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November 12, 2009 at 5:21 pm #106627
I recently purchased a new Eclipse V4. Absolutely love it. Of course the new V4 software inclues the Timefactor and Modfactor presets. So cool!
I am very much wanting the Pitchfactor arpeggiator presets….and have considered purchasing a Pitchfactor just for this….but frankly after just spending a large sum on my new Eclipse, I am reluctant to spend another $499 on a Pitchfactor….and something tells me that the more advanced Eclipse should be able to do the same things….am I wrong. Isn't he Pitchfactor mostly (if not completely) redundant to the Eclipse? I understand that the actual presets from the Pitchfactor are not included at this time in V4….but can I use this advanced Harmonizer (Eclipse) to create the same type of effect(s) as the arpeggiator in the Pitchfactor?
Now I'm not too much of a programmer…..so are there any presets for the Eclipse that approach the arpeggiator in Pitchfactor?
Any chance that the Pitchfactor presets will appear in an Eclipse software update in the future?
Any guidance or direction will be greatly appreciated.
Most sincerely….
November 12, 2009 at 5:39 pm #119454
Since V4.0 has only just been released, it is too early to say either when the next version will appear or what will be in it.
There are technical reasons that make it difficult to add PF presets to Eclipse – these may or may not prove surmountable.
November 12, 2009 at 5:46 pm #119455
Does this mean that the current Eclipse V4 has no capabilities or presets/algorithms of its own which can emulate the arpeggiator presets in the Pitchfactor?
I just don't want to buy a Pitchfactor is the Eclipse is capable of doing essentially the same things.
Thank you again,
November 12, 2009 at 8:02 pm #130582
You can do pitch shift arpeggios on the Eclipse, up to 8 voices, using up to 2 seconds delay time per voice or Tap tempo. Is that what you need?
November 12, 2009 at 10:06 pm #130583
Thanks for the info! Are there any presets on the Eclipse V4 that showcase this particular effect? Are there any substantial differences between the implementation on the Eclipse for an arpeggiator effect than on the Pitchfactor?
Thanks again!
November 13, 2009 at 9:47 am #130585
there are differences between the 2 units regarding arpeggios. Eclipse uses delays whereas Pitch Factor HarPeggiator creates dual 16-step arpeggios that combine three elements:
1) dual 16-step pitch-shift sequencer
2) dual 16-step rhythm sequencer
3) dual 16-step effect sequencerYou may want to check its user manual for more details.
They are very different.
January 31, 2010 at 6:56 pm #131063
So can we ever expect the eclipse to have similar 16-step moudulations of effects?
February 1, 2010 at 7:23 am #131066
there is no way to know this. All products have their own "thing", so some aspects may just remain available in specific units. There are technical reasons too for this, as explained in a previous post.
all the best
February 2, 2010 at 3:43 am #131074
ok, lets just put the pitch factor aside (even though the mod and time factor seem like they hint to everyone want the request over and over for the pitch factor in the ecplipse… because if they already put the mod and time factor in, you will see many expectations for pitch to be added too since i am not the only one who is expecting this…, and not the only one who paid for a multiple effects unit that could do everything the stopms do… i had the stomps and one would expect the eclipse to outshine all three.. it is obvious why)
but putting that aside, it would just seem a necessary thing to add a step modulator into an FX unit that costs a person 2400 dollars and (pitch factor has it and its a fifth of the price). it just seems a little bit strange to me and everyone else and also a big loss not to have something similar to what is in a unit that is not as professional oriented as this one.
February 2, 2010 at 8:05 am #131075
there are hundred of fx the Eclipse has and the pedals don't. A pro unit doesn't necessarily need to have a specific effect like a stepmodulator. It may or may not be in there. There are units costing 5 to 10 grands having no such effect…and they truly are pro. So the question is not really standing on this subject.
As explained before, some effects can be added as we already did with the first 2 pedals. Others may require a work that is not viable for many technical reasons. These units are born almost a decade apart and things have changed a lot…and price doesn't really matter.
So, we may or may not do this addition to Eclipse… but in the meantime, if step modulation is such a vital thing for you, you may consider the open platform H-series where this and other powerful aspects are available, using Vsig algorithm editor.
kind regards
February 3, 2010 at 3:46 am #131088
Ok, well I guess this is not too important… but I hope my request is not too much to ask, because it is the only other mod source i think is needed in addition to a patternized slicer. Are these simply insurmountable as you said earlier?
I own an access virus and I went through all the mod sources… and there were things I would not at all expect in the eclipse (like velocity as mod source, oscillators as sources, portameno and other things meant more for synthesizers and keyboards), but for guitar players, I think the customizable stepper and a patterned slicer with many patterns and customizable patterns also integratable with the stepper – is the only other mod sources I will ever request as necessary in the eclipse, since the pitch shifter scales are customizable, might as well just make steppers and slicers customizable too is my logic here. There is nothing else I can see any other guitar player requesting for the eclipse… so can you kindly please at least
forward my requests to the engineers of the next software release? So far we have LFO as mod source, MIDI pedal as Mod source, Envelope Mod Source, Ring Mod, Hot Key Parameter Modulation, and I forget the others,but this thing truly and honestly needs 1) a cutomizable steppe, and 2 – a pattern slicer – straight up… because i really hope i dont have to buy the pitch factor in addition to the Boss Slicer pedal because me and many other guitar players who are buying this unit are doing everything they can to clean up their pedal real estate on stage. I hope this is not selfish but i can assure you there is nothing else i would request.
April 18, 2010 at 3:16 pm #131511
i wish i would have gotten the H7600 since i could have easily did that on my financing account. I bought an eventide with the sure knowledge that all my effects would be provided. i still like the eclipse somewhat, but to make a purchase like this worth my money i would have gotten a far better value from the H7600… it is unfortunate that the eclipse does not have many of those effects, and i do not think it is worth the 2200 price tag i paid for it, as i could have gotten the exact same results from the Rocktron Xpression – i actually owned this, paid 400, and sold it to buy the eclipse, which i think is worth maybe around 1200-1300, and definetly not 2200. Now i have to buy a 7600 as well.
April 19, 2010 at 5:35 am #131518
Hi Zap
you forget the following:
-no 1 space rack fx unit in the market provides the number and variety of algorithms of the Eclipse.
-Eclipse audio quality is far superior.
-in the internet era, where factory documentation and pre/post sales support are available on the web, always check what a product does before buying…to make sure it fulfills personal needs.
kind regards
April 19, 2010 at 4:00 pm #131530
I would also add that the Eclipse was the same price before it had the TimeFactor and ModFactor Presets. These effects were added as a FREE upgrade to all Eclipse owners- proof that Eventide improves on their products long after the initial purchase.
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