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April 29, 2011 at 9:08 am #107841
Memberhi guys, this question's probably asked a billion times already, but i must ask you to humor me once more.
Has anyone achieved this DECENTLY with their timefactor? If you have I would greatly appreciate specifics to the settings you are using.
Otherwise this is sincere request to the guys up at Eventide, please, this must be do-able on your next update for the stompbox? sooner than later? I would hate to spend money on another multi function delay just to get this effect on an otherwise brilliant unit.
April 29, 2011 at 7:44 pm #122036
MemberI have the timefactor, and have a swelling preset as well. I use my volume control with my swell though, so I control the swelling rate with my actual volume knob. The preset Does Not automatically swell however. If this is what you were looking for, I do not believe the timefactor can do this alone. You might try to set the mix to 100% wet though. You might be able to dial in a sound you like with this method.
April 30, 2011 at 12:44 am #122037
MemberHey, yea I'm quite aware and capable of doing swells with a vol pedal. They are awesome in their own right.
What I and talking about in my query is more in the nature of the auto swell on the DL-4 or in the upcoming Timeline. Given the programming prowess of the Eventide stompboxes, I would think this should've easy enough to put up as a feature on the Timefactor. Sooner than later.
Everyone else interested in the this specific delay type, do chime in!
April 30, 2011 at 2:00 pm #122038
MemberI think what your asking for is not a delay effect at all, but a dynamics effect. I've never heard of a delay pedal doing volume swell. It's like asking a shovel to do the job of a hammer.
Volume swells in processors are usually achieved by a slow noise gate. Once I had a multi-effects processor that did this, but it was because the processor had both delay and dynamics effect like a gate built in. I'd suggest setting a good compressor or gate with a slow attack time in front of your delay.
On the other hand, the MODfactor DOES have some volume control effects. The Tremolo effect basically just raises and lowers volume. I could see this effect being tweaked or updated by Eventide to allow volume swells, but not the TimeFactor.
May 1, 2011 at 7:42 am #122043
MemberJust for curiousity, the Boss SG-1 Slow Gear from the early 80s did automatic volume swells. I've seen other copies of this pedal since that did the same, as the Slow Gear was only manufactured for a few years and is both rare and expensive today. I believe the Slow Gear is the basis for Line6's interpretation of this effect.
And +1 – I would love to see something along these lines added to the ModFactor. I agree, too, that the MF is the more logical choice, since as stated, this is a dynamic/envelope effect that could be modulated, but isn't time/delay based itself. And, I could think of some really cool combinations of auto swells and delays, which likely require both the TF and another pedal (such as the MF).
May 3, 2011 at 5:20 pm #133348
Billy Foppiano
ParticipantHere here, and let me throw down on this! Excellent idea, and THIS would be a GREAT feature!!!
The Mod pedal would go after the TF, and oh man…..I can hear the swell, with echoplux -like DDL coming in!!!
Now this would be OH SO COOL!
Go Eventide!
May 3, 2011 at 6:12 pm #122051
ParticipantI was just about to chim in that the Bumble Bee from VFE is an awesome clone of the Slow Gear. I actually got the Modfactor to replace that and my tremolo pedal. I was able to fully replace the Bumble Bee. Set the TremoloPan to envelope, mix 100%, Optical mode, and the fine-tune the Sensitvity to your picking. I found the ADSR is much better fit if the Modfactor is last in your chain (usually guitarist do)
The Space is a much better product to enhance the swell than the Timefactor IMO. TimeFactor has swell preset that sounds awesome but it has that volume runaway effect so you would need a limiter (secret to Strymon's delays)
May 4, 2011 at 6:10 pm #122057
MemberWell, now I feel like an idiot… I completely forgot about the Envelope and ADSR waveshapes on the TremoloPan algorithm. I'm sure this can be configured to do a nice Slow Gear effect and I'll have to play around with it. Thanks, imerkat, for pointing this out!!
May 4, 2011 at 7:31 pm #122058
ParticipantChalk me up as a supporter for this. I REALLY miss the volume swell feature that was on my DL4. Almost enough to consider buying a Timeline because it has this feature. Surely there's enough processing power inside the TF to handle this…
May 5, 2011 at 3:06 am #122059
MemberMost guitarists put the ModFactor last? That sounds strange to me, actually. I almost always chain my effects in this order:
Guitar > Wah/EQ > Compression > Distortion/Preamp > Pitch > Modulation > Volume > Delay/Reverb
I know I'm going off on a tangent, but am I alone in this?
