Can’t get my system to sync properly!

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    • #105382

        Hi, I am having problems setting my H8000FW up without the occaional click and pop while I have my sound card(kore by native instruments)and H8000 setup as an aggregate device. The H8000 is the clock master(I tried the kores as master and it was worse) and the internal clock of the H8000 is set to 44.1 as is my daw.
        I dont now what would be making my system hiccup, maybe the kore sound card is the culprit I just wish I could find a solution. The only output the kore has is a spdif output I don't know if this could be used to sync the clock or not though? Anybody have any Ideas?
        Thanks, Alvin

      • #117018

        Hi Alvin

        the H8000FW S/Pdif 1/2 connector can't be used for external clock.

        You should use S/Pdif 3/4. Enable this connection setting DIN: 11/12 under SETUP > INPUTS menupage.

        When using S/Pdif (or analog/AES-EBU/ADAT) you don't need to aggregate the H8000FW. Aggregation exclusively refers to using the FireWire driver.



      • #117019

          Hi, thank you very much IDeangelis, I will give this a try in the morning!

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