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January 7, 2015 at 6:49 pm #112227
ParticipantFor several weeks, I was able to connect to both of my H9s at the same time via Bluetooth and an iPad. Now, I can can connect to only one at a time. Both units exhibit the same behavior. I can make the first connection to either H9. The second connection attempt appears to work very briefly, but then quickly changes to a disconnected status.
January 7, 2015 at 7:08 pm #127314
ParticipantThat's interesting. We had heard from users that were having trouble connecting to multiple H9s with an iPad Air, but this is the first time someone told us that they were able to connect to two and stopped being able to. It would be great if you could help us figure out what might have changed in the last few weeks. Did you upgrade to a new version of iOS? How is the power level of your iPad? Is it fully charged? What if you plug it into a power source? Does that have any effect? If you reset your iPads settings does that have any affect?
I wish I could give you an answer to the problem, but at the moment we're still trying to figure this out as well.
January 7, 2015 at 7:34 pm #127315
ParticipantNo recent updates to the iPad. I haven't sync'd it in a while. I have done a restart of the iPad and a "forget" on both devices. I have also turned Bluetooth off then on again.
I will try with the iPad plugged in. I keep it charged, so the battery level was good. Tonight, I will cycle the Bluetooth off/on on the H9's themselves (have not done that, yet).
Is there anything else to reset on the iPad?
January 7, 2015 at 7:48 pm #137936
Is there anything else to reset on the iPad?
If you go into the Settings app and go to General at the bottom of the screen there's a tab called "Reset". Some people who've had problems pairing with H9s have found that using the "Reset All Settings" function under this tab fixes their problem, and it might help with yours as well. Using this function will wipe out your iPads WIFI settings and your iTunes username. So you'll need to re-enter those but it shouldn't affect your installed apps.
January 8, 2015 at 1:15 pm #137946
ParticipantNo luck. I reset the iPad twice (once was network only, and then everything). I turned Bluetooth off/on at the iPad and on the H9s. I can pair H9-1, but not H9-2, or I can pair H9-2, but not H9-1. Either one will pair by itself, but not both at the same time.
I watched the H9 displays closely. The iPad will briefly say connected, but the Bluetooth LED indicator on the H9 never illuminates and after 2-3 seconds, the iPad goes back to disconnected.
Should I try a factory reset on the pedals? I seems to be some sort of contention between the two of them.
January 8, 2015 at 1:26 pm #137947
Should I try a factory reset on the pedals? I seems to be some sort of contention between the two of them.
Well, there's two ways to reset the H9. You can reset just the system settings, and you can do a full factory reset which wipes out your presets as well. If you don't have any complicated MIDI map stuff it might be worth a try to reset your system settings. (Turn the H9 off and then on again with the right footswitch and the HotKnob switch in the upper left hand corner pressed.) I'd be surprised if this had any effect though. This problem only seems to occur on iPad Airs, and the H9's themselves don't do anything tricky like auto reconnecting that one might imagine could contention between the two. So, I think it's something about the iPad Air that's causing the problem. I'll poke around on Apple's developer forums today to see if I can find out anything about this there.
January 8, 2015 at 1:57 pm #137948
ParticipantThanks. I have an iPhone as well. I can try that later today/tonight and will post the results.
January 8, 2015 at 11:52 pm #137953
ParticipantMy iPhone was able to pair with both H9s. I turned the iPhone off to ensure that there wasn't any interference and the iPad Air is still not able to connect to both. I posted the issue on another forum and guys with iPad mini's; iPad 2, etc… are fine. The issue does appear to be with the iPad Air.
January 9, 2015 at 12:36 am #137954
ParticipantI emailed Apple about the issue to see if they have any information about it. I had contacted the manufacturer of the Bluetooth chip we use a few weeks ago, but they didn't know anything about the problem and couldn't offer any help.
January 9, 2015 at 5:16 pm #137957
ParticipantCould you let me know what version of iOS you have installed on your iPad Air?
January 9, 2015 at 6:18 pm #137962
ParticipantIt is iOS v8.1.2
January 21, 2015 at 9:24 pm #127387
MemberI am having the same problem with my iPad Air.
