Anthology XII Upgrade

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    • #162689

      Currently think I own all of your plugins. I have Anthology XI,H9, SplitEQ and other Newfangle plugins. My upgrade price is only $40. Other than consolidating my licenses, and surrendering others, What would be the advantage for me to upgrade? More presets? Maybe new future releases to be included in Anthology XII? Thanks!

    • #162691

      I’m more or less in the same boat.

      They added Split EQ and half a dozen other “filler” plugins that really don’t do much.

      Can’t see any need to “Upgrade” @ $79.

      I’m sure I’ll survive without Split EQ.

    • #162705
      Eventide Staff

      For those that own everything and are seeing a $39 price, you don’t have to update. However, doing so will get you added value in the future that we cannot announce yet. Stay tuned.

    • #162706

      For those that own everything and are seeing a $39 price, you don’t have to update. However, doing so will get you added value in the future that we cannot announce yet. Stay tuned.

      With all due respect – that’s a really weak argument… “pay now for something in the future that you might not even want.”

      • #167237

        For those that own everything and are seeing a $39 price, you don’t have to update. However, doing so will get you added value in the future that we cannot announce yet. Stay tuned.

        What happened to the “added value in the future that we cannot announce yet” that you promised to upgraders 9 months ago?



      • #167291
        Eventide Staff

        The added value was the Physion Mk II plug-in that has been added to the Anthology XII bundle.

    • #162710

      Going to do the upgrade based on your response. You guys never fail to amaze me with your software. Looking forward to what comes next!

    • #162717

      And what about SP2016 Reverb…..

    • #162720
      Eventide Staff

      And what about SP2016 Reverb…..

      SP2016 Reverb is included in Anthology XII. Can you be more specific with what your question is?

    • #162722

      Yes I know it is included, but it was not in Anthology XI and Dreadman has not mentioned, he has it. If he does not, the upgrade would be worth it even not counting in the future “surprise”.

    • #162757

      I would like to ask NI.

      It seems to me, that 2016 Stereo Room is not part of A XII (or did I oversight it?), but was part of A XI. What happens, if I upgrade to A XII? Will I have 2016 Stereo Room and A XII? I used 2016SR in older projects and do not want to be without it…..

      • #162771
        Eventide Staff


        You are correct, AXII does not include 2016 Stereo Room since it now includes SP2016. If you are updating from AXI, a separate license for Stereo Room will be deposited to your account in addition to the AXII license.

      • #162772

        Great!!!!!! That is what I have dreamed of. 🙂

        And one more question. I have AXI and H9 Bundle, so I have few (4 or so) H9 plugins twice. Will I get also separate licences for those H9 plugins that I have twice (those that were part of AXI)?

      • #162774
        Eventide Staff

        No, you will be surrendering your licenses for the H9 Plug-in Series bundle and AXI to upgrade to AXII, there will be no extra licenses for the titles that are shared between bundles. However, your upgrade price will be calculated to reflect the licenses you are surrendering. Looking at the titles you own, you should be eligible to upgrade at a very good price to get SplitEQ plus more that will be announced in the future.

      • #162777

        OK, that´s a pity, but I cannot complain as I received H9 Bundle for free (as happy H9 Max owner) anyway, which was generous from Eventide.

        Thanks for clarification and looking forward to “more that will be announced in the future”. It sounds mysteriously……..

    • #162799

      Something went very wrong when I tried to authorize my Anthology XII update. It wiped out ALL of my Eventide licenses, including all my duplicate licenses AND Anthology XI. Now when I try to authorize I’m getting a message saying “One or more licenses to surrender cannot be found in your account.”

      Great. No sessions for me this weekend. So for $40 my studio gets shut down until I get a response from Eventide support to resolve this? That’s some upgrade system you’ve got here. It’s more like a downgrade. Is this a bad time to remind you how much iLok sucks?

      • #162800

        Upgrade has worked for me well. It has removed all my Eventide licences, but Anthology XII and 2016 Stereo Room was added to the list.

        I activated AXII and 2016SR licence on iLok dongle and everything works.

        Do you have AXII and 2016SP active on your iLok account? And have you activated licences for those two?

      • #162802

        I had AXI (everything that comes with it, including 2016SR, and the other one with the similar name, “stereo room”), plus 2 or 3 of the H9 plugins, all authorized on my iLok. When I ran the AXII installer it made it through the portion of the install that wipes out all of my previous authorizations, then an undefined “error” occurred and when I re-tried, I got a message saying the licenses I needed to surrender were not found in my account. Evidently because the installer erased them. I have no idea how to resolve this so I’ll likely have to wait until I hear from support. All of my other iLok stuff (and non-iLok plugins) are working fine.