May 5, 2011 at 4:26 am #133355
MemberI doubt you're alone. To me, the only "correct" order is whatever order sounds best for you in your rig. That said, until the addition of Space, the MF was the last pedal in my chain… Here's what works best for me…
Guitar >> Compressor >> Wah >> Pre-Amp >> Volume >> Pitch >> Delay >> Modulation >> Reverb
I don't want the compressor to eat the slight volume kick provided by the wah, so the wah's 2nd. I'd rather have the volume after the pitch, but isn't due to pedalboard space limitations. Typically, I like to modulate my delays (dly >> mod) because I think the modulcation remains more distinctive, as opposed to delaying my modulations (mod >> dly), which, to my ears, tends to bury the modulations in the echos. Same reason I usually put reverb after delay, and in both cases, I don't always. But, all that's just for my benefit, works for what I do, and as always is subject to change at any time. As long as whatever order you use sounds good to you, I think that's all that really matters.
May 5, 2011 at 5:07 am #122060
MemberThe slow gear/bumble bee's all fine and an awesome solution to getting this nail. So is simply getting a DL-4/Timeline (when it's out eventually).
Hah, here in lies my request to figure out a way to do this on the TF alone, hence not having to purchase another piece of gear for ONE intention. Hoping the Eventide folks can work something out programming wise to enable the TF to achieve this then.
Yes the MF paired with the Space, swells… of UNIMAGINABLE brilliance. I simply brought the TF into question here because the effect was sensationalized first on the DL4 which in essence is a delay pedal.
lol.. yea so help me not spend 450 on another multifunctional delay pedal just for ONE effect.
May 5, 2011 at 7:58 am #122061
MemberI wouldn't have a problem at all if Eventide adds a Slow Gear to the TF. In the mean time, do you have a MF? If not, it usually retails, currently, around $400, which is $50 less. It's not a delay pedal, but it is pretty multifunctional and it does a lot more than just one effect… great choruses, flangers, rotary, and some really cool phasers (just not always in the phaser algorithm), among quite a few others (including Undulator). And it looks like it'll already do a Slow Gear, too, so no hoping/waiting for a future update.
Please don't think I'm trying to get you to spend another $400+, ok? Rather, if you decide you want to, I'm only suggesting taking a look at the MF, as I think it would give you what you want and several other effects that may be more useful (e.g. not redundant) than anything a second delay might give you.
May 5, 2011 at 9:48 pm #133356
Billy Foppiano
ParticipantWEll, I tried the "Slow gear" emulation and it works…..
BUT it could be better implemented if EVENTIDE would enable a few quirks….
The sensitivity control needs to be expanded. ….I think the envelope needs a time to where it resets. And also where it lets go.
So where it opens, and where it lets go. This could be a way awesome feature.
But this is a good idea, that could be expanded. Thanks to those who brought this foward….
May 5, 2011 at 11:05 pm #133357
MemberI will try this when I play this weekend.
And yes, "sensitivity" has always seemed limiting. It would be NICE if there were a way to control the A, D, S, and R in ADSR mode. That would ROCK, but how to do so with the limited knobs and interface is the real question.
May 11, 2011 at 12:56 pm #122081
ParticipantThe sick can't heal the sick cleantone! lol i want the Timeline for the pattern algorithm. I think the MultiTap Algo is the most under rated mode on the TF. Most use it for reverb but i gotten some great pattern delays and such i believe i can program a swell…
…so hold that thought!
May 11, 2011 at 1:05 pm #133371
ParticipantWell, down the end of the chain, i should have said. For the most percise "feel" of the swell i had to take the MF first in the chain. The envelope reacts faster and closes itself naturally with your guitar. So i had it MF -> OD -> TF. That was only temporary So when i put it back more along the lines of your setup i found the ADSR work better. Sorry don't mean to over-generalize
May 11, 2011 at 3:30 pm #133373
Memberall ears sir! =)
May 15, 2011 at 12:50 am #122111
MemberThis should have been a preset . It is awsome. I had a guyatone slow volume but got rid of it because I could not get the results I was looking for. These settings on the MF are perfect and very responsive.
Thanks imerkat!!!
May 17, 2011 at 2:49 pm #133404
ParticipantI tried hard this weekend but the slur on the MultiTap doesn't go far enough for a smooth swell. I want to start a thread Timeline vs Timefactor. (This is one point for the timeline
May 17, 2011 at 5:53 pm #133408
ParticipantYou're welcome Radi! with Eventide, it's like digging for tressure in your own pedal board
May 17, 2011 at 6:33 pm #133409
Memberyes I agree especially with the pitchfactor you could tweak that thing forever and still not find everything it can do.
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