I can connect the first H9, but when I try to connect the second H9, the bluetooth light on the second H9 lights up for a brief moment then goes out. On the iPad, it says "Connected", but after a few seconds it changes back to "Not Connected".
I recently purchased an iPad Air 2. It is able to consistently connect to both H9's simultaneously.
It must be something with the iPad Air that is causing the problem.
My iPad Air is running iOS 8.1.2, while my Air 2 is running 8.1.
August 26, 2016 at 9:00 pm #144204
ParticipantAs mentioned earlier, Eventide filed a bug report with Apple about this problem where some iPad Airs cannot connect to multiple Bluetooth devices, and we sent them three H9s to test with. Apple contacted us earlier this week and asked us to check if the bug is fixed in their beta releases for iOS 10. So, we installed iOS 10 beta 7 on an iPad Air that had shown this connectivity problem with earlier iOS releases, and it did indeed fix the problem. So, we're cautiously optimistic that when iOS 10 is released (probably in early September) it may fix this problem for everyone. They had tried to fix this problem earlier on, but whatever it did it fixed only for some people but not others. Hopefully, this time they got it right.
January 23, 2015 at 8:28 am #127394
ParticipantAny updates on this issue with the iPad Air?
January 23, 2015 at 8:55 am #138065
ParticipantJust a thought …. have you got something else connected to the iPad air via Bluetooth?
the reason I ask is that from my experimenting any 64bit iOS device (iPhone 5S,iPad Air , iPad Mini 2 onwards) seems to allow two H9's simultaneously wheras a 32bit device seems to allow 3 simultaneous connections.
I discovered this when I first got an iPad Air and replicated it with my iphone 5S, then an iPad Air 2 and an iPhone 6 …. all seem to allow only 2 Bluetooth devices to connect.
I then tried the same experiments on my daughter and wife's iPad Minis and iPhone 5's (2 x iPhone 5 … NOT iPhone 5S) … they all accepted 3 H9's
Given that all the devices were running the same level of iOS … I would suggest it it was something to do with a change in hardware when the 64 bit platform came in or something in the 64 bit code??
But I have not seen any issue with only being able to connect only 1 H9 at a time … only when I had another bluetooth device connected at the same time.
Not sure if this answers your question?
January 23, 2015 at 2:05 pm #138066
MemberIn my case, I'm only attempting to connect to the two H9s.
January 23, 2015 at 3:17 pm #138067
Any updates on this issue with the iPad Air?
Unfortunately not at the moment. I took me some time to figure out what was the right division at Apple to contact about this problem. I wrote them on Jan 12th describing the problems you guys have been seeing and linked to this forum thread, but they haven't responded yet.
January 23, 2015 at 6:17 pm #138072
ParticipantRegarding the number of connected devices… I don't have anything else connected to my iPad. The only thing appearing in the list of Bluetooth devices are the two H9s.
January 23, 2015 at 6:17 pm #138073
ParticipantThanks for the update.
January 24, 2015 at 1:50 am #138080
ParticipantFWIW I have three H9s and I am unable to connect to more than two of them at a time using either an iPad Air or a mini retina. Oddly, I am able to connect to all three on my iPhone 5.
January 24, 2015 at 10:09 am #138082
FWIW I have three H9s and I am unable to connect to more than two of them at a time using either an iPad Air or a mini retina. Oddly, I am able to connect to all three on my iPhone 5.
That completely backs up my findings
January 31, 2015 at 10:50 pm #138149
MemberI just today got a second H9 and I am having the same problem with my iPad Air 🙁
I can connect to either/or H9 but not both simultaneously to both on my iPad Air. I can successfully connect to both simultaneously on my iPhone 5.
Has anyone tried the 8.1.3 iOS update that came out a couple days ago?
February 1, 2015 at 2:11 pm #138154
ParticipantI updated to iOS 8.1.3 on my iPad Air. Same problem. The 2nd H9 shows connected for 2-3 seconds on the iPad and then disconnects. The H9 LEDs never show a connection.
Really bummed about this. For now, I am using 2 USB cables to my PC. However, I discovered that when you do that, the pedals stop receiving inbound MIDI messages. Not a show stopper, but definitely and inconvenience.
