Aux Switches… latching or non-latching?

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    • #105702

      I can't find any mention in the manual of whetether aux switches should be latching or non-latching. 


    • #117602

       They need to be momentary. A popular one is the Digitech FS300.

    • #117603

         They should be non-latching (momentary) switches, like an electronic keyboard sustain pedal.

      • #117604


      • #128767

        Boss FS-5U is doing it for me (Timefactor and Modfactor) .

      • #117607
        Eventide Staff

           User Guide Page 31 in the section on Auxiliary Switches 

          "Toggle switches are not supported. Only momentary switches will work properly."


        • #117725


          Tell please if you know what's the difference between Digitech fs300 and Digitech fs3x fo use with TimeFactor.

        • #117728

            If you want to save a little money and make your own aux switch, it's actually a very simple circuit involving a momentary throw switch, a plug jack, and 2 pieces of wire connecting them.


          • #117729

              I found one for how to make the 3 button switch as well, but the schematics on the message board are not quite helpful.


              The thing to keep in mind is to use a TRS jack and connect one button to each combination:

              T + R
              T + S
              R + S

              You'll probably want to test it out before you mount it to any box just so you know which button will be doing what to the Mod / Time Factor.

            • #128875

              If you're making your own 3 way switch, then you'll need 2 small diodes – 1N4148/1N914 – to stop the T+R acivating T or R. Google images search for Digitech FS300 schematic/ Digitech fs300, and you'll find some that show how to hook it all up properly.

            • #135028

              Hi digitalkettle i found this your old post and i' d like to ask you one thing,  do you think i can use the boss fs-5u to scroll down the presets of the modfactor?  do you think any non-latching or momentary will work?

              Thank' s a lot for your help.

            • #135029
                do you think i can use the boss fs-5u to scroll down the presets of the modfactor?

                It will work.  I use a couple of Boss FS-6 dual switches (with a few more features than the Boss FS-5U).  They are big targets for your foot, reliable, and solidly built.  To use it as a Down switch in Bank mode, go to System Settings -> AUX SW -> BK-

                do you think any non-latching or momentary will work?

                Yes.  Even a keyboard sustain pedal will work (for a single Aux Switch function).

              • #135031

                That  is the answer i was looking for, thank' s a lot Broke, if you use the boss fs-6 i can try with the behringer ab 200 which is supposed to be a clone right?

                and with the FS-6 can i use both switches one to scroll down and the other to scroll up?

                Thank' s again.

              • #135044
                  if you use the boss fs-6 i can try with the behringer ab 200 which is supposed to be a clone right?

                  The AB200 is wired differently, uses TS jacks, and appears to be set up for switching audio signals.  The Boss FS-6 has separate TS jacks for A & B, a combined TRS jack for both A + B switching, plus a polarity switch and momentary / latching switch for each output A and B.

                  I can't say that the AB 200 would work correctly, and it seems to me that you'd have to create some custom cables at a minimum.

                  with the FS-6 can i use both switches one to scroll down and the other to scroll up?

                  Yes (BK+ and BK- in Bank mode).  In Play mode, FS3 would get you Bank Up.  Keep in mind that the FS-6 needs a 9V battery / power for the LEDs (it won't switch with it). You might want to defeat the 9V switching at the input jacks, or supply it from your pedalboard.  Multiple FS-6's also lock together mechanically.

                • #135064

                  Thank' s a lot Broke, you'  ve been very helpful,  i' ll go for the fs-6 or digitech fs 300.

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