Blackhole automation problem with Cakewalk

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    • #183735

        The Blackhole automation curves work only, if the project has very few tracks. If there are more tracks, the automation works only for the actual start value and dosn’t follow the curve. Is there any workaround or other solution? This is very important for me, because dynamic movements in space are part of my project.

        Tank you


      • #183741
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry for the issues you are having.

          What product are you using? The Blackhole plug-in? Or a hardware unit with the Blackhole algorithm?

        • #183744

            I use the plugin, newest update.

            My DAW:

            Windows 10,  64 bit, 32 MB, AMD Ryzen 5

            I run a projekt with many plugins for a full VSL orchestra and all automation works fine except Blackhole.  If I stop the transport and set the cursor manually to a certain position, the value of the automation curve is read. However if I run the project, nothing moves even after I stop the transport it stays at the start value. I think, there is a timing problem, it just doesn’t get the automation values fast enough.


            Thank you for your support,


          • #183758

              You are probably better off asking in the plugin forum, where people using the plugin will see it.  This forum is targetting the hardware units like the H9000

            • #183816
              Eventide Staff

                I’ve moved your post to the correct forum.

                Can you please email with a screen recording that demonstrates the issue?

                It would also be helpful to get your plug-in information by control+clicking the Eventide logo in the plug-in UI and selecting “copy support information to clipboard”. Please include that information when you email support.

              • #183834

                  I found a solution:

                  Blackhole in my project was scaled to 125% and I found  out that I wasn’t was not able to change scaling via settings. So I created a small project with Blackhole. There it was possible to rescale the plugin to 75%.  Afterwards I reloaded my original large project and Blackhole surprisingly was set to 75% too and now automation follows in realtime!

                  Very strange, the scaling should be defined for each project separately…

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