Anthology II on Pro Tools HD10?

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    • #109524

      I am working on a new PTHD install.  Someone please tell me Anthology II TDM works on PTHD10! I am having trouble authorizing my iLok correctly.  I have to authorize every time I start PT or open a session with the plugs in it.  One I authorize the plugs seem to work.  

      FWIW:  The AnthologyII installer on the website is pretty old, and the compatibility matrix only lists PT8.x.  Have they dropped support for PT?

    • #124227

      Mac OS 10.8.2

    • #124264
      Eventide Staff

        Hi stevealex,

        We haven't dropped support for PT10, and we know of many people who are using it without problem.  However, I don't fully understand the nature of your problem.  Can you explain in more detail the problem you are having with PT10 and ilok?


      • #135278

          Fantastic news you haven't dropped support on Anthology, I personally can't live withouth its Reverb !

          I'm also in the process of going into PTHD10 (OSX 10.6.8) and there was some talk on the DUC about missing .DLL files that needed to be replaced from current install…

          Can we hear it from the horse's mouth ?



        • #135279

            Thats a Windows issue not OSX

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