Bypass Parallel Insert Question

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Bypass Parallel Insert Question

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    • #184672

      Hi – I’ve noticed when you have an insert set to be parallel to the A and B algorithms, then bypass the insert, dry signal goes through the insert path. Is this by design? I was expecting it would mute the insert. My use case is a delay on the insert in which the delay pedal is in kill dry mode. I wanted to map an external foot switch to enable/bypass the inserted delay, but when I bypass I get doubled dry signal.


      I understand why it would work this way im series of course, but it seems it should mute in parallel.


    • #184683
      Eventide Staff


      Yes, it is by design that bypassing the insert will always pass the signal through. There is no logic for it to mute the insert when it is in parallel, but that is a good feature request and we can look into adding this behavior in a future update.

      If your delay pedal is in kill dry, you can try bypassing the delay pedal and that should mute the signal.

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