C_IMPULSE Question (H8000 v. 5.3)

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    • #106081


      For some reason I cant seem to get a steady pulse train out of the c_impulse module.
      I think Im just doing something wrong 😛

      To demonstrate this I attached a very small text example….
      When the pulse train is set to 8 Hz, I hear a group of evenly spaced pulses followed by a hiccup.

      Probably my fault, Im too used to my G2 😛

      I am c_floping an oswitch here, but have tried various other configurations with the same results….. it's almost as if c_impulse is beating against another signal and I am hearing the interference pattern.

      HEADM adc 2 2 oswitch-out2 adc-null Empty Empty 3 c_flop-obj c_impulse-obj adc-nullobj
      C_FLOP c_flop 0 0 c_impulse-out
      C_IMPULSE c_impulse 8
      OSWITCH oswitch 2 adc-in1 c_flop-out
      TAIL tail

    • #118317
      Eventide Staff

         Control signals are not really suitable for true real-time use, as they can speed up and slow down and even go away for fractions of a second when the machine is busy. This may be what you are seeing, although reliable operation at 8Hz should be achievable.

         Either way, if you are using a signal to directly modulate audio, as in this case, you may prefer to use an actual audio module, such as LFO.

      • #118318

        Hi Nick

        Thanks for the response….. I will definitely be using LFO for certain things 🙂

        As for c_impulse….
        I understand control signals have a lower scan rate than audio signals, but it just seems fishy to me that c_impulse would become unstable after only 4 Hertz. Especially if it's range is supposed to be 0 to 20000!

        "Control signals are not really suitable for true real-time use, as they can speed up and slow down and even go away for fractions of a second when the machine is busy."

        Well, I do agree…. but the thing that is strange about this is Im putting no load whatsoever on the H8000 No Control Voltage scanning, no big patches, just that one little switch.

        I guess Im just not proud of the fact I can tap out a more accurate pulse train on a toggle switch 🙁

        Were you able to see what I am talking about on your end?
        1,2,3,4 Hz ok….. then it starts getting unstable.

        Maybe we should rename this module c_rand_impulse?

        Just Kidding on the last bit 😉


        "c_impulse creates a pulse train with a variable frequency. Each impulse is a control signal trigger where the output is high for one update cycle.

        Control inputs:
        How many pulses per second. Range 0 to 20000."

      • #129420

         You may want to check out preset 5813 Himalayan Heights where the arpeggio created w/Karplus-Strong syntesis is sequenced thru a number of switches created with Lfo+A_C+switch modules. This is pretty precise.



      • #129425

        Hey Italo,

        This is such a great patch!! I think I am going to crash on the couch in here tonight so I can listen to this while I sleep 🙂

        Anyway….. I just opened 5813 Himalayan Heights but this is what it looks like on my screen 😛
        (all modules smushed on left)

        I know this happens with the user presets but now it's starting to happen with factory presets pulled straight from the tide. Anything I can do to stop this?

        I will try looking at the signal flow / moving stuff around, but it's hard to visualize the flow when it's all bunched together…… At least I have a nice soothing patch to listen to while I dig around 🙂


      • #129426

         Yes, it's a nice one!

        Check if VsigX has a "reorder" or similar function, as Vsig has.

        What you see happens with any preset downloaded from the H8000, doesn't matter if it's factory or user's ones.



      • #129427

        Hmmmmmm…. so today (to my surprise) I pulled the Himalayan Heights patch of the Eventide and it looks like this!! 🙂 Yeay!

        This makes the signal flow way easier to deal with!! It's a lot more fun too!!
        I am trying to figure out what might have changed between today and yesterday 😛

        >>"Check if VsigX has a "reorder" or similar function, as Vsig has.">>

        On my version of vSigX there is a reorder button but it doesn't seem to do anything….. If the factory patch (pulled from the eventide) arrives flattened, the reorder button will not fix this.

        In vSig, does the reorder button unflatten the patch? If so….. that's handy!

        For me I would say 90% of the factory patches pulled off the eventide with vSigX maintain all positional data.

        After launching vSigX I go to "show patch view". This makes a list of all the patches in the eventide…. Clicking once on a patch in the list it loads it to the Eventide. Clicking twice on a patch loads it to the Eventide and also pulls it up on screen. (like the patch above) Is this similar to how vSig Works?

        Positional data is very important to me….. Especially after working with so many circuit schematics 😛 I really like to trace the signal flow with my eyes.

        I wish I was better at reading the .sigs in text format but I'm not 🙁 Maybe this will come in time? Do you read them in txt format often?

        If I had to read a circuit schematic in one dimension I would go insane, lol

        Thank you for your help Italo!


      • #129434

        When you get a preset from the Eventide, it is showed in a long series of vertically aligned modules. The bigger the preset, the longer will be the stack. In Vsigfile reordering works quite well, as a starting point, then you'll proceed to more detailed work in this direction. The thing is different with user created presets stored to the computer hd. These *always* maintain the user stored graphic layout, so they are worth being usd for further editing.

        Vsigfile has many useful functions like Show/Audio/Control/Miscellaneous/Unconnects/All which allow to hide/show categories of modules you may not need to look at, in a specific moment. This helps a lot in focusing on the Audio modules routing, or Control or else….

        I do look at both text and graphic modes. Text is very important as it allows the true ordering of modules.



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