Any way to prevent outgoing CC transmit to through port

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    • #106782

      I was able to get the FCB to work properly with the Eventide Timefactor.  I can change patches and adjust parameters on the fly with the expression pedals.  Now the difficulty that I'm having is that the FCB expression pedals are changing channels on my amp head.  This is not good. 

      I'd like to be able to filter out or prevent the FCB expression pedal cc transmits to the TimeFactor through port.  Is there any way to do this with the TimeFactor?  The amp head receives in OMNI, I have the TimeFactor receiving on ch 1 and Transmitting on ch 2.  The amp head is at the end of the chain because it has no midi out.

      CC may not be the problem at all but as far as I can tell there is no program change message coming from the expression pedals.  The midi expression pedals are definitely changing channels on me though and I need to stop this from happening.

    • #119791
      Eventide Staff

        The TF will only pass MIDI inputs to its MIDI outputs when it is configured for MIDI/OUTPUT=THRU. If you select OUTPUT=XMT it should block the inputs.

        Interestingly, many of our other users want the inputs to go to the outputs always !!

      • #119795

        That works but it also seems to block the Program Changes that are required to switch the amp channels.  Oh well, the amp maker has a revised midi chip that addresses this known issue but I was hoping for a workaround in the meantime.  I ordered the chip.

        If I understand correctly I should be able to configure the OUTPUT to XMT instead of passing data through, turn "on" PGM XMT and set the XMT MAP to transmit program changes to the Brunetti .  I tried this and it didn't do anything.  I'm not sure what the 059 is listening for but it doesn't respond to the TimeFactors midi maps or Program Transmits in this configuration.  Otherwise I would just create TimeFactor presets that also switch amp channels.  I'm pretty sure this would work, in theory, hehehehe.

      • #130934
        Eventide Staff

          The TF will only send Program Changes when you load its programs manually.

        • #130937

          I'm not sure what you mean by "manually".  As in loading the presets using the knobs and switches on the Timefactor as apposed to loading a patch remotely via FCB1010?

        • #130938
          Eventide Staff

            Sorry. I meant "as in loading the presets….".

          • #131127

            Brunetti is telling me that modified chips will cost $150 + S&H + Local tech install fees (about $300 total + 3 – 4 weeks delivery + 3-4 weeks possible installation) YIKES!  I can't afford the $$ or the time right now so I need a workaround. 

            Once again,
            Is there any way to filter out CC messages on the through port while allowing PC messages to pass?

            If not:
            What kind of cables will I need to use a non MIDI expression pedal with the TimeFactor (stereo or mono)?

            Also, is it possible to use the aux port on the TimeFactor with a second expression pedal or only the expression pedal port?  I have dual expression pedals on the FCB1010 and I'd like to use both of them.

          • #131132
            Eventide Staff


              Is there any way to filter out CC messages on the through port while allowing PC messages to pass?

              Sorry, no. You either have THRU or not-THRU.


              What kind of cables will I need to use a non MIDI expression pedal with the TimeFactor (stereo or mono)?

              You can use a mono or stereo cable (it only uses tip and sleeve).


              Also, is it possible to use the aux port on the TimeFactor with a second expression pedal

              The aux port expects a switch – a pedal can act like a switch, but this is not very useful.

            • #131141

              That clears it up for me.  I guess I'll have to settle for using one of the effects pedals on the FCB1010, not a bad compromise.  Thank you for all of your time and knowledge, I appreciate it.

            • #131145

              Is it possible to:

              A. Set the Eventide OUT port to XMT instead of THRU (which will block all signals going out to the Brunetti)

              B. Set the XMT CC to OFF,

              C. Set the PGM XMT to ON and

              Have the Eventide transmit PGM changes from the Behringer to the Brunetti?…

            • #131148
              Eventide Staff


                Is it possible to:

                A. Set the Eventide OUT port to XMT instead of THRU (which will block all signals going out to the Brunetti)



                B. Set the XMT CC to OFF



                C. Set the PGM XMT to ON and Have the Eventide transmit PGM changes from the Behringer to the Brunetti?…

                Probably not – this would require THRU mode, which will lose the PGM XMT out. You'll need a MIDI Merge box to do this.

              • #131151

                Just thought I'd try another crazy workaround idea…
                This stuff is getting me a bit worked up as I don't have the money for modifying my amp and yet I can use the full functionality of my MIDI pedal, what a frustrating bunch of waste!

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