Boys are back in town?

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    • #111778

      Hey guys! New H9 owner (and a Core also). Does anyone know if the H9 can do the Thin Lizzy/Boys are Back in Town harmonies? If so, would anyone want to share the patch? Big Smile

    • #126308

      Check the "diatonic" algo

    • #126309

      Cool thanks…does anyone have it already programmed? From what I remember, it's a harmony that has to be set up and doesn't really follow a pattern.

    • #137016

      I believe that you're looking for a mixture of thirds and fourths.  You'll have to switch between intervals using some kind of external control.  Pitch Mix between Pitch A & B, or switch A+B intervals via MIDI, aux switches, expression pedal; … something along those lines.  You'll need fast feet, or a pre-programmed solution like a MIDI sequencer, or EHX 8 Step program.

    • #126667

      Looking for a patch for this one as well for the H9

    • #143533

      I am tryng to do the same thing. I’m using an expression pedal to go between the 3rd and 4th harmony. The struggle is to get the bypass on and off quickly when you go back to the verse. If you miss Bypass the first chord back sounds ugly. Trying to figure a way out to have the pedal on 0 be bypass and then when I go above 1/2 its the 4th and 100 the 3rd. Have not been able to get that going yet. This way your foot is always on the expression and not jumping from bypass to expression and vice versa. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated. 

      • #143554
        robgraziano wrote:

        I am tryng to do the same thing. I’m using an expression pedal to go between the 3rd and 4th harmony. The struggle is to get the bypass on and off quickly when you go back to the verse. If you miss Bypass the first chord back sounds ugly. Trying to figure a way out to have the pedal on 0 be bypass and then when I go above 1/2 its the 4th and 100 the 3rd. Have not been able to get that going yet. This way your foot is always on the expression and not jumping from bypass to expression and vice versa. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated. 

        I feel your pain.

        In another thread, someone requested the ability to auto-bypass the wah/pitchflex presets when the expression pedal is heal-down. I think the official response was along the lines of ‘can do’. Perhaps that option can/will be extended to all algorithms? It could certainly be useful in this case.

        More generally, it would be great if we could map specific parameter values to different sub-regions on the expression pedal, in addition to gradually sweeping between two settings, one at each extreme. Like having multiple sub-presets across the sweep.

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