here's what i'd like to do if possible
setup timefactor and modfactor both with aux switches and use that in
the same way you'd use a typical midi controller like a ground control or midimate
12 buttons total, if each button could be assigned to tx program
change or cc
so for example
have timefactor and 3 aux switch on top row, use the
first 5 for cc to stomp on/off individual pedals regardless the preset,
last button bank up
then on 2nd row the modfactor w/ 3 aux switches with first 5 buttons
presets and last button bank down?
if possible just have all 128 program changes / presets, if not possibly 40 banks?
20 from modfactor, 20 from timefactor? i think
right now program change is only sent by activating a bank?
i don't know if this is a hardware limitation or not…