Can’t Update Micropitch from version 1.0.1 [0]

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Can’t Update Micropitch from version 1.0.1 [0]

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    • #186110

      Hello I am trying to update the firmware on my Micropitch delay.  I have it connected to my Mac running Catalina version of OSX using EDM version 2.0.1.

      When I try to update to any of the versions listed the pedal goes into a mode where the 1 and the 5 preset lights blink. There is a click sound. The the software on the mac stops working (spinning ball).  I have to force-quit the EDM and reboot the Micropitch to get things back running.  The pedal never updates.  Have left it in update mode for hours to make sure I am not interrupting any process, but it looks like the software just locks up and the update never processes.

      I have disconnected all cables etc. while running the updates as well.

      I see there is a way to upload the firmware from a file, but I don’t see anywhere that I can download the update files.

      Can someone help me with this?

    • #186116
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry for the issues you are having. We are working towards having the dot9 pedals use H90 Control instead of EDM.

      Please try downloading H90 Control public beta v1.8.6 and attempt the update using that app instead:

      Let me know if that works.

    • #186128

      Thank you for the quick response.  Your solution worked!  I was able to update using the H90 Control beta software.

    • #186135
      Eventide Staff

      Great to hear! Thanks for reporting back.

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