Best Practice for connecting H8000FW to mixer w/FW and aux sends

Home Forums Products Rackmount Best Practice for connecting H8000FW to mixer w/FW and aux sends

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    • #115798

      I have been using my H8000FW direct into my DAW via FW for a long time and have loved it and have had no issues in the digital realm with routing and using channels. I want to try connecting to a Mackie ONYX w/firewire which will connect to my DAW rather than using the H8000 FW so that I can get more channels/instruments/mics to have access to the unit. I’m a little confused about using the aux sends/returns properly since I don’t see stereo L/R coming out of the H8000. The mixer has 6 sends and 4 stereo returns. I imagine I connect 4 sends to the 4 analog inputs on the H8000FW and rerturn the 4 outputs. Should those analog outputs go to the L & R of the returns taking only 2 return channels? Or am I missing something. I’d like to run Stereo I/O. Also is this proper or do I need to be enlightened to a better solution.

      Thanks in advance.

    • #154177

      Or do I send back to mixer in L(mono) for 1, 2, 3 and 4 returns?

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