February 1, 2015 at 5:56 pm #138156
FWIW I have three H9s and I am unable to connect to more than two of them at a time using either an iPad Air or a mini retina. Oddly, I am able to connect to all three on my iPhone 5.
This really sounds like it is an Apple issue – there is no reason why our units would care (or even know) how many of them were connected to your device. As mentioned above, we are trying to get information from Apple, but are not having great success. Please feel free to contact Apple about this problem.
February 7, 2015 at 9:20 pm #127501
ParticipantOK, so I *may* purchase a refurbished iPad 2 to get around this issue. Can anyone confirm the the Control App will or will not run on an iPad2???
Also, please clarify… can Bluetooth be used on a Windows PC? Per the Harmonizer User Guide, only USB, not Bluetooth, is supported on a PC.
(page 3…) H9’s Bluetooth function allows you to wirelessly control your H9 from an iOS
device (Macs and PC’s must be connected by USB).That contradicts information in the "H9 Control User Manual" states that a Windows PC can use Bluetooth to connect to the H9.
So, is this true, and can the PC control two units or just one?!?!?
February 7, 2015 at 10:24 pm #127502
Bluetooth can be run on a Windows PC to talk to an H9. But (there is always one of those) it seems to depend a bit on your BT hardware. Please search other posts for recommendations if you have problems.
February 8, 2015 at 1:24 pm #127505
So, is this true, and can the PC control two units or just one?!?!?
As Nick mentioned above, Bluetooth is supported now on Windows, and yes, you can connect that way to two devices. Almost no Windows computers seem to come with built in Bluetooth support nowadays, and unfortunately, some of our users have had a hard time getting Bluetooth connected between their machines and the H9. We ordered a handful of Bluetooth USB dongles off of Amazon ourselves and tested them out and posted the results to the following FAQ item on the H9 support page.
What Bluetooth USB dongle should I buy to let my Windows computer connect to my H9 via Bluetooth?
The H9 communicates using the 2.1 version of the Bluetooth protocol, and theoretically, any Bluetooth chip supporting Bluetooth 2.1 should work. In particular we have tested and had success using the StarTech USBBT1EDR2 Mini USB Bluetooth 2.1 Adapter, which can be ordered off of Amazon here.
We would dissuade customers however from buying a Bluetooth adapter using the Broadcom chipset, which is used in the BestBuy Bluetooth dongle products from Rocketfish and Insignia and the Inateck® USB Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Micro Adapter USB Wireless Bluetooth Dongle among other products. Many Windows machines do not automatically recognize USB Bluetooth dongles using this chipset, and no one at Eventide have ever been able to get the Broadcom driver to install correctly.
February 8, 2015 at 6:50 pm #138213
ParticipantThank you for the quick replies, guys!!! I bought a Kensington Bluetooth 4.0 USB adapter and it works great on Windows 8. The drivers installed automatically and within minutes, I had both H9s paired up and working. This is a HUGE WIN!!!
Keep coming up with great stuff. My H9s have replaced a Timeline and BigSky. The technology in them is head and shoulders above the other guys.
February 8, 2015 at 6:58 pm #138214
Thank you for the quick replies, guys!!! I bought a Kensington Bluetooth 4.0 USB adapter and it works great on Windows 8. The drivers installed automatically and within minutes, I had both H9s paired up and working. This is a HUGE WIN!!!
Great. Thanks for letting us know about another Bluetooth adapter that we can recommend to people. We'll have to add that Kensington product to our FAQ.
February 8, 2015 at 8:37 pm #138215
ParticipantJust FYI… on the same FAQ page, just above the discussion about Bluetooth adapters, there is a table/chart stating the Bluetooth on Windows is not supported.
March 4, 2015 at 9:47 pm #127604
MemberI just received my second H9 yesterday and had the same exact problem with both my iPad Air and iPhone 6. Note that in experimenting, I was able to connect to both if on the "bluetooth" screen of the Settings App if I click on one of the h9's to connect, and then quickly try to tap the other to connect before the popup asking me to allow the h9 control app to access my h9. I was able to accomplish this a few times last night on demand, so I was happy to be able to control both my h9s. Let me know if I can gather any info to help debug this.
