Can the Eclipse do what the D/SE can at all?

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    • #105594

        Does the Eclipse feature anything similar to the Mod Factory
        algorithms in the H3000 D/SE and is it capable of similar or better spacial imaging
        effects with similar flexibility?

        It's advertised as 5 times faster than H3000, so one might assume it's
        some kind of much better H3000, but is it actually as flexible as a
        D/SE or is it aimed more at people who don't want to mess with
        parameters? What about things like diatonic/stereo/etc shift, swept
        combs, swept reverb, digiplex?

      • #117409

        Eclipse offers many of the H3000 algorithms, some under different names. It doesn't have the modular  ones as we have open platform units (DSP/H series) on which things can be built w/Vsigfile editor.

        The 5x power is reflected in the fact the unit has many more algorithms the 3000 doesn't have and in the possibility to run more fx at the same time, which the 3000 can't do at all.

        All the shifters are in there with more voices, tap tempo and 2 seconds delay per voice. Reverbs with modulation are there. Multivoice modulated delays are there. 20 sec delays are there…….


      • #117410

          OK, it offers most, but in short it doesn't offer similar spacial imaging capabilities? That's what I'm most interested in. I suppose I'll have to use either an H3000 D/SE or a newer H or DSP series processor for that?

        • #128536

           The spacial imaging is something you can create in the H-series, using Vsigfile editor.

          The open platform allows building of these algorithms.


        • #128537

            OK, thanks.

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