I put it back on the computer, all files are there

        Re: formatting : Do you think it’s best doing it on the Eclipse or on a computer ?

        Re : serial cable : do you think the serial cable method work using a PC emulator on the Mac ?



      • #158577

        Oh, and another question : from V2.0, is it mandatory to upgrade to V3.51 before V4.0 ?

        Another thread says it is not, but it goes against the recommendations from the update procedure note



      • #158579
        Eventide Staff

          Formatting would be best done on the Eclipse. But, since you are not getting read errors, it may not help.

          PC emulator – don't know. Some have had success.Probably all depends.

          3.51 -> 4.0. can't see why this should be the case, but many people say it is so. Given that you are already having problems, best to be careful.


        • #158580
          Thanks again


          my last 2 questions then : 


          1) might there be a problem with the V3.51 zip file on the server ? Is there somebody à toute eventide who could check these ? As said, I tried to DL these several times, from a Mac, then from a PC and I copied all the files on the card – but it doesn’t work as if something was missing


          2) is it risky to try a direct update V2.0 -> V4.0 ? Sorry, but not sure I fully understand your comment What do I risk ? to brick the unit irremediably and make it unusable ? (of course I prefer not doing the update then)



        • #158581
          Thanks again


          my last 2 questions then : 


          1) might there be a problem with the V3.51 zip file on the server ? Is there somebody at eventide who could check these ? As said, I tried to DL these several times, from a Mac, then from a PC and I copied all the files on the card – but it doesn’t work as if something was missing


          2) is it risky to try a direct update V2.0 -> V4.0 ? Sorry, but not sure I fully understand your comment What do I risk ? to brick the unit irremediably and make it unusable ? (of course I prefer not doing the update then)



        • #158587
          Eventide Staff

            Sorry – I've told you all I know – it really is up to you now. Old electronics is not always simple.

            Worst case (unlikely but possible) is that you brick the unit.

            If all else fails, send it in (fixed price).

          • #158595

              I don’t know about the Eclipse OS specifically, but some gear does not like the extra files the Mac OS puts on a drive.  the various “.” files and folders can throw off the hardware sometimes.  I’ve had to take the card/thumb drive to a PC and clean all those up before an update would work.  I believe there’s a tool you can download to your mac to clean up all those files and again — I don’t know if that’s specifically the problem the Eclipse is having trying to find that one file, but it may be worth a half hour of playing around to see.

            • #158599

              Thanks for the replies.

              Maybe you’re right about the Mac but strange thing is : I have the exact same behaviour after reformatting the card on the eclipse and re-installing the files on it on the PC, from a fresh download, so without any interaction with the Mac.

              Tha’ts why I was wondering about a possible corruption of the files themselves.

              One last thing I could try is reformating the card on the PC


            • #169502

                I’m in the exact same situation… same firmware and having the unit say that it is unable to find the files.   The brand of the memory card is aotedata 256MB Ultra CompactFlash.  What capacities are known to work?  I’m wondering if that has anything to do with it.

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