        The only Eventide plugins I didn’t already have installed were the new Split EQ plugin, and a couple of the H9 plugins they added to AXII. The Eventide plugins I previously had installed were working just fine until I tried to install the update. Then it sort of uninstalled everything I had from Eventide. Not exactly what I was expecting.

      • #162803

        It maybe needs help from Eventide….

        I have already updated Eventide bundle twice (to AXI and to AXII) and always without any problems.

        Still do not understand, what is the problem. Do you have problem to install the AXII Bundle or problem with authorizing them using iLok? Those are two distinct things…

        And what iLok authorisation do yiu use? Using the iLok dongle or without dongle.

      • #162806

        I have about 200 authorizations on a type 1 dongle, a few on iLok cloud, and a few directly authorized to my machine. I’m pretty sure all of my Eventide stuff was on the dongle. I’ll have to wait for support to help me sort this out.

      • #162815
        Eventide Staff


        I’m sorry about this issue. I’ve just found your support ticket in the queue and I will make sure this gets taken care of ASAP. Thanks for your patience.

      • #162817


    • #162855

      I upgraded to Anthology XII from Anthology XI…

      Now i was asked to surrender some plugins i have as separate licenses (ultra ch, ultra rev, omnipressor, sp2016 rev) AND also are into Anthology XI.

      Why i have to lose them booth ??

      • #162858

        Because they are included in AXII upgrade. So they are replaced by AXII.

      • #162859

        are you sure?
        if you have 10 (TEN) ultra channel licenses those are counted in to calculate the upgrade price??

        i think it’s ridiculous! No company count the same plugin 2 times when you’re going to upgrad…

        if i knew i’ll lose them i wouldn’t have upgraded at all.

      • #162861

        Well, Eventide actually did it in some way also in my case. I had AXI and H9 Bundle, so several (fou or so) H9 series plugins I had twice.  And Eventide invalidated the both AXI and H9… But I did know beforehand, as I asked about here, and did not care that much as I received H9 Bundle for free.

        But in case, I would pay for H9 Bundle, I wouldn´t be happy. I would not probably upgrade in that case…

      • #162860

        Sorry, I misunderstood…

        It is strange Eventide wants surrender also single plugins already contained in AXI, duplicite plugins…..

      • #162866
        Eventide Staff

        To answer this question- the surrenders are to give you the lowest price possible on your Anthology XII upgrade. An upgrade from UltraChannel + AXI is a bigger discount than an upgrade from AXI alone.
        However, if, as in your example, you have 10 ultrachannel licenses, it is only counted once and you only have to surrender 1 license. There are edge cases in which a user might need a standalone license in addition to the bundle license, usually in the case of needing more activations than are allowed in a single license. In that case support would happily assist you in depositing an nfr license to cover the extra activations required.

      • #162867

        i think this in not a fair policy, you’re deciding for me WHAT i’m going to surrender WITHOUT telling me BEFORE i buy the upgrade!!!
        You should advice BEFORE is going to happen, cause NO company act like that using more tha 1 license to count in for any upgrade!
        OR, at least you must allow me to select (like some your competitors do) which and how many licenses i want to surrender, and only AFTER that you determine the upgrade price.

        Acting like that is VERY disappointing behaivour, and sincerely NOT honest policy versus your most loyal customers that bought during years your most expansive products.
        If i knew this absurd thing i wouldn’t have upgraded at all :-/

      • #162868

        I guess, It would be way better to allow users to choose, what licences they want surrender. Or at least show what will be surrended. It used to be displayed when upgrading, in past….

    • #162873

      does split eq crossgrade from physion save me money when upgrading my Anthology xi?

      In other words… Anthology xi + split eq to Anthology xii?

      Thank You!

      • #162880
        Eventide Staff

        The upgrade from Anthology XI to XII (with no other plug-ins) is $199. This gets you SP2016 Reverb, SplitEQ and the H9 Series bundle (over $900 total value) . If you own Anthology XI and SplitEQ the upgrade price $159. Buying SplitEQ separately with a crossgrade ($77) and then upgrading ($159) will cost you more than your current $199 price.

    • #163877

      My Anthology XII upgrade price is $199 but I have Anthology XI, SP2016 Reverb and the H9 Series Bundle (though I can’t activate it because surrender isn’t working, sent a support e-mail just now)  – is that correct?

    • #164114

      Guess I’m a little late to the party.  I had surgery earlier this year and between the recovery and therapy I was overwhelmed and unable to keep up with email and the promotions.  So I’m just now realizing there was an upgrade to Anthology.  I own AXI plus everything that was added to AXII except Split EQ …and I actually started to purchase *it* when it was released, but then I read from someone with Eventide that it would be included in Anthology.  So I held up on purchasing at their suggestion.  However, I didn’t understand that getting SplitEQ would require an upgrade, i.e., effectively having to purchase it after all.  I’m seeing AXII upgrade prices of $39, $79, and such in this thread.  However mine is much more at $99.95.  So my question is:  Did I unfortunately miss a lesser intro price on the upgrade?  The $99.95 seems a little pricey to simply add SplitEQ, especially when that is the price being offered to the world (actually LESS — only $99).  Seems there would be a loyalty break for owning the bundle.