September 2, 2016 at 4:43 pm #144262
Participantdrzissou wrote:I was able to connect to both if on the “bluetooth” screen of the Settings App if I click on one of the h9’s to connect, and then quickly try to tap the other to connect before the popup asking me to allow the h9 control app to access my h9. I was able to accomplish this a few times last night on demand, so I was happy to be able to control both my h9s.I got my 2nd H9 few days ago and I wasn’t able to connect my ipad mini 2 (iOS 9.3.5) via bluetooth with both my H9.
Drzissou’s trick solved my problem
May 7, 2015 at 11:13 pm #139018
ParticipantHow are folks connecting to four H9's? I've been using a 4th gen iPad BT with three H9's, but attempting to attach forth detaches one of the previous ones before attaching.
Using a USB HUB with MacPro is fine with me – the H9 control app is a bit slow on my iPad.
May 13, 2015 at 12:31 am #139033
ParticipantWelp, I have several old iPad 1's with iOS 5.1.1. This versions Bluetooth can only pair to a maximum of 3 iPad's simutaneously. So I configured each iPad to pair with 2 H9's. Now I need a nice piece of hardware to make two iPad's usable. For a while there I thought I would have to use an iPad 1 for each H9 since I could only pair one H9 at a time. A network reset solved that problem. Good Stuff(tm) Thanks Eventide! 🙂
May 13, 2015 at 9:35 pm #127792
ParticipantRick, if this is an iOS device, perform a "Reset Network Settings" under:
Settings->General->Reset->Reset Network Settings
At first I could only attach to One H9, and only some H9's were even being discovered. After the Network Reset (which will also log you out of a WIFI session), both iPad 1's saw all four H9's, and I could Pair any three H9's I wished. Of course, I wished to Pair only two H9's with each iPad.
May 13, 2015 at 9:47 pm #139046
ParticipantI don't know if you all saw BadMelonFarmers recent post about this problem, but apparently, Apple made some changes in iOS 8.3, and he's now able to connect to 3 H9s on some of his iOS devices where earlier he had only been able to connect to one or two. So, for those of you who had this problem, please upgrade to 8.3 and give it a try.
May 14, 2015 at 9:06 am #139051
ParticipantI have iOS 8.3 on my iPad Air and am still having the same issue. Connect to the first just fine. Attempt to connect to the second and the App briefly says "connected" then quickly reverts to "not connected". The H9 itself never changes (the Bluetooth LED never comes on).
I did a "forget device" on both. Same result.
May 14, 2015 at 9:07 am #139052
ParticipantI also noticed that BadMelonFarmers has an iPad Air 2. I have just the Air (not 2).
May 14, 2015 at 11:06 am #139053
ParticipantI do have an iPad Air 2 now, but did have an Air 1 and it behaved in the same way.
I did a lot of testing and the only common thing I could find in the iPad, iPad Mini, iPhones that I had available to me was that there seemed to be a difference between the 32bit and 64 bit devices .. the newer 64 bit devices allowed less concurrent bluetooth connections.
All 64 bit devices allowed 2 Bluetooth connections
All 32 bit devices allowed 3 Bluetooth connections
I tested the following devices:-
iPad Air 1 – 64 bit
iPad Air 2 – 64 bit
iPone 5s – 64 bit
iPhone 6- 64 bit
iPad Mini – 32 bit
iPad Mini – 32 bit
iPhone 5 – 32 bit
iPhone 5 – 32 bit
since iOS 8.3 the iPad Air and iPhone 6 will now allow me to connect all three of my H9's and in the case of my iPhone and other device as well.
I have not gone back and tested the 32 bit devices and no longer own the iPhone 5S or iPad Air 1
May 14, 2015 at 11:34 am #139054
I have iOS 8.3 on my iPad Air and am still having the same issue. Connect to the first just fine. Attempt to connect to the second and the App briefly says "connected" then quickly reverts to "not connected". The H9 itself never changes (the Bluetooth LED never comes on).
