Best inexpensive expression pedal.

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    • #115265
      William Middlemiss


        Im wiring up a board for some recordings and performances over the next few months, and I really cant put off getting an expression pedal any longer. I’ve been looking at options which are inexpensive, but also compact. I simply cannot afford to buy 3 Dunlops at the moment (I will probably switch them out as I can)

        So Im wondering if anyone here has any experience with something which fits those requirements and works with the H9

        I see theres a 20.00 option at sweetwater (Nektar?) But theres little to no info on it, so Im not sure if it will work (or how large it is) it also may be cheaper than what Id like to get. 

        Does anyone here have any ideas? 


      • #151657

          I don’t have an expression pedal but the Boss EV-30 has two TRS outputs so you can use it with two H9’s or an H9 and another type of pedal – effectively two pedals in one footprint

        • #151664

          I may make an experience based recommendation for an expression pedal, but can make one for an “Expression Egg”.

          It’s cheap (even free if you have surplus material), compact and has an attitude: )


          Jokes aside, I’m looking for a foot friendly expression controller too. An inexpensive and small one.


        • #151769

            Probably all of us have normal priced ones 🙂
            I use a mission SPH9 and it’s perfect of course.

            Reportedly the Moog EP-3 works… And I read somewhere the M- audio EX.P works, and it’s as cheap as possible. You gotta try it and holla back.

          • #151772
            William Middlemiss


              I ordered 2 M-audios from GC. I’d love to get the Mission, but room and price didnt make it the most practical choice. 

              The Moog I used to have was plastic and made a grinding noise when moved, so I figure the M-audios cant be that much worse (another laugh) 


              I’ll pick them up in the next few days, I’ll give a report when I have them setup!

            • #151779
              William Middlemiss

                Grabbed the Maudio Ex-p this afternoon. It came right up and works great. Now back to the regular scheduled programming. 

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