Can DSP 4000 do the things H3000 does?

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    • #105663

      Currently I have H3000 D/SE, but I'm getting my DSP 4000 next week.
      If DSP 4000 can do all the things that H3000 D/SE does, I'm considering to sell H3000
      D/SE. Actually I just need one harmonizer(of course more is better, but not for me)
      Someone says 4000 is a little sterile than H3000, but not a serious problem.
      Famous guys like Moby, Bob Power, Bob Clearmountain, The Chemical Bros, etc.. still
      using 4000 on their latest album..
      So please let me know your opinion. thanks in advance


    • #117536


      every unit does things others don't. A few things are unique to the 3000…while a few hundreds are unique to the 4000.


    • #117537

      thank you for fast and kind answer always..ID..:) It's so painful that I should give up one unit.. :(..Of course I know H3000 has its own unique and warm texture..but I thought 4000 has more power than 3000 and flexibility..

      ID, what do you think of 4000? I've found that used price of H3000 doesn't make big difference with 4000 price.. I think 4000 is somewhat underrated.. maybe people prefer 3000's sound to 4000 more?

      sorry 4 stupid question..but I wanna know thanks



    • #128696

      Well…when the 4000 came out, I got rid of my 3000D/SX right away and got it. The fact I could build my own algorithms was and still *IS* the main reason no other unit/brand makes sense to me.

      Today I would consider something more "modern" than a 4000 anyway…to get more power than that….. 7000/7500 or 7600…that's a smarter choice.

      Eventides do sound good!

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