That's a shame. We had filed a bug report with Apple at bugreport.apple.com. After reading our report they asked us to submit a Bluetooth log where we turned on a setting that enabled Bluetooth diagnostic logs and reproduced the problem. If it's important to you to have this working, you may want to consider doing the same.
June 12, 2015 at 4:22 pm #139356
ParticipantI’m a new user with 2 H9s (Core and Max) on my board. They are fantastic!
Also having major Ipad Air issues with connecting via Bluetooth. I have the latest update on pedals and iPad air.
I know that this is a problem because of the number of other users that are also having this same issue. I have an older iPad 2 and it works perfectly with the pedals as they both connect to it without issue.
With the Air, I can get them working but it literally takes me about 5 or 6 tries for the second pedal to connect. The pedal connects perfecting and right away with my older iPad.
Would it be possible to resolve this at some point?
Thx for the great work and the great pedals!
June 25, 2015 at 6:11 pm #139453
ParticipantI have iOS 8.3 on my iPad Air and am still having the same issue. Connect to the first just fine. Attempt to connect to the second and the App briefly says "connected" then quickly reverts to "not connected". The H9 itself never changes (the Bluetooth LED never comes on).
As I mentioned before, I had filed a bug report with Apple about this issue. They sent me an email and asked me to verify whether the problem was fixed in iOS 8.3. I have an iPad Air, and after I upgraded to iOS 8.3, I can’t reproduce the problem any more. It would be helpful if one of you guys that are still having problems using iOS 8.3 could help me submit a Bluetooth diagnostic log to Apple showing the problem.
In order to do create a Bluetooth log, I’m going to need to email you a file to enable Bluetooth logging on your iOS device and instructions, but it’s pretty straight forward to create a Bluetooth log. It shouldn’t take more than five minutes. If anyone can help me out with this, please send an email to my user name plus @eventide.com, or you could email support@eventide.com.
June 25, 2015 at 7:52 pm #139456
Membergkellum, I can still reproduce this problem on my iPad Air, but I can usually work around it by ensuring both eventides report “Connected” before clicking “Allow” to switch to H9. Feel free to email me the info for getting the logs, and I’ll try to get back to you with the logs the next day.
June 25, 2015 at 8:02 pm #139457
ParticipantFeel free to email me the info for getting the logs, and I'll try to get back to you with the logs the next day.
Great! I just sent you an email with the details.
June 25, 2015 at 10:45 pm #139462
ParticipantThx for the response and offer of help for this. I will try it over the weekend and email if I am having issues.
June 26, 2015 at 1:30 pm #139466
Participantdrzissou was kind enough to email me two Bluetooth diagnostic logs and an accompanying video. I just submitted those to Apple. We'll have to keep our fingers crossed and hope they're able to address the problem soon. -
June 26, 2015 at 2:38 pm #139467
Participanthopefully they will find the issue.
Still working fine with me though since 8.3 … moved onto later Betas now and it is still working OK with me (3 H9’s at a time on ipad and 3 H9’s + other bluetooth device on iPhone)
June 30, 2015 at 2:26 am #139507
ParticipantThanks for the info in this thread. I just purchased an Air 2 and was only able to get two of my three H9s to connect. I previously used an older ipad with no issues. I checked my software version and I was on 8.1. I upgraded to 8.3 and all is well with all three H9s present and ready for action.
July 15, 2015 at 2:57 am #139701
ParticipantI’m using IOS 8.4 and the latest H9 software and pedal firmware for both of my H9s.
Still can’t get 2 of them connected at the same time.
Super frustrating.
July 17, 2015 at 6:40 pm #139778
ParticipantPBGas wrote:I'm using IOS 8.4 and the latest H9 software and pedal firmware for both of my H9s.
Still can't get 2 of them connected at the same time.
Super frustrating.
Apple requested that we send them 3 H9s so that they can look into the problem with some specialized Bluetooth tracing hardware that they have in house. So, we've sent them three H9s to look at. I apologize that it's been taking so long to get this fixed, but things are happening…
July 22, 2015 at 11:32 pm #139868
Participantgkellum wrote:PBGas wrote:I'm using IOS 8.4 and the latest H9 software and pedal firmware for both of my H9s.
Still can't get 2 of them connected at the same time.
