Buy new algorithm when not connected??

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Buy new algorithm when not connected??

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    • #111849

        Is it possible to buy new algorithms in H9 Control when not connected?   The reason is that I am working away from home for a few months and want to purchase some, which I could download to my H9 when I get back.



      • #126513

          No, your H9 has to be connected. We didn't want people to download the app from the AppStore and think that they were buying algorithms that would run on their iPad directly. So, it seemed like the best idea was to only let people buy algorithms when their H9 was connected.

        • #126515

            So, there is no way around this?

            I think you should allow this. I am away from home for 3-5 months and cannot connect to my H9 obviously. If you come out with any new algorithms and offer them for free, then I cannot take advantage of this and will have to buy them later on. 

          • #137207

              If a new algorithm comes out and you can't get it b/c you don't have your H9, just send an email to We're reasonable people… You can link to this forum post if you'd like so the request makes it to me…

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