Auto-update or notification of installed/registered plugins

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Auto-update or notification of installed/registered plugins

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    • #115845

        When the developer releases an update for my DAW, I get a window alerting me to update (MOTU DP10); My UVI licences (plugins and sound libraries) can be checked using just one app whenever I want.

        It can be quite frustrating having to manually check every individual plugin for any possible updates. Is there anything like I’ve described above that Eventide does have, or can develop to make life easier?

      • #154683
          wilkinsi wrote:

          When the developer releases an update for my DAW, I get a window alerting me to update (MOTU DP10); My UVI licences (plugins and sound libraries) can be checked using just one app whenever I want.

          It can be quite frustrating having to manually check every individual plugin for any possible updates. Is there anything like I’ve described above that Eventide does have, or can develop to make life easier?



          I agree 1000%  We love you.  Can you please add this to your plugins? 

        • #154684
          Eventide Staff

            It's in our backlog to include an update-checking mechanism in each plugin. Unfortunately it hasn't been looked at yet.

          • #170538

              Are there any updates on this (no pun intended)? The more Eventide plugins somebody owns, the more of a problem this is. Surely as a result, the majority of people are running chronically outdated plugin versions and that’s a far from ideal situation for any developer? I use MacUpdater and it shows me when a plugin is outdated, and I’m thankful that Eventide regularly updates them, but generally it’s too much effort to do it manually and I usually just avoid it. I assume most users aren’t even aware of updates.

            • #173094

                I will add my voice to those wishing for a system that would allow for immediate alerts of available plug-in updates and that would include a a tool for downloading and installing them.

                Thanks in advance!

              • #173626

                  Anything new? It is utterly annoying to check every single plugin within my DAW, because even the release notes do not contain publishing date!!!

                  • #173627
                    Eventide Staff

                      Sorry, no updates at the moment.

                      What plug-ins do you own? The simplest way to make sure everything is up to date would be running the Anthology installer, and unchecking the box for any plug-ins in the bundle you do not own.

                  • #178161

                      Is there any update on this? Especially since Eventide plugins tend to be updated together, I’ll suddenly get a massive list of available updates via MacUpdater which sadly can’t update them automatically.

                      From a developer’s perspective, surely it’s less than ideal knowing that most of your users probably have heavily out of date versions of your plugins?

                    • #178931

                        To add to all of these suggestions, why is it that the Windows installer(s) do not seem to recognize that the plugins are already installed on my computer? Do I have to overwrite what already exists? What about my personalized presets?

                        • #179310
                          Eventide Staff

                            The installer will overwrite your existing versions of the plugins and update factory presets, if necessary. It won’t touch or modify any presets you’ve created.

                        • #154845
                            tlongabaugh wrote:

                            It’s in our backlog to include an update-checking mechanism in each plugin. Unfortunately it hasn’t been looked at yet.

                            That’s unfortunate. 

                            I’m speculating that many (most…?) customers would consider that a basic and expected functionality at release. 

                            Maybe in the interim you could just email update notices to registered customers that have opted-in for emails from Eventide.

                            That would suffice until a “Check for updates’ menu item could be added to each plug-in…

                            Just my 2cents…

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