Super frustrating.
Apple requested that we send them 3 H9s so that they can look into the problem with some specialized Bluetooth tracing hardware that they have in house. So, we've sent them three H9s to look at. I apologize that it's been taking so long to get this fixed, but things are happening…
So many thanks for pursuing this and looking into it. It is much appreciated. In the meantime I picked up a couple of the USB cables to hook up directly to my mac to work with my presets. Good to have as a backup regardless.
July 20, 2015 at 7:30 pm #139829
ParticipantNick, if you get some useful response from Apple, is there some arbitrary limit for 3? It would be nice for 4 H9’s, or even the max of 5 to be managed from the same iOS device.
July 20, 2015 at 9:28 pm #139834SkyWriter wrote:is there some arbitrary limit for 3
gkellum is really the man for this.
But, he says that 3 is a limit set by Apple, so unless you have influence with them, our hands are tied. Sorry.
July 21, 2015 at 1:44 am #139841
ParticipantYeah, sorry Nick, I noticed the wrong name right after I submitted it. Thanks for the info wrt to 3 BT dev’s.
nickrose wrote:SkyWriter wrote:is there some arbitrary limit for 3gkellum is really the man for this.
But, he says that 3 is a limit set by Apple, so unless you have influence with them, our hands are tied. Sorry.
July 20, 2015 at 10:59 pm #139838
ParticipantGood news for me. I was able to connect both H9s simultaneously to my iPad Air. I have recently updated both the iOS and the H9 Control App, so I don’t know which update fixed my issue, but after months of not being able to use my iPad and I am now in business.
July 31, 2015 at 4:14 pm #139980
MemberI recently added a second H9 to my pedalboard and I noticed that I can not consistently get both connected to my IPAD AIR with IOS 8+, any version. Anxious for a fix here in Brentwood, TN. USA
August 16, 2015 at 4:08 pm #140171
ParticipantI am still having issues with connecting both of my H9s at the same time on an iPad air first gen. I just updated to 8.4.1 to see if any changes were made but sadly, still the same. I can connect one or the other but not both at the same time. All of my other blue tooth devices work perfectly with it. I end up using the mini-USBs to connect to my mac mini (bluetooth won’t connect to them on that machine either, sadly but everything else that I bluetooth works flawlessly!)
To me
Either way, I can use both with that method or my older iPad but then the problem exists that I can access the new Crushstation preset with the older iPad.
I’m going to borrow an iPad air 2 to see if that will work and if that is the case, then it may be my only solution to get a new tablet. Really shouldn’t have to to this.
August 16, 2015 at 8:24 pm #140173
ParticipantI have no problem connecting three H9’s to my gen4 iPad. But I have four H9’s. We all the same problem to a different extent. Too bad there is such a limiting case built into BT. I could try USB, but I really don’t want another layer of cables all over the floor
October 6, 2015 at 8:01 pm #140883
MemberHas this issue been resolved? If so what was the resolution?
October 6, 2015 at 8:26 pm #140886
Participantblairbauer wrote:Has this issue been resolved? If so what was the resolution?
Well, we submitted multiple Bluetooth device trace logs to Apple, and they made a change in iOS 8.3 that fixed the problem for some users but not all users. Then, we sent them 3 H9s to test with, and I'm hoping that they might have changed something in iOS 9 to address the problem. But we haven't heard from anyone that after upgrading their problem was resolved. But in any case at this point we've done everything we can to provide information about the problem to Apple, and we're waiting for them to address it.
October 6, 2015 at 8:45 pm #140887
MemberAnd that was back in July. Right? Did apple return the H9s? I ask becasue I just bought my 2nd H9 and I have the exact issue except it’s more intermittent. Sometimes I can pair them both and sometime not. I could not pair them both at a gig I played last weekend to save my soul. Very disheartening.
October 6, 2015 at 8:58 pm #140890
Participantblairbauer wrote:And that was back in July. Right? Did apple return the H9s?
Yes, that was in July. Apple hasn't returned the H9s, but we also wrote on the accompanying note that they didn't have to. I will say though that after they made the aforementioned change in iOS 8.3 they asked us to check whether we were still seeing the problem. They haven't asked us to do that since sending those units in. I don't know if that means that they haven't changed anything or whether that just means b/c they now have 3 units they don't need to ask us to check anything.