      • #164129
        Eventide Staff


        Sorry to hear of your surgery and missing the upgrade announcement. We currently have a crossgrade option for Physion owners, so using that with the current discount price that will bring your SplitEQ price to $59. Let me know if you have any questions and I hope that you have a smooth recovery.

      • #164131

        Thanks for your response.  Yes, I saw the $59 SplitEQ upgrade.  But will that make me an AXII bundle owner since I will then own all the products?   If  not, is there an advantage to doing the bundle upgrade?   …and back to my original question  =>  Was my $99 upgrade LESS during the intro period?

    • #164133

      I have paid 80 USD for upgrade while missing only SplitEQ at time when it was cheaper to upgrade. Even people, who had everything, paid 40 USD for upgrade that time.

      It seems that A XII will contain more plugins than now. It has been mentioned 2x here by Eventide personels…. So, based on that information it might be better to upgrade than just to buy SplitEQ.

      • #164135

        There is a tremendous difference between $39 and $99.95.  Way too much of a late penalty considering I own all the products except SplitEQ (even own the Elevate bundle) and have been a loyal customer for 10 years.

      • #164139

        It is not 39 to 100, it is 80 (discounted price) to 100 (current price) USD, if you do not have SplitEQ. 20 USD more because of missing discount period…

        You could buy SplitEQ now for 59 instead of upgrading for 100, and have all plugins that are now in A XII…. But you will miss the surprise that should come for A XII users…  IMHO, if you trust, that surprise/plugin will come, it is better to upgrade to A XII now, than to buy SplitEQ, as later conversion to A XII would most probably cost more than 40 USD (it was the discounted price)…

      • #164142
        Eventide Staff

        Hello dgrace,

        Everything that Fender17 has said above is correct. I have also emailed you directly explaining this. If you have any more questions, please respond to my email and I’d be happy to discuss further.

      • #164144

        i’d prefer a “surprise” where can finally use the paid SplitEQ as it should (due to latency issue), rather than a gift plugin added at no cost to AXII 🙁

      • #164151

        Well, it is not for real time work. And probably never will be in principle. Eventide maybe might make latency little bit lower, but one cannot beat mathematical laws…. There must be some, considerable latency to make it work as it works….

        What is your issue with latency? DAW should compensate it, so what?

    • #164136

      Checkout this thread about “Split EQ Latency” issues:

      Split EQ Latency



    • #170314

      Are there still any new plugins &/or “surprises” coming expected as of 4/8/2023?

      I already own every plugin including the new ones, but can “Upgrade” to Anthology for $29 right now (4/8/2023), but it mainly sounds like it might just take licenses away from my iLok account then consolidate them.

      Is there any Eventide staff that can confirm or able to say if this would be throwing $30 away at this point or not? I would happily purchase if there is still a “surprise” or two in the pipeline. Invigorate and Split EQ have given me a renewed appreciation for Compression and EQ and hope more sonic goodness is in the lab.

      • #170354
        Eventide Staff

        If you already own Anthology XI and the individual plugins not contained in that bundle, then you are correct in assuming upgrading will just get you one consolidated bundle license. You’ll also get maintenance and feature updates for all plugins in Anthology XII.

        If you do not own Anthology XI but all individual plugin licenses, then Anthology XII will get you EQ45, EQ65, and EChannel, which are not currently available outside of the Anthology XII bundle (and previous Anthology bundles).

        Physion Mk II (released Fall 2022) was the “added value” previously mentioned in this thread. Of course, we’re always working on new plug-ins, but we can’t comment on any future additions to AXII at this time.

    • #171954

      I have the Anthology X! and see my upgrade price is 119$. But I saw others get it at 39$ recently – what happened? Wil I get the chance to get the upgrade cheaper? And what extra do I get? I see Physion mk2 is out and I’ll get that upgrade for around 35$. None of them are essential I guess but I like to be updated.

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      • #171966
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry but no, your upgrade price from AXI will not be cheaper than the current price. Everybody’s discount is different depending on what plug-ins they own. Other users got a bigger discount because they own more plug-ins.

    • #171976

      Hmm ok thanks – these are the ones I have, there wasn’t any more when I bought I think. Not sure the upgrade is worth it for me what extra would I get?  CleanShot 2023-06-16 at 00.15.43@2x


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      • #171982
        Eventide Staff

        You would get SplitEQ, Physion MkII, and all of the H9 plug-ins. Pretty good deal! Feel free to use a free 30-day trial for any of the plug-ins if you’re interested.

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