Can you assign two switches to one parameter?

Home Forums Products Rackmount Can you assign two switches to one parameter?

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    • #105500

      Hi Italo,

      In a tremolo program (with block A – fm trem, block B – reverb 8), I would like to assign two switches on my all access controller, one that doubles the tremolo rate and one that halves the tremolo rate. I can assign one or the other but cannot find a way to assign both to this task. Is it possible, or if not, can you suggest a work-around (other than two programs!)?

      Thank you,


    • #117242

      Hi Sache

      you can't assign two different modulation sources to the same parameter. I have no tricks around this.



    • #117243

       Actually…… MIDI could do the trick.

      Try assigning the rate to a MIDI CC# message. If your MIDI pedalboard allows to program MIDI CCs for any switch, you could have the sme CC# assigned to 2 switches. You need to program different range values for each switch.

      If the max value set in Eclipse patching is 4 Hz, the first switch should send out a CC with value 127 to reach 4 Hz. The second CC should send out the same CC# with a value of 64. It's a bit tricky, but may work.


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