October 6, 2015 at 9:23 pm #140892
ParticipantI will test mine again as I have just bought a new iPhone … must say 8.3 fixed the issue for me…. but I will test the latest build of iOS 9 and let you know
October 7, 2015 at 7:14 pm #140932
Participantbadmelonfarmer wrote:I will test mine again as I have just bought a new iPhone … must say 8.3 fixed the issue for me…. but I will test the latest build of iOS 9 and let you know
Just tested with a new iPhone and managed to connect the 3 H9’s and an apple watch all at the same time …iOS 9.02
must say it has worked perfectly since 8.3 for me… very odd
October 8, 2015 at 2:06 pm #140941
MemberI’m still having issues on my iPad Air with iOS 9 (I don’t remember what exact iOS version I have).
I think the issues have been with specific iOS devices from what I recall? Maybe newer iOS devices won’t have the issue?
October 8, 2015 at 9:14 pm #140952
Participantdrzissou wrote:I'm still having issues on my iPad Air with iOS 9 (I don't remember what exact iOS version I have).
I was just looking through the bug that we filed with Apple. drzissou had been kind enough to send us the Bluetooth diagnostic log from his iPad and an accompanying video, and in the video he showed that in the Blutooth Settings screen if he clicked on the buttons to connect to his 2 H9s quickly then both would connect fine. If he clicked on one, waited for it to connect, and then clicked on the other, then he was unable to connect to both at once. You'll see this in about the last minute of his video:
I just got off the phone with another customer who was having this same problem, and the same thing was true in his case as well. If he clicked on the buttons for both H9s quickly, then he could connect to both. Please try this as well and let us know if it helps.
EDIT: I just realized that I was responding to a post by drzissou, asking him to try a solution recommended by drzissou. Sorry drzissou! Got a bit confused. I meant to address your suggestion to the other people on this thread and not you in particular.
September 27, 2016 at 1:53 pm #144487
ParticipantiOS 10 is out now. Has anyone had a chance to check whether this fixes the problem of not being able to connect 2 or 3 H9s to an iPad Air? It fixed the problem with the iPad Air that we have at Eventide.
September 27, 2016 at 6:25 pm #144492
ParticipantOn my iPad mini 2 iOS 10 didn’t fix the problem…
September 27, 2016 at 6:55 pm #144493
Participantorcoaffamato wrote:On my iPad mini 2 iOS 10 didn't fix the problem…
Wow. That's a bummer. Well, Apple asked us to send them a system log from any devices that still have this problem. I just sent you an email with some information about how to do this.
September 27, 2016 at 7:35 pm #144495
ParticipantHi thank you!
I tried again and the second time it seemed to work: I didn’t open the H9 app (I selected ignore on the popup) when only H9 Core was connected and H9 Max was trying to connect, I waited that both were connected (when a second H9 app’s popup appeared). But then I had a new problem: when I closed the H9 app and I tried to open it again it didn’t work ’cause both H9 were disconnected.
I tried other times (rebooting the iPad everytime and switching on and off the two H9), but now I can’t connect both H9 ’cause if I ignore the first H9 app popup a second one doesn’t appear and the H9 Max is disconnected after 4/5 seconds. If I disconnect also the H9 Core and I try to reconnect it I’m not able to do it.
September 29, 2016 at 11:30 am #144510
ParticipantIPAD AIR iOS 10.0.1. Eventide H9 MAX + EVENTIDE H9 CORE.
I can NOT connect at the same time.
September 30, 2016 at 1:46 pm #144516
Participantclemente wrote:IPAD AIR iOS 10.0.1. Eventide H9 MAX + EVENTIDE H9 CORE.
I can NOT connect at the same time.
Ok, I'm sorry to hear that whatever Apple did in iOS 10 didn't fix the problem for you. It did work on the iPad Air we tested. So, I had hoped it would work for everyone. I sent you an email with instructions from Apple about how to collect system log information. If you wouldn't mind doing that, I'll send the info on to Apple so that they can have a look at it.
