Home › Forums › Products › Stompboxes › Bank Mode – how to change programs
I am a newbie 😉 with a pobably basic question:
how can I change the programs in a given bank. E.g. I would like to change slot 2 in Bank 1 from bedroom vibes to bittersweet.
many thanks!
The easiest way is using H90 Control. On the app, you can have the Playlist you want to edit on the left and the Program list on the right. You can drag and drop as outlined in this video:Â https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m70ai93119egw2dxc8nt7/Using-Playlists.MOV?rlkey=kdifsoe0ek83hxrd08zgjijhm&st=40sau0zv&dl=0