Bug report? ADAT routing mixes up ch1/ch2 etc

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    • #178341

        I’m using H9000 as a USB audio interface.

        H9000 ADAT optical out is connected to Lucid 88192 ADDA.

        When I establish a connection between a USB channel and ADAT out ch1, I get activity on ADAT ch2.

        When I establish a connection between a USB channel and ADAT out ch2, I get activity on ADAT ch1.

        Same mixup for 3/4… I stopped checking the rest after that.

        I’ve tested this through FX, and also on the direct connect screen with all FX assigned to other channels and muted.

        Also… the direct connect page on the H9000 is buggy AF. What the heck! This seems like a majorly easy UI to implement! I don’t know how to say this kindly but on a $10k machine the on-board operations should absolutely work.

      • #178352

          What sampling rate are you using.  If it’s above 48kHz, the channel count will be halved, and how those are duplexed may affect what channel numbers the signal appears on.

          See if you get the same issue at 48kHz.  They certainly work as expected on my H9000 with my RME UFX.

        • #178368

            I’m running at 44.1, I’ll see if i can test in other setups.


          • #178381
            Eventide Staff

              USB audio can complicate your clocking setup, I would suggest using just the H9000 with your other ADAT device to test that the correct channels are passing audio.

              • Load the 1003 Stereo ADAT session
              • Set the H9000 clock source to ADAT or Word Clock if you are syncing to the other device, or use H9000 internal clock and set the other device to sync to the H9000. Confirm that 1 device is synced to the other and all devices are running at the same sample rate.
              • Load the algorithm 13 Oscillator (4400
              • This setup will output a sine wave to ADAT outputs 1-2, and you should be able to monitor them on ADAT inputs 1-2 on your other device.
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