can’t change parameters on Band Delays and others

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    • #105209

      Posted by aaronkeane

      Mac G5 OSX 10.3.7, PT HD.
      Band Delays/ Bright Stereo Voc (and others)
      Feedback and feedback delay settings can’t be changed. It’s set on 100 percent! I’ve noticed this problem on a few of the other presets. Other than this I’m so happy, it’s almost like the old days!


    • #116705

      Posted by Dan


      One of the powerful features of BandDelays which comes from the H3000, is the ability to modulate parameters from a number of different sources. In this instance the Feedback parameter is patched to modulation from “softkey 4”, which in this preset is entitled “Decay”. (When a parameter is patched to modulation it becomes a dull orange instead of the bright green it normally is.) If you change the decay parameter by either clicking on the number and dragging, or selecting the softkey and moving the big knob, it will change the Feedback amount.

      I hope this answers your question, and if you have any others please let me know.


    • #116706

      Posted by aaronkeane

      OKAY.. got it. I see now how to figure out when the param will not change.

      thanks Dan.


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