September 30, 2016 at 12:35 pm #144515
ParticipantI’ve tried everything on the post and what Eventide told me, but I had NO solution.
September 30, 2016 at 3:04 pm #144517
ParticipantOk. I´ll do it.
April 12, 2017 at 2:24 pm #146120
ParticipantNo issue resolved. Only changing my Ipad works. Thanks.
April 14, 2017 at 8:47 am #146150
ParticipantChanged my Ipad is great! I have Ipad 2017 and is fast and secure the connection.
Don’ t get Ipad Air 1 -
May 10, 2017 at 8:19 pm #146346
MemberI’ve been having the same issue with my iPad for a month now. I realized the iPad must be the issure because my iPod allows both of my H9’s with no issues. The Apple Store did a complete system restore on my iPad, but I still can’t get both pedals to stay connected. At one time I could hit the two connect buttons really quick and get them to stay on, but not anymore. It looks like I’ll be investing in a new 2017 iPad soon.
November 30, 2017 at 10:47 am #147782
MemberHi, just wanted to add my contribution. I’m using an iPad Mini 2 recently updated to iOS 11 and was experiencing the same problem of not being able to connect to both of my H9’s. But after reading this thread, I tried the ‘quickly connect both’ and it seems to have worked. Had to wait until the 1st was ‘Connected’ before I could quickly click on the 2nd. Then when the H9 allow/ignore popup appeared for the 1st connection, I selected ignore. When the 2nd popup appeared, I clicked allow and when H9 Control opened, both H9’s were available. Definitely a relief to know there’s a workaround for this that I can live with.
July 24, 2021 at 2:42 pm #158278
MemberSpoderman01 wrote:Hi, just wanted to add my contribution. I’m using an iPad Mini 2 recently updated to iOS 11 and was experiencing the same problem of not being able to connect to both of my H9’s. But after reading this thread, I tried the ‘quickly connect both’ and it seems to have worked. Had to wait until the 1st was ‘Connected’ before I could quickly click on the 2nd. Then when the H9 allow/ignore popup appeared for the 1st connection, I selected ignore. When the 2nd popup appeared, I clicked allow and when H9 Control opened, both H9’s were available. Definitely a relief to know there’s a workaround for this that I can live with.
I want to confirm the above with a slight variation on the above mention workaround,in which in my case i dont press IGNORE
at the first pop up,
1.forget this network on all other bluetooth connected devices
2.Power up the 2 H9s
3.Have them both on a not connected status
4.press connect to the 1st device watching the 2nd blue Led on the pedal.
5.When the second blue Led lights up and the status on ipad shows connected,
6.press quickly connect to the second device,before the 1st pop up window
7.When the 1st pop up appear do nothing it will disapear and soon after a 2nd pop up window appears for approval.
8.Press Allow and watch that the second blue Led on the second device is light up and the Ipad tab sows connected.
9.You now have both units connected .Voila!
IOS 12.8
Ipad Air1
July 24, 2021 at 2:24 pm #158277
MemberHi there!
I just want to confirm from my side the ricklbrand post :
….tried the ‘quickly connect both’ and it seems to have worked. Had to wait until the 1st was ‘Connected’ before I could quickly click on the 2nd. Then when the H9 allow/ignore popup appeared for the 1st connection, I selected ignore. When the 2nd popup appeared, I clicked allow and when H9 Control opened, both H9’s were available. Definitely a relief to know there’s a workaround for this that I can live with.”
In my case strangelly i follow that procedure and worked in an Ipad Air 1st gen.
1.Had all other bluetooth connections command to forget this network
2.Had to power on the H9 first,then the other ,watch the blue leds
3.When the 1rst H9 second blue led lights up,and before the dialogue shows up,i press the connect tab on the other H9.
4.When the first dialogue appear,DONT DO NOTHING!,the dialogue disappear and
5.Then a 2nd dialogue appears,the second blue led on the second device lights up,and then you press the Allow button
6.Now you have 2 devices and 4 blue LED in total steady lghting!
I have not try a for a 3 device yet ,
Try to figure out my absolute dizzyness for have them connected!!!!
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