Brand New Unit! Advice on Routing p-p-please

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    • #105921

      That's my best Roger Rabbit. 

      Just got a new H8000FW and I'm anxious to try it out.  I've been messing around with different drivers and issues with my current M-Audio card w/ Eventide.  Finally pulled the 410 out and threw it in the garbage.  I can't suffer someone to even buy that sh!te on Ebay.

      Long story short, after 1 1/2 days of buying cables and reading forums, I'm anxious to hear this thing make a sound.  I'm about burned out on manuals, all though I gave it the good college try.  I can't find a preset for this config… routing utility is made for airforce pilots. (a resize option = classy upgrade)

      I literally have 3-7ish days to mess around until the birth of my first child.  At the same time, components for 2 quad-core computers, sound installation, new speakers/amp, audio interface, 250gb of samples, UAD-2, Liquid Mix, Duende, and Thermionic Culture Vulture are all arriving.

      So here goes the temp dream routing-

      Firewire in- 1&2 direct to Analog 1+2 out.  That's my dry feed from DAW that I want to monitor.

      Firewire in- 3&4 to proc A.  Processor A outs to Firewire out 3&4

      Firewire in 5,6,7,8 to proc B, Proc B to Fire Out 5-8

      I basically want a clean channel plus inserts for DAW.  All the routing presets seemed to either bring it in wet to A or B or waste a processor with a thru.

      I plan to spend time mastering this thing in depth w/ manual after all this craziness, but right now I just want to hear one snare delayed.  One lead w/ reverb…

      thanks for your expert advice-


    • #118023
      Sonic Nomad

        If you're running Windows you should use the Routing Utility. This will make setting up the above configuration a breeze.

         You can find it here;

      • #118027


        I'm up and running. Sounds great so far! Except the unit crashed on me while changing a program on program B that sent an amazingly loud shock through my monitors. I think I'm going to skip the firewire and use Adat into an interface to hopefully avoid that again.

      • #118982


           In the same boat but mac still get no sound is there a routing system for mac?

        • #130084
          Eventide Staff


             In the same boat but mac still get no sound is there a routing system for mac?

            Not at present. Sorry.

            Study the manual assiduously – it's not as hard as people make out.

          • #130085

              Just a fire wire in 1&2 to anolog out 1&2 for moitoring.

            • #130086
              Eventide Staff

                Easy enough. Follow these steps:

                1) [SETUP] [inputs].

                2) turn wheel to right until you see "FWIRE in 1"

                3) down arrow

                4) turn wheel to right until you see "FWIRE in 2"

                The main inputs 1&2 are now set up for FWIRE 1/2. So now, lets connect these to the outputs 1&2:

                5) [outputs]

                6) down arrow once to select (highlight) the first two outputs

                7) turn wheel to left until you see "FWIRE in 1" & 2.  These are the inputs you selected above.

                Job done.

              • #130087

                  Firewire outputs don't seem to be there.

                  main outs 1-8

                  adat 1-8 and

                  aes 11-18?

                  Does it matter which fire wire port i connect it too on the back?

                • #118983
                  Eventide Staff


                    So here goes the temp dream routing-

                    Firewire in- 1&2 direct to Analog 1+2 out.  That's my dry feed from DAW that I want to monitor.

                    Firewire in- 3&4 to proc A.  Processor A outs to Firewire out 3&4

                    Firewire in 5,6,7,8 to proc B, Proc B to Fire Out 5-8

                    1) First you must select FWIRE 1-8 as inputs 1-8. Do this an input at a time (sorry) on [SETUP] [inputs].

                    2) Then [DSP A]. Down arrow twice to select the first 2 inputs. Turn wheel to select FWIRE 3&4.

                    3) Then [DSP B]. Down arrow one to select first 4 inputs. Turn wheel to select FWIRE 5-8.

                    4) Then [output]. Down arrow once to select first twon inputs. Turn wheel to select FWIRE 1&2. This connects FWIRE 1&2 to the first 2 main outputs. These are analog 1&2.

                    5) Then down arrow 3 times to select the seconds pair of outputs. Turn wheel to select "dsp A out 1"-2. This connects these to MAIN out 3 &4, which we will need to feed the FWIRE outs 3-4.

                    6) Then, [output]. Turn wheel until you see "dsp A out 1"-4. This connects these to MAIN outputs 5 -8, which we will need to feed the FWIRE outs 5-8.

                    7) Now, [output] 3 times to display FIREWIRE 1 outputs. Down arrow 5 times to select OUT 3-4. Turn wheel to select MAIN out 3-4, which we set up in (5) above.

                    8) Now right arrow to select OUT 5-8. Turn wheel to select MAIN out 5-8, which we set up in (6) above.

                    Spelling it out like this makes it look much more tedious and difficult than it actually is, but you get the idea …

                  • #130088
                    Eventide Staff


                      Firewire outputs don't seem to be there.

                      main outs 1-8

                      adat 1-8 and

                      aes 11-18?

                      Does it matter which fire wire port i connect it too on the back?

                      FIREWIRE outputs are after AES 11-18.

                      It does not matter which FireWire port you use.

                    • #130089

                        Hey Thanks

                         Think I got it, don't wanna try peep's patience so I will try and crack on with the manual before I resurface with another dumb question.

                        Many Thanks

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