Can’t Load Blackhole VST – Fatal Error Message

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    • #113639

        I can’t load the Blackhole VST due to a Fatal Error … a screen shot of the error message is attached.

        I have contacted support but perhaps someone here has had this problem and can tell me how to fix it on my own.

        System specs are:

        Windows 10 x64 v1511 – fully up to date – last update was 8/9/16

        Reaper x64 v5.22 – latest

        iLok License Manager v 3.0.3 – latest


        32Gb RAM

        Nothing overclocked.








      • #144115

          I have the same problem in abletone with ultraverb, blackhole, ultrachannel, band delay, but the H910 works proprertly. I thing problem with compatibility the new version the Ilock and plugins version 2.2.2


          • #144125
            Eventide Staff
              Bionoid3000 wrote:

              I have the same problem in abletone with ultraverb, blackhole, ultrachannel, band delay, but the H910 works proprertly. I thing problem with compatibility the new version the Ilock and plugins version 2.2.2

              Hi Bionoid3000-

              Are all of the plug-ins you mentioned version 2.2.2? What version is H910? What version of iLok License manager are you running?

              Additionally, what is your operating system, and are you using 32-bit or 64-bit?



          • #144124
            Eventide Staff

              Hi KenB-

              What version of Blackhole are you running?



            • #144126
              Eventide Staff

                Hi Guys-

                After doing some investigating, this seems to a problem with many iLok based plug-ins, that has come up in the past few days. Can you try the following steps and let me know if it solves your issue?

                1) Deactivate all Eventide iLok licenses on your computer using the iLok License Manager. 

                2) Reescan for your plugins into your DAW. 

                3) The plugin will ask for activation (in the reescan process). Don't activate throught this window. Instead, go back to the iLok license Manager and activate the license there. The activation window in your DAW should go away

                4) Repeat step 3 for all of your Eventide plug-ins having this issue.

                Let me know if that helps solve your problem.





              • #144128


                  I’m using Blackhole v2.1.7



                • #144130
                  Eventide Staff

                    Hi KenB-

                    Did trying the steps I outlined above fix your problem?



                  • #144131

                      I received a reply from iLok to my support ticket. They recommended the following … this is for Windows:

                      1. Go to Services > Right click PACE License Services > choose Stop to turn the service off

                      2. Go to Program DataPACEEden > delete or remove all .sbd files

                      3. Go to Services > Right click PACE License Services > choose Start to turn the service on

                      I did these 3 steps and then rebooted.

                      Next I clicked on an iLok protected item that was previously blocked and a window popped up that was titled Updating License Storage.

                      After that all of my iLok protected items were working.

                      None of my license uses were incremented as a result of the process.




                    • #144132


                        I posted an answer but for some reason it didn’t show up … so here it is again.

                        I received a reply from iLok ot my support ticket. They recommended the following … this is for Windows.

                        1. Go to Services > right click PACE License Services > choose Stop to turn the service off

                        2. Go to Program DataPACEEden > delete or remove all .sbd files

                        3. Go to Services > right click PACE License Services > choose Start to turn the service on

                        I did these 3 steps and rebooted.

                        Next I clicked on an iLok protected item that was previously blocked and a window popped up that was titled Updating License Storage.

                        After that all of my iLok protected items were working.

                        None of my license uses were incremented as a result of the process.




                      • #144134
                        Eventide Staff


                          Glad to hear you got it working.

                          For any other users that have experienced this issue, there is now a fix that has been published. Please do the following to resolve the issue:

                          1) Run the iLok License Manager. You will see a progress bar as the local license database is being updated. Wait until the progress bar is done before quitting the iLok License Manager. 

                          2) Open your DAW as normal

                          — or —

                          1) Open your DAW.

                          2) Your DAW should run the activation experience as it tries to scan your plug-ins. You will see a progress bar as the local license database is being updated.



                        • #144171

                          I have the same problem with UltraReverb, I can not make it load in any of my projects (both in ableton and reaper). when ever I open a project I get the message that the plugin can not be found, I can put a new instance of it and save, but then loading the project again, same message.


                          I have tried uninstalling reinstalling deactivating reactivating in all different permutations…. I have also tried the solution mentioned before (deleting the pace file) but alas, nothing is working!!!!!! this is getting too much for me! every project I ever did has atleast one ultrareverb on it, and I have a lot of work to do!!!! Please help!!!!

                          • #144175
                            Eventide Staff

                              I have the same problem with UltraReverb, I can not make it load in any of my projects (both in ableton and reaper). when ever I open a project I get the message that the plugin can not be found, I can put a new instance of it and save, but then loading the project again, same message.


                              I have tried uninstalling reinstalling deactivating reactivating in all different permutations…. I have also tried the solution mentioned before (deleting the pace file) but alas, nothing is working!!!!!! this is getting too much for me! every project I ever did has atleast one ultrareverb on it, and I have a lot of work to do!!!! Please help!!!!


                              Is the message you're getting that UltraReverb cannot be loaded, or that it cannot be found? What operating system are you using, and are you using host based licensing, or an iLok dongle? Did you install or update any other software recently?

                              Two things to try: make sure you have the lates version of UltraReverb (, and iLok License Manager ( Additionally, did you try the steps that I outlined in my last post? Is your computer connected to the internet?

                              Let me know,


                            • #144177
                              TLongabaugh wrote:


                              Is the message you’re getting that UltraReverb cannot be loaded, or that it cannot be found? What operating system are you using, and are you using host based licensing, or an iLok dongle? Did you install or update any other software recently?

                              Two things to try: make sure you have the lates version of UltraReverb (, and iLok License Manager ( Additionally, did you try the steps that I outlined in my last post? Is your computer connected to the internet?

                              Let me know,



                              Hello tom

                              Yes my post was lacking many details, but that’s because I already gave all these detials in the three contact forms I have sent to support…. but lets not point fingers here the important thing is that we are here now and we will solve my problem! yey

                              to answer your qustions- live says can not be plugin can not be found, I am useing windows 10, with ilok License Manager, this whole mess started after I installed Zynaptiq Adaptiverb which I immediately erased. I have all the last versions of all programs, I have tried every solution mentioned i this thread, my computer is connected to the internet. 

                              Thank you



                          • #144178
                            Eventide Staff

                              Hi Ofer-

                              Sorry about that, our regular support tech is on vacation this week and we've been trying to keep up. I found your support ticket though, I'll email you there in a sec.


                            • #144181
                              Eventide Staff

                                If anyone has a similar issue to's, where following the above steps does not solve the problem, please email referencing this post, and ask to have it referred to me.


                              • #176291

                                  Wow this is frustrating, you’d think plugins that cost over $400 dollars would run seamlessly.


                                  I’m using a macbook pro, and i’m trying to activate these plugins and none of the solutions above are working. Maybe its due to being a mac, or the fact that this thread is so old, but in any case someone should have posted both windows and a mac solution.

                                  • #176301
                                    Eventide Staff


                                      Please email with the following and we will try and assist you further.

                                      • Your OS / DAW versions
                                      • Your iLok account name
                                      • Which plugin(s) you are experiencing errors with
                                      • A short description of the issue and error messages you are seeing


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