Can you recommend a CF card for my H7600?

Home Forums Products Rackmount Can you recommend a CF card for my H7600?

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    • #108224

      I am looking for a Compact Flash card to use with my H7600 and wanted to ask if you can recommend me some. You advised me not to use more than 8GB, has anyone tried a higher capacity and it works well? As for speed, what if I buy a high-speed card will improve the loading speed of sound files in the sampler? How many megabytes per second do you recommend?

    • #122885
      Eventide Staff

      We recommend Sandisk, cos they invented the format, so probably know something. Any reputable brand should be OK.

      The loading speed is not affected by card type.

    • #122886

      Hi Nickrose. Thanks for your fast answer. When you say that "the loading speed is not affected by card type" do you mean that a 60mb/s card won't load faster than 30mb/s? or do you mean that a brand won't be faster than another? Is the CF converter limiting the speed?

    • #122887

      I'm looking for one to speed up sound file loading times and get high storage capacity. Wich one do you recommend me better from this two?

      1) SANDISK CF EXTREME 8GB 60m/s

      2) SANDISK CF EXTREME PRO 16GB 90m/s


    • #134023
      Eventide Staff

      Not tested either so cannot say.

      As before, loading time is not affected by the card. Saving time might be.

      Again, I'm concerned about large cards – there will be a point where it breaks, but can't say when that would be. I'd recommend 2G or below –  when these units were designed, 64MB was a big card.

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