Anyone with The Edge “U2” patches

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    • #105393

        Just bought an eclipse an im struggling trying to make Edge patches. Any help or patches would be appreciated.
        Thanks 🙂

      • #117045

        Hi, There are tons of delay with modulation patches in the unit………….Check out Vintage Digital Delay (and read up on the manual Big Smile !) Also, you migt want to look at "Diamond Rain" and "Crystal Echos" Sounds familiar doesnt it !Cool

      • #117392

         Yeah, "Diamond Rain" is great.  I have it set up so I can control the FX mix with a footpedal.  I can go from clean signal to 100% wet which allows me to roll in the "Shimmer" on songs like WOWY & AIWIY, at the appropriate point.

        I'm an Eclipse noob too.  My Shimmer rig (IPS33b, Lex reverb & SDE1000) will soon be up for sale on the Bay. 

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