Can the H9 sum the two Mono inputs before effecting them?

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    • #115742

        Hi folks,

        I use my H9 max with synthesizers. In a live situation I have two Mono synths i would like to run thru the H9. And I would love to just hook up both to the H9 before sending the stereo out to a mixer. Is there a way to mix the 2 Mono to one stereo signal pre FX ? I already saw similar questions here. But no real solution. And the routing options in the general settings seem not to be able to do this.

        Thank you.


      • #153978
        Eventide Staff
          FrankvonWelt wrote:
          Hi folks, I use my H9 max with synthesizers. In a live situation I have two Mono synths i would like to run thru the H9. And I would love to just hook up both to the H9 before sending the stereo out to a mixer. Is there a way to mix the 2 Mono to one stereo signal pre FX ? I already saw similar questions here. But no real solution. And the routing options in the general settings seem not to be able to do this. Thank you. Frank

          If you just want to sum the two mono inputs, you would need a mixer or something similar. You can also plug 2 synths into the input 1 & 2 jacks of the H9. But in this case the effect applied to both inputs might be different. For example, if the Delay Mix or Pitch Mix is at A10+B10, the Delay/Pitch A will affect the input 1, and the Delay/Pitch B will affect the input 2

        • #153979

            Mh yes Plugin both in will not be the Same .. at the end Synth 1 will be on the left only. Synth 2 on the right only … and it depends on the the defect if some material from synth 1‘s wet Signal will be heated on the other side ..
            i know an external mixer would do the job but I don’t wanna carry 2 mixers and avoid extra gear just for such a „tiny“ purpose .. maybe Eventide will add this to a future firmware ..

          • #153986

              You could use sort of fixed “mixing” cable. Two Y cables might do. Or EHX Stereo pedal might be cool. You could do dynamic panning of synths…..

            • #154073

                Saturn Works has a cheap sum mixer pedal with volume controls. It’s about the size of a mini pedal.

              • #154078

                  technically, the Looper ALgo, does Sum the L & R inputs to Mono to record the loop, and then doubles the Mono Signal onto the L & R channels, so this should be possible through firmware, but seeing the staff answer above does make sense too.

                  I really feel this might be possible though.

                • #154088
                  Eventide Staff
                  • #154079
                      bohan wrote:
                      FrankvonWelt wrote:
                      Hi folks, I use my H9 max with synthesizers. In a live situation I have two Mono synths i would like to run thru the H9. And I would love to just hook up both to the H9 before sending the stereo out to a mixer. Is there a way to mix the 2 Mono to one stereo signal pre FX ? I already saw similar questions here. But no real solution. And the routing options in the general settings seem not to be able to do this. Thank you. Frank

                      If you just want to sum the two mono inputs, you would need a mixer or something similar. You can also plug 2 synths into the input 1 & 2 jacks of the H9. But in this case the effect applied to both inputs might be different. For example, if the Delay Mix or Pitch Mix is at A10+B10, the Delay/Pitch A will affect the input 1, and the Delay/Pitch B will affect the input 2

                      Thank you. No it’s not just mixing. But at the moment i will hear one synth only on the left side and the other one only on the right side. (Plus maybe some stereo wet signal on the stereo out. It would just be nice to center them both at the stereo output before effecting them.
                      I know that an extra mixer will solve this problem but in a Club the room I get is always limited and I don’t wanna carry a second mixer with me just for this use case. Let’s say I ask for this as a feature request. Maybe you consider to do this one day in a future firmware update.

                    • #154080
                        PhaseShift wrote:
                        I really feel this might be possible though.

                        So do I 🙂

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