Anthology X Demo Install Problem

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    • #113035

        I downloaded the Anthology-X demo to try as I already have Ultra Channel. 

        I’ve tried to install 4 times today, and always get the following install error(s).   I’m just listing the first one for example, but it happens with all plug-ins:

        Problem running post-install setup. Installation may not complete


        Unknown error while running.

        C:UsersdavidgAppaDataLocalTemp /CreatePackage.bat “C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAvidAudioPlug-InsEventideEChannel.aaxpluginContentsWin32” “C:UsersdavidgAppDataLocalTempPlugin.ico”


        Setup has finished installing Anthology X on your computer


        I found the bitrock_installer.log (attached) in the temp directory and see that it contains the above error message(s) for each plugin. 

        I’m running PT 10.3.10 as I have no plans to upgrade it to 11, 12, etc.  The system is an i7 running Windows 7 /64, 6GB memory, 4TB storage.

        I ran PT anyway just to see if anything was there, and the plug-ins DO show up and seem to work fine (very nice in fact).  I haven’t tried my other apps like Reaper (64) or Sony Vegas (32) as I’d specified VST32 & VST64 installs as well.  The plug-in .dll files are in their respective places for VST32 & VST64.

        Any clues here?  Is there supposed to be an Eventide entry in my Start menu?  Clearly the error has meaning.  I almost bought this outright, but wanted to try the demo before making that leap since I just got an H9 Max as well. This is a huge investment for me, so I’d like to know how to make things work from start to finish with no incident during the installation.  Given the error messages,  something still doesn’t look right.

        Great job from what I can tell thus far !



      • #141584
        Eventide Staff

          Hi Dave,


          We've had a couple reports of this, but we're still working to run down what, exactly, is causing this error on some peoples machines.  It doesn't appear to affect the functionality at all, and my understanding is that if you create an Eventide folder in your plug-ins folder before running the installer you shouldn't see the error.  Please let us know if this is not the case, or if this is still causing problems for you.




          • #141586
              DGillespie wrote:

              Hi Dave,


              We’ve had a couple reports of this, but we’re still working to run down what, exactly, is causing this error on some peoples machines.  It doesn’t appear to affect the functionality at all, and my understanding is that if you create an Eventide folder in your plug-ins folder before running the installer you shouldn’t see the error.  Please let us know if this is not the case, or if this is still causing problems for you.





              Hi Dan, thanks for your fast reply! 

              I have a couple of observations, not sure if they will help or not.  FWIW, I checked permissions on the VST32, VST64, and Avid/Audio/Plug-ins folders. 

              On each of them, Owner Creator has _nothing_ listed there in either column (Allow, Deny).  Administrators & System have full permissions with the folder.  Users can ‘read &execute’ and ‘List folder contents.’  The TrustedInstaller only has permission to ‘List folder contents,’ so I don’t know if this is a possible clue or not.  There’s also no listing for Anthology-X under “Programs and Features” (as well as Start Menu Programs), so presumably that may be one of the final steps that isn’t getting completed here as well.

              Maybe the TrustedInstaller needs full permission here?  Just a thought.  As soon as I can get time today, I will clear everything, create the Eventide folders myself, and try installing again if that’s your suggestion. 

              Also, is there supposed to be an Eventide folder under ‘Program Files’ or ‘Program Files (x86)?’  I do have an Eventide folder under (x86) that was created when I installed my H9 Control app (I don’t see that as being a problem, however).

              Thanks again,


          • #141593


              I deleted all of the Eventide folders, re-created them, then ran the installation.  Same result, all plug-ins are in the proper place but with errors at the end of installation.

              I noticed the beginning of this first line in the error, and is this syntax correct?  Sorry I didn’t ask this earlier !


              Windows won’t allow a forward slash in a command, so I’m not sure if this is verbatim in the script or is just being reported this way.  I could not find a ‘CreatePackage.bat’ file in the LocalTemp directory either.


            • #141594
              Eventide Staff

                Hi Dave-

                I'm looking into this issue. If you look in the AAX file location (C:Program FilesCommon FilesAvidAudioPlug-insEventide), do the plug-in files there have the plug-in icon, or just a folder icon? Additionally, did you ever get this error when installing just UltraChannel?


                • #141595
                    TLongabaugh wrote:

                    Hi Dave-

                    I’m looking into this issue. If you look in the AAX file location (C:Program FilesCommon FilesAvidAudioPlug-insEventide), do the plug-in files there have the plug-in icon, or just a folder icon?



                    Thanks, Tom.

                    Folder Icon.


                • #141596
                  Eventide Staff

                    Thanks. Could you zip one of the Eventide .aaxplugin folders and send it to me? My email is



                  • #141693

                      To Tom for dilligently solving this problem with a new installer !!! 

                      No more errors at the end of install, and all icons are showing up now.




                    • #141698
                      Eventide Staff


                        This issue has been fixed in version 1.0.6 of Anthology X. The issue only affects the file icon on AAX plug-ins, not the plug-in functionality in any way.

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